
Recensioni recenti di Capt.Cliff™

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3 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
353.0 ore in totale (44.9 ore al momento della recensione)
(D)iner (B)ros is similar to (O)ver(C)ooked. Its good to play but I did not find DB as fun has OC. Even in SP OC was fun. However the more players the better which I suppose is true with DB too. (supports four players & controllers) The fires in OC were funny - running around with the fire extinguisher & the levels were fun too. DB's a little stepped back from fun. It's very playable & does have some neat tricks of its own. For example varieties of items, foods, drinks, etc can be purchased with one off payments as you progress. They are then added the same day to the one Restaurant you keep which begins to expand & increases in challenges. No decoration or purchasable furniture is available.

Progressively, you eventually end up with a Restaurant equipped with everything. Customers have a depleting waiting bar time to be served before they leave. An easy mode allows them to wait longer. Different Customers with different needs. This is interesting:

Joggers, mainly eats salads and is always in a hurry.
Thieves attempts to steal things - you wack him with a rolling pin, he runs off!!
Punkie boys who try to leave without paying - again wack em then they pay!!!
Hungrier men who like two servings of something.
Most importantly The Food Critic. Make sure he's served above everyone so he'll give you a good review to progress further.

Besides a Burger place, The Devs have kindly added a Pizza joint as well!!! With its own neat things - Thanks Devs. You can have up to three games in each of the Burger or Pizza places. Progressing is optionable. You can just continue each day with what you have which is ideal for learning before attempting progress. The Store offers things for sale (endless supplies of) at one off payments to the point where you will need to pass the Food Critic to further progression.

Oh, I almost forgot. Another unique feature added to DB which is sadly missing in OC1 & 2 is this mode. The Endless mode unlocks in whichever Restaurant you completed that Campaign in. It says 'Endless' but that's not entirely accurate. You get three lives so to say. Which basically means if you miss three orders - game over. Some suggestions for more Casual game play have been mentioned but as of yet nothings occured. Were still hoping. I myself included.

Stuff can get burnt but no fires occur. No bins to discard stuff. No washing up. Wiping down tables is in two player. Waitresses are available in SP. Modes are Campaign, Challenges & Endless (unlocks after either Burger or Pizza Campaign completion)

Wrapping it up.
Good game. Good variety. Good play. Good price.
Pubblicata in data 9 giugno 2019.
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3.6 ore in totale
An Ideal blaster with no strings. Unlimited ammo & auto healing. Grenades or explosives would be good though.
Pubblicata in data 23 aprile 2019.
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14.4 ore in totale
Everything is just willy nilly. You use things that fly, drive, dive, etc. but theres no sense of purpose in anything at all. No inbuilt objectives or roles to undertake to fit anything you can become. EG: Your avatar can be a Doctor but theres no medi kit or sick people. A Cook, theres nothing to cook or cook on & so on.... Many items/objects are cosmetic which means they just sit there & do zilch.

LEGO Worlds is in serious need of a trigger system. Triggers allow players to create there own game play content with purpose. All of which would have custom objectives & customizable usable items. They can then be linked together to form Scenarios, Campaigns, Missions & Stories. Classic games involving triggers are Age Of Empires & Starcraft. There powerful trigger systems made any situation possible in almost any circumstances playable.

A note to the Devs:
Introduce a trigger system!!
Pubblicata in data 26 febbraio 2019. Ultima modifica in data 26 febbraio 2019.
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7 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
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80.0 ore in totale (55.2 ore al momento della recensione)
Why I do recommend the game.
The game is good in itself. Lots of things to watch over for with mini engineering games makes it interesting. The ship (more like a mini Space Station) has five sections. Each mounted with guns, joined by corridoors & a support structure in the middle that create a ring shape.

Although replacement parts are required & are purchasable with credits earned by successful missions, The main trick of the game is to balance maintenance with encounters. In the heat of battle however maintenance can get a bit much sometimes & then of course, no ones firing the guns at the Aliens!! Its all good though & quick thinking is required.

