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41.9 hrs on record (14.2 hrs at review time)
Little sparse on content/grind incentives but a very strong base game with satisfying gameplay. Everythings super high quality so I hope they can keep a content flow strong anyways
Posted 23 November, 2022.
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37.6 hrs on record (5.8 hrs at review time)
Feels like a console port prepped to be a mobile port. But that's about the worst part about it. Fun, intense, replay value, coop discoordination memes, good times.
Posted 28 July, 2021.
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40.5 hrs on record (28.5 hrs at review time)
the ui and balance of the game is atrocious but the content and gameplay is pretty good. Price could have gone down by now though.
Posted 31 May, 2021.
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86.2 hrs on record (17.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
berry gud
Posted 11 February, 2021.
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837.2 hrs on record (51.2 hrs at review time)
best autism game ever
Posted 19 November, 2020.
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340.9 hrs on record (328.3 hrs at review time)
Watch the Sseth review to get an understanding of what the game offers.

It's pretty unfair if you play it on the good difficulties. Which is fun in it's own way, but can be frustrating when it's a really stupid death caused by how the AI operates (But definitely shouldn't if they were assumed to have any degree of common sense)

10/10 would do *insert sociopathic abusive action here* again
Posted 11 December, 2019.
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608.2 hrs on record (380.9 hrs at review time)
Top game play it yourself don't spoil it if you can.
Posted 11 December, 2019.
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601.3 hrs on record (588.0 hrs at review time)
The best case of 'Early Access' and transparent game development. Also, probably the most refined and diverse quality of elements in a survival game on the market. It has it's hiccups in user experience, but it's a pretty stable experience that rewards ingenuity and skill.

Legacy was good because of simplicity and forced user to user engagement via map/looting element design. NuRust contains largely the same things but the community has grown out of the friendly and nuanced social experience. It's the same as any pioneering new game type, the initial players always have a great time during the unrefined period where we all learn fundamental elements together and share in the positive social experience, before the minmaxing hits and everyone stops being friendly and turns just viciously competitive by default. You can find a plethora of examples of this, and can cite it back to the start of most new games with new elements (even if they're only new in the perspective of your eyes or your region of the world).

The onus is on you to make a friendly competition fun if that's what you want, Legacy didn't provide anything substantial to contribute to that.

Also, getting raided is part of the experience, don't give up or get mad if it happens. Revenge is pretty sweet, and much more sweet served warm out of the oven like a cinnamon bun (not cold and hard [offline])
Posted 11 December, 2019.
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595.9 hrs on record (524.6 hrs at review time)
Considering it's the only buy to play successful Battle Royale and amassed in the range of billions of dollars for the crappy company Bluehole, it has the most incredibly slow development pace, largely utilizing outsourced or purchased assets and mechanics, and on top of being such a massive earnership, it has the tiniest competitive scene, a huge amount of skins, and the least amount of user control on experience of content. There's forced gamemodes of limited breadth, restricted custom lobbies because of... server infrastructure?

And although the game has finally gotten to a healthy state as far as the engine, networking, and client performance goes, it took them nearly 2 years to reach that point, despite the major success. And there's still outstanding issues with how the engine functions, with weird jank things screwing the player out of deserved victories.

But above all, it's so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ slow to play. Even games that have fixed pre-game engagements like League of Legends with ranked draft picks and bans, can get you into the game and action faster than Pubg will, without ever throwing you into a different countries servers to be screwed over by ping. We're talking a span of 4 minutes average to get your feet on the ground and actually play the game from the booting, only to be immediately greeted with either RNG loot & shoot, or slow loot & crawl to contest. And that's not counting the fact that the nuanced ideal way to play the game is in squads of 4, and including randoms will basically be another dice roll on the rngfest as to whether or not they can carry their weight, or if they may as well straight up grief you by their piss poor decision making.

And there's such a piss poor anti cheat that people can get away with flying vehicles going through walls, or de-loading assets and shooting through them, and the client defining the hits as ok. Who the hell designs a competitive game to trust the client? There's a strong impression bluehole is only invested in the elements of game design that earn them money. They only do things players want begrudgingly, usually after months of harsh memeing at them. The competitive scene has no support by bluehole, except for the tournament platforms themselves. The best players are relegated to very badly balanced matchmade lobbies where they farm kill death ratios upwards of 10 (That means they're pugstomping no matter what you say) and the real professional players have to construct their own scrims because there is no mmr worth a ♥♥♥♥. There's no real competitive experience in anything bluehole provides. They have to organize 40-100 players on their own terms into custom lobbies to actually understand what it's going to be like to play against players that will always pose a threat to you.

But it's okay right, because Bluehole puts out a few million dollars on a tournament that earns them tens of in revenue and viewership. What a joke. There should be no one wondering why PUBG teams disband constantly. But hey, they got China money so ♥♥♥♥ it I guess.
Posted 11 December, 2019.
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1,166.0 hrs on record (384.1 hrs at review time)
The best arpg/dungeon crawler on the market by miles. It may not have a cohesive straight forward experience that's noob friendly like Diablo, but the breadth and depth of concepts and mechanics you can engage with feels so deep, by comparison Diablo is a mere puddle. There's some contention with how the balance tends to put some skills on pedestals and then subsequently cut them down to irrelevance status, but I don't think that is in any way a bad reflection on PoE, if any game's well functioning enough that the greatest grievance is that their favorite build is getting nerfed, the game must be in an extremely stable and well rounded state. And given the time and effort, basically every skill can complete the game. I mean, there are builds that complete the game without skills, just unarmed attacking; But that's a big meme.

Besides, although there are elements of competition in economic growth and races to milestones, this isn't a really competitive pvp game or anything like that. Imbalances in design are very permissable, and it's impossible to make a wide range of diversity share the same power creep; at least not without making everything feel like reskins of each other.

The notion of Leagues and very wide reaching updates on a seasonal basis is also great, they actually do tend to change enough to warrant playing it almost, if not every, new league. And the major content expansions definitely warrant it.

Bonus points for releasing a spiritual sequel within the base game, revamping the engine, graphics, content, and entire progression arc of the campaign for free multiple times

10/10, not for everyone, but the best at what it does.
Posted 11 December, 2019.
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