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just a glitch in the system
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Comments 28 Dec, 2021 @ 3:35pm 
Dank 20 Jul, 2019 @ 2:50pm 
Looking for a cute clingy egirl with separation anxiety to get home to every night and find 200 unread messages accusing me of cheating and emotional blackmail with threats of suicide hmu im 6'2
Chilly 1 Mar, 2019 @ 11:50am 
Has anyone else tasted their own sperm? I was jacking it hard once and some of it got in my chest, it was quite a mess. I then got curious what it tasted like. First impression was it was going to be sour, like what you'd always hear in doujins or hentai. I scooped it out with my fingers from my chest and took a smell first, and it has a really strong scent even from a distance. I licked it a bit and it tasted salty but somewhat sweet. I then swallowed the whole thing like an idiot and it was really warm and jelly in texture. That warm stuff feels amazing going down my throat.