Why I don't recommend the game.
Prior to purchase I expressed more interest when I asked if an Endless Mode was going to be introduced & the Devs said yes. A while later it was inplemented. To my disappointment, the Devs idea of 'Endless' was completely different to most other endless titles I've played. They introduced a missions 'increasing in hardness' each time. So in essence it wasn't 'Endless' at all cus at some point you would inevitably die - cus of difficulty & NOT cus of your own errors or mistakes.

This 'Endless Mode' of there own design has been mislabled. We all know how waves work, right?? It should of been called 'Wave Mode' cus thats exactly how there idea of EM plays.

For this & this reason alone I wouldn't really recommend the game if the Endless Mode is influencing your purchase. You will be disappointed.
Pubblicata in data 6 febbraio 2019. Ultima modifica in data 6 febbraio 2019.
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3.8 ore in totale
I purchased this lil title on sale but for the normal asking price its STILL well worth it anyway. Theres no difficulty options & you begin with one Restaurant. A further three can be repaired & developed. Ya know the usual thing - buy things, upgrade, point click point click etc (No KB use at all) till youve built yaself up & got everything. A little stock managements involved but not much just seasonings, Rice, HOT CHILLIES/PEPPERS (These are important - explained later) & a few others really.

Serving customers is quite good & queing up actions is possible too. But just one break in the chain will result in you standing still. So make sure to click the Customers icons! A mouse ping confirms the icons clicked when done right. Other than that, customers are quite patient! However watch out for Gangsters. (The names inaccurate cus there more like Thugs really) These tend to be impatient & non payers but you have no choice to serve them or else they'll irritate other customers to leave. Best way to rid em is through sabourtage!! Sit em down, notice there requirements & add an HOT CHILLIE/PEPPER in it. They'll then walk away in a huff with no consequences. Great! Good ridance.

Theres a three star achievement system which is adequately challenging & you can replay the same Restaurant over & over again with random customers each time. One feature I especially like is being able to use the money you earn per day/shift or whatever for other Restaurants & it saves in your profile when you exit. ATM I have one fully furnished & its earnings are helping me furnish another!

Theres also a couple of timed mini games which give you a special dish. One is done by clicking the ingrediants in sequance. The other is a little more difficult - swapping ingrediants around to match three. The more you do, the more specials you have or until the full amounts bin reached.

Thats pritty much it really. Its a good game & for the price, DM is just as playable has some of the more expensive titles.
Pubblicata in data 21 gennaio 2019. Ultima modifica in data 21 gennaio 2019.
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5.4 ore in totale
The games to simple in the way of theres just not enough to keep any real interest going. The best thing bout the game is the Store Page music !!!!
Pubblicata in data 16 gennaio 2019.
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135.3 ore in totale (60.9 ore al momento della recensione)
Recensione della versione in accesso anticipato
Your mission is reach the Jump Gate to escape. You begin abored a Refinery Ship (Mothership seems more fitting really) which displays your Storage Tanks of the three main resources required; Hyper Fuel: Used for Planet/Anomoly jumps. Energy: Used for Self healing, replenishing your stock for the use of tools/weapons & repairing your Lander Craft. Fuel: Used to refuel your Jetpack & Lander Craft. Other resources are required for Crafting. Easily figured out!

Three screens give access to - A Galaxy Map: For planning jumps or routes. Crafting/Upgrading: for various things you have (except for the Grappling Hook ATM) & a Stats screen: Tracks score, etc. A seperate room with a medical facility keeps you healthy & refuels your Jetpack. A Docking Lift for your Lander Craft which highers & lowers accordingly. Lander repairs & refueling begin when fully lowered. A red siren alerts you when the lift lowering the Lander is obstructed in some way. Last but not least is the housed Refinery. Its red conveyor beam is in the lower part of the Mother... errr Refinery ship which pushes resources & objects left to be vacummed upwards for refining.

