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Viser 11–18 av 18 bidrag
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94.1 timer totalt (12.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
The campaign in this game isn't particularly the greatest. There's barely any exploration, unlike the first Revelations game, and in general feels more like the more action oriented Resident Evil games than the classic ones (although it's certainly not as action based as say, Resident Evil 5).

It also technically has multiplayer, but imho it's not very good. You basically play as one main character that does all the fun stuff, and a supporting character than can find items and help a tiny bit with enemies.
While this does sometimes lead to cool scenarios, it's basically like handling the broken controller that you don't want to use to your partner. Plus, it has no proper online multiplayer, so you're stuck with either local play or remote play together, with a weird split screen mode that wastes a lot of screen space.

Not only that, but the campaign is quite short. Each episode has 2 scenarios, one with Claire and Moira, and one with Barry and Natalia, and each scenario lasts about an hour and a half for each episode. That is, except for the last episode, where Claire's scenario lasts about 15 minutes, and Barry's lasts about 2 hours. If you're only going to play the campaign, it may not be worth the price.

However, the game includes an expanded version of the Raid Mode from the first Revelations game. Now, this one isn't without its fair share of problems either, like the fact that most maps are from Resident Evil 6, which gets repetitive, but it's a lot of fun to play, specially with friends. You have multiple characters to unlock, many different weapons, different upgrades for each weapon, a lot of levels and multiple difficulty settings. It's a serious time killer. Most of my playtime is from Raid Mode.

Basically, get the game if you have a friend who also has it and wants to play Raid Mode with you, you'll get your bucks worth. If you're only going to play the campaign, then try getting it at a discounted price.
Publisert 25. april 2020. Sist endret 27. juli 2022.
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7.6 timer totalt (6.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Ah... Dementium 2. A great game, for the Nintendo DS, tho I personally enjoyed the original more, tho this could have something to do with nostalgia, as I never played the sequel as a kid, but I did play the original, a lot.
The original game was a pretty solid horror game, tho as with many other horror game series, it's more on the action side of things than its predecesor. For example, on a few rooms you'll be fighting guards with machine guns, and sometimes you'll find yourself in a monster arena where you have to kill every single enemy in order to advance, very similar to something like Resident Evil 5. It's still quite scary tho, specially if you play it at night.
This PC port however... well, let's get into it.

First of all, this game is supposed to be an HD remaster of the original. And while yeah, technically it has better graphics (higher resolution textures, higher polygon count, more particles and stuff and better lightning), it doesn't really look better than the original, mainly because it's very inconsistent. While the Plane of Anguish sections usually look quite decent, and much better than in the original, the regular "real world" maps look quite bad. The beginning portion (the Bright Dawn center) is not too bad, but as you get further into the game, you'll see more low res textures, and models that look like they've been ripped straight from the DS version and left unchanged. The enemy models look decent enough, but the few humans you'll find in the game look like they're coming out of some kind of bootleg GTA clone for Android. However, the worst offender of it all, is that a lot of designs have been revamped. For example, on the original game, you weren't able to see the security guards' faces, which made them look quite more menacing. On this version however, you can see their faces, and they look like some generic goofy police officers from some animated TV show or something. Overall, it's not too ugly, but it is inconsitent, and the DS version looks generally better.

As far as the music goes... it sucks. Only a few of the original (awesome) tracks have been kept, while the rest have been replaced by generic suspense themes that I swear I've heard in the Stanley Parable. Don't worry tho, this shouldn't bother you too much, because the music tends to just stop working sometimes, specially in the later parts of the game.

The sound effects also suck, a lot. While the Chestmaw's (the zombies) sounds are actually quite good and disturbing in this version, every other enemy sound is just straight up annoying. Other sounds have been directly ripped from the DS version, and they clash a lot with the rest of the sounds, because they have a much lower bitrate. Also, who was the smartass who thought it was a good idea to make the player sound like he's taking a ♥♥♥♥ every time you jump, save, swing the hammer, get hit... and pretty much do anything? It's stupid.

One of the game's worst offenders is the translation. I've only tried the Spanish translation, and oh boy does it suck. First of all, the game isn't dubbed. You only get the English voices. Why? The DS game had some pretty good Spanish voice acting, specially the Doctor's voice was really good. Why couldn't they use it here? I guess it could have something to do with legal issues. However, I cannot excuse the bad in-game text translations. I'm 99% sure they just used 2012 Google Translation, because you'll find stuff like "back" being translated to "espalda", which is quite a literal translation, since "espalda" is indeed "back" in English... you know... the human back. Yeah, that's ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up. Some documents aren't even translated! It's bad, really bad. It's worse than Final Fantasy 7's Spanish and English translations together... let that sink in.

