/- I am a CS:GO Smurf -\
Monitor: LCD 1440p 1ms @144hz. Playing @720P / Ultra settings 350+ FPS
GPU: Geforce GTX 780TI
CPU: Intel® Core™ i7-4770K Overclocked 4.5Ghz
PSU: 1000 Watt
Mouse: Corsair m95 (white color)
Keyboard: Logitech G710+
CS:GO cfg: by n0thing and ScreaM Tickrate 128 rate: 128000
DPI on fly switch: 350 DPI / 400 DPI / 800 DPI and 1300 DPI
Mouse max dpi: 8000

Main account: Global Elite
Second main account: SMFC (Supreme Master First Class)

Alts: Unranked up to SMFC.
Vac banneds: None.
Reports by: Everyone cry babies.
Main server: ESEA
Alt Server: Vac secured.
Fun servers: Zombie hunt.
Currently Offline
1 game ban on record | Info
2949 day(s) since last ban