
Propex の最近のレビュー

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総プレイ時間:1,909.1時間 (レビュー投稿時点:1,530.6時間)
What you see is what you get...
投稿日 2023年10月6日. 最終更新日 2023年10月6日
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2 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
総プレイ時間:6.0時間 (レビュー投稿時点:5.7時間)
I really wanted to give this game a positive review, I really did. The game has a funny story with lovable characters. But I am posting a negative review because I was not aware that all the fights in the game, are based on bullet hell mechanics, which in my point of view makes it extremely difficult and frustrating to play.
投稿日 2020年9月7日. 最終更新日 2020年9月7日
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総プレイ時間:943.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:10.2時間)
I bought this game at launch back in march. I thought the mechanics and the game's approach to a battle royale was much better than H1Z1. I decided to refund it though, because of the game's bad optimization(could not even run it with a decent 30 fps on a gtx 1070). But late August I decided to buy the game again, and I can truly say that it has evolved into a much more playable and enjoyable experience. It still demands a beasty pc to run properly, but once it does.....

You just need one more!
投稿日 2017年8月28日.
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総プレイ時間:216.0時間 (レビュー投稿時点:167.4時間)
If you are into Moba games and platform games, this game is just for you.
投稿日 2014年7月6日.
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総プレイ時間:13.2時間 (レビュー投稿時点:13.0時間)
addictive, fun and very difficult.
投稿日 2011年7月4日.
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