As far as gameplay goes... they also ♥♥♥♥♥♥ that up. While the new controls work quite well, they made the game much, MUCH easier. I didn't die once in my playthrough, probably should've played on hard mode, and you should too. The bosses' AI has been completly destroyed, they're quite braindead. They just move a bit, sometimes attack, but they tend to fail to hit you because the collision detection is completly off. Sometimes you'll be literally inside the enemy's model and they won't be able to hit you. They've also changed up some parts of the game, like the fight with the Colossus where they added more obstacles, and made it so the game seamlessly generates as you advance, instead of going through doors. However, the new obstacles barely do any damage, and removing the door transitions actually removes a lot of tension and difficulty from the fight. And one last thing, apparently someone thought it was a good idea to make it so every now and then the flashlight turns off... or should I say, YOU turn off the flash light for no reason (no, really, you can hear the clicking sound when it turns off). It's just annoying, and it doesn't make the game any scarier or anything, so this shouldn't be here.

Finally, let's talk about the content. No new content has been added. No new enemies (actually, one new enemy has been added, but it only appears once in a very specific part of the game, and it's just a palette swap of another enemy) have been added, no new weapons, no new bosses, no new story elements, no new rooms or levels or chapters or anything. Nothing at all. But, they did make sure to remove the Survival mode! Hah... what? That was a really cool thing about the original game, because it gave you a reason to replay the game, and it's something that works really well for portable games. You could go on the bus and pop up the game just to play some survival mode. But I guess that would've taken at least one more week of development ¬_¬
Oh yeah... they added achievements and steam cards (this last one with an update)... exciting, I know. But wanna know what's even more exciting? Half the time you won't get them, because this port was programmed by Chestmaws.

In conclusion, this port is much, MUCH inferior to the original DS version. However... you can get it for like 40 cents when it's on sale nowadays so... buy it. For 40 cents it's worth it, you get a slightly broken, ugly and beautiful 6 hours horror game. Tho I much recommend the DS version better, but I understand some people may not be able to play it , either because they don't have a DS/3DS, because the game is too expensive and they don't want to go the... less legal way, or because they can't get used to the controls. Give it a try.
Publisert 5. desember 2019.
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30.8 timer totalt (8.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
This game has to be the best puzzle videogame I've ever played. Yes, even better than Tetris. And, the best Friday 13th game too, and it probably will still be for quite a few years. All the levels are pretty good, well, most, 2 of the ones in the Apocalypse chapter are a bit too complicated I think. The Jason designs are awesome too, the best one has to be Aqua Jason, it's kindda what I've always thought Part VIII Jason should've looked like. One thing I don't like about them is that the faces are kindda... well, the same in every design, and that's a bit boring. The weapons are pretty cool and creative too, although I wish all of them had unique killing animations. This game is almost perfect, if there's one thing it's missing, it's a level editor, but I can live without it heh. 9.3/10
Publisert 30. juli 2018.
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En utvikler har svart 31. juli 2018 kl. 15.12 (vis svar)
3 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
1.2 timer totalt (0.2 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
It's a great remake of the original Slender that I love so much. The story is not much, but honestly is not anything that bothers me. The sound is really good. The graphics are also really nice, even on the lowest settings. It's a very good horror game. (Note, I only have a few minutes registered because I play it on another computer with a different account)
Publisert 9. september 2017.
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9.5 timer totalt (3.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Muy buen juego. Tiene una gran dificultad que llega a ser injusta pero aún así es divertidísimo. Y encima te echas unas risas con las cosas que dice el protagonista o el AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Y no consigo encontrarle ninguna pega al juego ni tampoco ningún bug.
Publisert 1. juli 2017.
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47.5 timer totalt (4.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
This game is really great. I remember I used to watch my sister play it when I was younger. Then I got the ps2 version and completed it various times with all the characters alive. It's one of the best survival horrors I've ever played. The soundtrack is just perfect. The monster design is awesome. The atmosphere is really creepy, in fact this game still scares me today. The map design is also really good. And the graphics are very good. It was good back in ps2's times and they are still good today. I still have some hope for a third part in the series, but I guess we'll never get it...
Publisert 11. april 2017.
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4.9 timer totalt (2.2 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Quake is an amazing game. Fantastic monsters and atmosphere, and a simple but good story. The levels are kindda like a maze, just like in Wolfenstein 3D, but they don't get boring. The boss fights are pretty good, and the only bad thing about it is that it can bee too short.
Publisert 4. januar 2017.
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4.5 timer totalt
Very good classic multiplayer fps. Only one problem. This version is 1.5 instead of 1.6. Srsly, wtf.
Publisert 26. desember 2016.
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