ATM The main tools you tediously use are a Grappling Hook & a jetpack. The weapon you have is a pistol. Its projectile depends on the upgrade level. I do hope more tools/equipment are considered being added. The Lander Craft. The LC is your primary way of getting around a Planet. Its fast, has a gun, (Of little use - only fires upwards) & is capable of lifting items attached to it by the Grappling Hook. The LC is remote controlled. Allowing seperate control while you are somewhere else!! The biggest drawback of The LC are the controls. Basically the controls are analog based which means players with controllers will have little problems. But for KB/Mouse players, without a doubt ATM its the most cumbersome Craft in terms of handling on a KB than any other Ive experienced. Its just to sensitive. Newbees will struggle. In saying that, with time and practice you will get better. Oh & one more thing, DONT lose your LC cus ATM no replacement is available!!! You can still continue but its a hard up hill struggle.

A save upon exiting & a continue upon restart as been added. See Forum for details. The Lander Craft controls have been improved.

Space Bob shows a lot of potential & the Devs are very active.

Ive absolutely hammered this game since purchase & loved every minute of it. Well worth the price - great value. Sweet simple graphics & for an EA game right now, the gameplay is amazing & addictive.
Pubblicata in data 1 marzo 2018. Ultima modifica in data 11 marzo 2018.
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3.6 ore in totale
I purchased this on half price sale. Glad so too. SR's not worth full price. All this games about is getting cargo from A - B within a best time & inbetween you build defensive devices/turrets to wield of baddies. Thats it! Nothin really excitin. Its similar to a tower defense game only on a "Spaceship"!! Well, its not actually a Spaceship - more of a... dull platform. You have no manouverin control whatsoever. The thing (platform) can get so cramped & disorganised you cant tell where anythin is.
Pubblicata in data 9 ottobre 2017. Ultima modifica in data 31 ottobre 2017.
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4 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
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120.9 ore in totale (32.9 ore al momento della recensione)
I've looked a long time for a good cooking game. I finally thought I found it when I discovered Overcooked. But I soon realised OC is primarily based on a good 'fun with friends' coop title. Which is fine n dandy dandy n fine but missin certain aspects I wanted to play in a cooking game.

The description on the Store page of HP convinced me that some (not all) of my desired missin aspects were fulfilled. So I purchased this ridiculously cheap title.

ATM HP is buggy. Graphical glitches here n there, equipment appearin, disappearin & lackin optimisation. But in sayin that its very playable.

The time aspect is good. You first av freetime - Use this as preperation time. A few things are involved in prepin. Then openin/closin time (automatic) - business as usual. Followed by more freetime. Again use for prepin, orderin, cleanin, etc. You can cut the day short after closin time but that can glitch the game. So ATM let it run its end.

The managerial aspects challenging. Buyin, sellin, upgradin. Serving everyone is too. Lackin meats or veggies? Then cook only the most expensive dishes with wot ya got. You can even prepare ingrediants for the day comin & store them in the fridge boxes. The machines are good. They could use a little more animations here n there but still good.

Wrappin it up.
For the price its well worth it. The playabilitys good. Managements good. Just needs bug splattin.
Pubblicata in data 25 luglio 2017. Ultima modifica in data 20 giugno 2020.
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2 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
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90.9 ore in totale (72.0 ore al momento della recensione)
This game is by far the best value for money of this type - anywhere!

What can be said about this ridiculously CHEAP game??
First off, ISCS is a very clever blend of an FTL & FPS style strategy, roleplay action game. You can play more directly as an open Captain with your crew than just commanding them around. In saying that, proceed with caution. Everything begins & ends with you. If you die, games over.

The situations you can get yaself in just flows & keeps you comin back for more. I played this 10hrs straight upon purchase & realised that its the best thing I ever done with just a couple of £'s GBP !!! Its just no regrets - guaranteed.

A massive 10/10 and a big fat YES!
Pubblicata in data 30 maggio 2017. Ultima modifica in data 6 giugno 2017.
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