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Recente recensies door Chaotix

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3 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
1.8 uur in totaal
If you've ever loved one of those old Don Simpson / Jerry Bruckheimer action flicks like Top Gun or The Rock, then I guarantee that you will extract an immense sense of satisfaction and joy from playing Split/Second. Yes it's a straight xbox 360 port which as-such is locked to 30fps for technical reasons which apparently cannot be undone, but don't let that detract from what is a highly unique and explosive driving experience.
Geplaatst 11 november 2016.
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54.5 uur in totaal (45.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
A pretty good package overall, especially if you're a fan of co-op gameplay. Everything here is doable in co-op, from the campaign to the multiplayer, through to zombies and even the top-down twin stick shooter mini game. It's all also pretty fun! I wasn't a fan of the more vertically-aware multiplayer which advanced warfare introduced, however here it has been refined to the point where it's fairly viable and enjoyable.

As for zombies, i've never been a fan previously, but here it's a fairly solid, hardcore gaming experience, and I can see finally see why so many people get off on it. Where most games would hold your hand, BO3 zombies spits in your face and laughs at you, I can only respect it for that.
Geplaatst 11 november 2016.
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1.3 uur in totaal
An arcade classic with flawless online co-op. Really well drawn with SNK's superb hallmark 2D animation style. Not really a lot not to like here. I'd like to see more online co-op options in these arcade ports please SNK, it makes them all the more worth picking up again.
Geplaatst 11 november 2016.
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3.0 uur in totaal (1.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Flying mega demons will destroy your soul again and again, and you'll love it and immediately want them to try and do it again. Visually looks like something you'd get off a cd on the front of a magazine in 1996, with demonic sound design from the far future. Check it out and let me know how many times you ♥♥♥♥ your pants.
Geplaatst 11 november 2016.
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2 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
262.0 uur in totaal (251.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Fallout 3 was a complete game changer for me. It really showed me what an immersive experience a decent first person RPG could be. As a consequence my personal hype levels for 4 were at a peak when they revealed the game. Upon having thrashed it into the ground, unlocked every achievement and sampled every aspect of the DLC, I can honestly say I have enjoyed the experience. I went all the way to level 100, finished every alternative ending and completed pretty much every quest it threw at me. I will step back into it soon to sample Survival mode, and when they release the VR compatibility it may well be the killer app many of us need to commit to VR.

I do have a few criticisms of the game, but in truth they probably only exist because I regard Fallout 3 so highly. The overall story here just didn't seem as epic and involving as that of the previous game. I think this is a consequence of having so many different endgames. In 3 it was one way or the other. Here it's one of 4 ways via multiple intersections, some of which are very dull and badly written conclusions to what by all accounts is an epic journey. Also I didn't like the lack of a visible karma system in the pipboy (the thing that tells you whether your good or bad or somewhere inbetween). I realise this is represented in the way your relationships with the various characters unfold, but not having a visual reference to how holy / evil you is something I miss.

Overall, a solid experience. As many have said on here and elsewhere, it's not an amazing RPG as the way the story and your character arc plays out is quite linear. However the central loop of roam, kill, loot, repeat is still fully intact, the soundtrack is incredible, and the gun play and first person action elements of the game are tight and an evolution from previous games.
Geplaatst 11 november 2016. Laatst gewijzigd 11 november 2016.
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6.0 uur in totaal
Not a bad co-op scrolling fighter. Pick your choice of super cute anime battle-gal and proceed to kick butt all the way around Tokyo. You get to go to the Hey! arcade in Akihabara. Having visited there myself this blew my mind, although sadly in game you don't get to visit the basement floor hentai mega shop which exists irl. Overall a decent bash, especially since they added online co-op.
Geplaatst 11 november 2016.
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9.6 uur in totaal (9.1 uur op moment van beoordeling)
If you're not familiar with the Guilty Gear series, it's all about turbocharged 2D anime fighting, complete with a totally over-the-top metal soundtrack and finishing moves which will melt your eyeballs. The new Xrd series stays true to the series trademark formula, and as a fairly casual beat'em up player I find this a lot more fun and easier to get into and play than Arc System Works other key fighting franchise BlazBlue.

Arc are seemingly on a bit of a roll of late, with both this and BlazBlue Chronophantasma hitting Steam earlier in 2016. Visually, BlazBlue is a 2D fighter delivered with traditional 2D sprites, but for the new Guilty Gear games they have gone about things very differently. The visuals here are delivered via Unreal Engine 3. Everything on screen is delivered in 3D, whilst retaining not only the 2D gameplay, but also the appearance of being 2D overall, bar extreme camera shifting moments when you realise it's not 2D at all.

It's a fascinating way of delivering anime-like cartoon visuals rendered in 3D, and the end result is just awesome. Games have strived to deliver this kind of cartoon-like visual presentation for years, but I've never seen it done better than it is here. It's also worth mentioning that in typical anime fashion, the whole game is glittered with excellent moments of comedy. The writing is on point and often funny af. If you're a fan of arcade fighters then it's not to be missed.
Geplaatst 11 november 2016.
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2.5 uur in totaal (1.1 uur op moment van beoordeling)
I am probably a little biased when it comes to shmups as I love them with a special kind of passion, however this game is just pure art. It's beautiful in every aspect, it's design, music, gameplay - everything is tight and really well produced. Absolutely worth the asking price and highly recommended.
Geplaatst 10 november 2016.
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11 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
23.4 uur in totaal (19.9 uur op moment van beoordeling)
If you enjoy a bit of Street Fighter and it's many cousins then you'll find a lot to enjoy here, however if you're not an avid fighting game fan then this isn't going to change that. The visuals are simply awesome. It has a level of visual sheen and overall art design which is world-leading in its beauty. It reminds me of when games would look ultra-slick in the arcades the first time you saw them - but now in 2016 with this experience premiering in the home, they have clearly made the effort to ensure the game is visually stunning.

I successfully played some rounds against a friend on a PS4 one time, nothing revolutionary but cool nonetheless. The online experience seems fairly consistant now they've patched out all the rough ends. The only drawback as I see it are the lack of a proper arcade mode - yes there are other modes like Survival and Story which fill a similar gap, but this still seems almost criminal in a proper fighting game. For all its misgivings, in the end, it's a solid Street Fighter experience.
Geplaatst 10 november 2016. Laatst gewijzigd 11 november 2016.
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0.3 uur in totaal (0.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
It's a highly enjoyable UT-style instagib deathmatch with a really funky liquid drum and bass soundtrack. On paper that's my dream game, and from what little i've played thus far it pretty much ticks all the boxes. Definately worth a bash if you enjoy a bit of brutal instalgib carnage.
Geplaatst 10 november 2016.
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