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Останні рецензії користувача Crazyonehull

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Показані результати 41–50 із 65
Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
439.3 год. загалом (36.8 год на момент рецензування)
Same old classic skyrim, not enough changes to warrent 40 pound, but i got this for cheap since all I had to do was buy the cheapest dlc and I had a discount.

Anyway this game has minor changes such as.

More bloom

Water flows around objects

Certain items you can use you couldn't before

More grass

I know this isn't much but the main thing is now that the game is 64 bit instead of 32, mods will be a lot bigger, the game runs smoother, and you can have about 400 characters fighting at the same time. before half of them would stand still.

Overall after unblocking achievements when using mods, I had fun with skyrim again like I did when it came out. If you can get this for cheap I would reccomend it, but if not then wait for it to be on sale or just stick to old skyrim.
Додано 14 листопада 2016 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 4 лютого 2022 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 6
321.8 год. загалом (148.9 год на момент рецензування)
Unbalanced gods, Horrible community.
Додано 26 березня 2016 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 3
20.0 год. загалом
Pretty bad don't buy it unless its about 1 pound
Додано 9 серпня 2015 р..
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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
280.4 год. загалом (203.3 год на момент рецензування)
My first review from 2015 said this don't buy this game, but after quite some time passed the game has improved a lot of a lot more maps, and a lot more content, and skins etc if your into that thing.

Basically if you like fighting hordes of monsters (called zeds) and increasing your chosen perks level, and increasing the difficulty over a large rotation of maps, and trying different weapons a lot unique to each perk (but all perks can use them just not as well) then you should like kf2.

The only downsides imo are that the game can sometimes crash, its a hell of a lot less common than is used to be, but will still happen from time to time. I also think kf2 could use more characters for you to play as since kf1 had a large amount and kf2 has a small amount in comparison.
Додано 12 липня 2015 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 26 лютого 2019 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 2
19.1 год. загалом (5.1 год на момент рецензування)
This is a a good game but i can say one thing, the multiplayer is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ awful. It's so unbalanced it's not even funny. high level players are unbeatable not due to skill because of their op weapons that make yours useless, so do not play it online but the single player game is good it is fun and well made.
Додано 7 лютого 2015 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 3
555.7 год. загалом (116.2 год на момент рецензування)
Very fun co-op game that has a great leveling system that keeps your entertained and also has a large amount of weapons with free DLC being released every couple of months giving a player more to do and more missions to play I would reccomend this when it is on sale and I would give it 8/10
Додано 14 серпня 2014 р..
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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
0.5 год. загалом
Додано 8 липня 2014 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 2
185.4 год. загалом (82.9 год на момент рецензування)
Рецензія на CS:GO
My opinion

A very mediocre game at best with outdated mechanics, and graphics. I like fast games so to me this is extremely boring as you wait get killed then wait 30 secs or more to spawn to kill maybe one or two people, and to wait all over again after you die.

it is very dull. Siege is better than this tbh, but even that isn't too great.
Додано 29 червня 2014 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 21 листопада 2019 р..
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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
2.7 год. загалом (2.3 год на момент рецензування)
All i can say is its meh not great but not bad
Додано 18 квітня 2014 р..
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1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
136.9 год. загалом (83.0 год на момент рецензування)
Рецензія на гру з дочасним доступом
This game has been fixed, now with balanced teams and classes, the game still needs some work. however the game still requires some patches here and there, but overall a good game that can be pretty fun, i would rate it 8/10.

Old review below

My last review was wrong, this game is broken. DO NOT pay for this or even get it if its free, this game is a utter piece of ♥♥♥♥. unbalanced teams, op classes, and pay to level up and gets good weapons basicly. if you don't you can play 100 matches and not go up a single rank. this game is badly optimized bad teams and an awful community who are pretty much just evil people. i give this 0/10 rather buy cod than this, and i got this for free
Додано 26 березня 2014 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 4 березня 2015 р..
Чи була ця рецензія корисною? Так Ні Кумедна Нагородити
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Показані результати 41–50 із 65