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Recent reviews by 盐-giantPeniS

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0.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
1800x + 1080ti 最低画质只有7fps 兄弟这个优化我不知道你是怎么做的。游戏刚出来玩还最起码峰值40帧,现在越搞越差,LOD做的也是奇奇怪怪的
Posted 29 November, 2021.
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A developer has responded on 29 Nov, 2021 @ 6:33pm (view response)
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9.7 hrs on record (7.0 hrs at review time)
very smooth gameplay, love it.
Posted 14 May, 2021.
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7 people found this review helpful
0.9 hrs on record
Early Access Review
1 首先,游戏垃圾
2 开发者态度和技术非常不达标。 可以看到,开发者前作评价也是很差的,然而到了现在新作却不会吃一见长一智,反而更加差劲,明显是开发者态度很差,完全不反思,不会去把做游戏的基础技术学习来。 哪怕你人物好看,剧情勉强可以,但是你的载体所传达的互动形式非常让人恼火,让广大玩家没得办法去容忍你乱七八糟的恶性bug,如果你能把LSP的内容做好点,起码让玩家过到瘾了,其他的恶性bug,或许还能忍,但是,你没做到。结果可想而知,全部差评。
Posted 10 April, 2021.
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0.5 hrs on record
现在更新到这么久了,居然还是....开车一进去手感极差极差,摄像机不会自动回正。你们是有多懒啊?写多个这样的脚本不花你俩小时吧? 还有就是真的,每次都很容易开出路压到路边那些草然后整个车就蹦起来了我吐了........然后就是又一系列的倒车挂挡....难受的要死。然后就是 才新手关就不能满帧运行,低于60帧(1800x+1080ti) 为啥你们就不把优化做好。车跟纸糊的一样,不明白为啥用unity能做成这样.....
Posted 2 October, 2020.
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7.8 hrs on record (1.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
kinda feel cozy when i play with friends
this game makes me got real dizzy , after an hour of gameplay, i got a headache. the cam move so slow that the player always got out of the cam, for that i have to spin another round to look for the player.

where is the Online coop part? cant even join a random room >>>????

TBH, those jobs r really not my type , and all i did were just hanging around , though the driving feels really bad.

i hijacked a car and all of the passengers disappeared ! the hell man? looks really terrible .

think the game is not for teen or adults ..... its for 5~10 year old kiddo. the graphic is pretty odd and not beautiful.
its 2020 folks, not 1980s, this kind of graphics in 3D game is really .....dont know what to say .
Posted 4 August, 2020. Last edited 14 August, 2021.
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A developer has responded on 6 Aug, 2020 @ 3:18am (view response)
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0.1 hrs on record
?大哥你是配音不够钱嘛? 来来回回就这么几句话?摩点你都有7w多的众筹金额了哎
这个打字练习器真的让人恼火哎 这么蠢的AI你都能弄得出来? ANN神经网络被你用成这样真的........我人都傻了啊,我还以为有点NLP的味道谁知道连小爱你都远远比不上........
还有我是来玩游戏的,不是来教智障识字的...... 智障这称呼起码给台阶下了

22真的贵了 3块还会考虑考虑....
Posted 22 May, 2020.
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0.3 hrs on record

摄像机不小心飞到房子里,就出不来了?还得找个门口才能出来? 害的我卡半天在房子里 这到底是什么BUG?????

我1080ti+1800x, 统计界面给我来40帧, 战斗开始就给我才30帧????????大哥啊,你说LOWPOLY 风的游戏啊,理论上来说性能需求应该要更低才是啊?????? 英雄连2 11年前的游戏都不是lowpoly的起码战斗时候可以有40帧吧??而且人家地图和单位远远多过你哎????我人都傻了

不说了 英雄连去了
Posted 20 May, 2020.
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1 person found this review helpful
0.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review

3打击感的话,毕竟act类型游戏玩得很少,没多少资格评论,但就单视觉感受上,打击感真的很页游给人感觉....与其多加粒子特效,还不如给弄个camera shake的同时加一些瞬时的post processing? 反正给人很单调,很无趣,没有爽感。
5优化上,这个看到别人一直诟病,嗯,自己体验才发现,果真是很差劲。1800x+1080ti boost 32G 3200mhz 的配置应该不算过时把,最高画质下,限制60帧的渲染,显卡功耗一度飙升至178w,着实把我吓傻了,毕竟我这块显卡在玩GTA5开全高画质下,锁死只渲染73帧,而功耗只在90w附近徘徊,风扇几乎不转的。然而给我的感觉这游戏的画质,就真的很次很次,我一再重复去设置察看是不是设置成最低画质了,然而没有。。。效能上真的给0分。
Posted 10 May, 2020.
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A developer has responded on 10 May, 2020 @ 5:45pm (view response)
8 people found this review helpful
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0.2 hrs on record
As a open world game ,it sucks,TBH. the vehicle control really driving me crazy, all vehicles got the same sound,wtf? and that sound really annoying. and the NPCs r dumb as ♥♥♥♥ ,i m a game developer, after i experienced the interaction with NPCs, i thought they must be some kind of asset prototype ...... also , it didnt full fill the word that u promised "u can do whatever u want in real life in this game",cuz the awful interaction and stuff like dat.
Posted 5 February, 2020.
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3.6 hrs on record (3.1 hrs at review time)
easy customize,lots of settings, i bet they must put a lot of efforts on making this game whole,as a developer,that aint easy at all.很棒的游戏
Posted 27 January, 2020.
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