CPU: AMD Ryzen 5600X, MB: B550 mATX
RAM: 16GB DDR4 3600CL16, GPU: Nvidia RTX 3080 10GB
DISPLAY: 27" 1440p IPS 165Hz
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Day of Infamy: Tomfoolery
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Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Review Showcase
14.3 Hours played
You’re an anonymous disembodied hacker, bouncing through surveillance cams, hacking all the things and alerting the main protagonist when to sneak past guards. Each episode adds a new level and some mechanics. Much of the broader story and lore is delivered through strewn audio logs and notes, but the plot intrigue is set up effectively within minutes thanks to convincing character performances and excellent world building. The game is chock full of nods towards Orwellian dystopia and literal references to literary classics and indie games. République’s twist digs itself into a love-it-or-hate-it situation during its final episodes, however the overall premise of the game is well done and worth a look.
Review Showcase
Assault Squad is pure, gritty, and often unpredictable, battlefield strategy. Tank combat is seriously satisfying and the ability to directly control any unit opens up a degree of precision not possible in other titles. However, the learning curve is steep; the gameplay principles and mechanics will initially feel unnecessarily complex, demanding an unprecedented level of micro-management and awareness. The plethora of units to choose from, overwhelming and mistakes are unforgiving. Past that curve though, lies a deeply rewarding experience where the realism and intricacies of the game become extremely immersive.
| ||| ||| || | || | | 2 Feb, 2016 @ 6:21am 
cuz you raking the tomb raider achievements ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