Daniel Miller   Greater London, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Daniel Miller Gaming Profile On Steam

Discovering Don Lawrence's The Trigan Empire aged 4 completely changed my life, and the rest of my childhood was spent on reading and collecting graphic novels.

I never thought that one day I will be able to see the same, wonderful fantasy world in full motion, and even become one of its active participants.

Video gaming with its latest state of the art pc's, consoles and virtual reality headsets, enables us to immerse and actively engage with everything that surrounds us.

Each one of us can talk to all characters, interact with various creatures, enemies and nature, also take decisions that can affect the way this entire fantasy based world operates.

It provides us with a unique, most exciting interactive and sometimes competitive experience, that has revolutionised our global social networking community.

Every one of us can stream, comment, participate and play those video games. In addition, we can all share our thoughts, feelings and experiences of gaming and literally anything else, in a fully live environment.

So what are we waiting for? Let's begin.............


Neverwinter - Tomb of Annihilation - Steam On Line
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