
Daniel の最近のレビュー

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34件中 11-20 を表示
総プレイ時間:3.1時間 (レビュー投稿時点:0.5時間)
Cleaver introduction for new players, easy to understand mechanics and a hint of depth beyond.
Plays a bit like a very wellmade WC3 mod if you are into that sort of thing.
投稿日 2020年8月8日.
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総プレイ時間:104.2時間 (レビュー投稿時点:76.5時間)
It takes a few hours to get going, the intro is a bit clunky but once you get into it it's a fantastic game, with a lot of depth on both how to use the weapons you are given but also the monsters you face. It's a fantastic game to play with friends and if you like bonking skulls with huge hammers it's def a game for you.
投稿日 2020年6月9日.
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総プレイ時間:91.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:51.4時間)
A fantastic and ingenious card game that can teach you a lot about design. Recommended for everyone!
投稿日 2019年7月4日.
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Pendula Swing is a good choice for you if you like old style-rpgs but wasn't a big fan of the combat interrupting you from following along in the story. It skips the number crunching that went into building your character, customizing your gear or memorizing 100 000 spells as you played those games and let's you dive straight into playing through the narrative instead.

So far it plays more like a point and click adventure game, and I'm really enjoying playing character that has a history rather than being a blank slate. Her "cat" is also pretty awesome. The most brilliant thing about the game so far is that, as you have gathered all your clues, you have to draw your own conclusions from them. It might seem like a small thing, but it's a transforms the concept of "click on everything to find the clues" into something much more dynamic and interesting.

My biggest issue with the game was the dizzying camera that swayed slightly and changed angle as I ran around the game world. It might not be and issue for most people but it did make me feel slightly sea sick.
投稿日 2018年8月31日.
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総プレイ時間:1.6時間 (レビュー投稿時点:0.2時間)
I haven't played much of it yet but I can already tell that Lake Ridden is a beautiful and atmospheric game. The Voice acting is great, and you can clearly see all the effort that has been put into the environments. I will update this review after finishing the game but my first impression is that it's a great mystery game!
投稿日 2018年5月11日.
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総プレイ時間:23.1時間 (レビュー投稿時点:22.6時間)
Civ VI is not the best Civ I've ever played, but it is a close second. The districts you can build around your cities was an interesting improvement and overall I really liked that it was much harder than usual to both capture cities and kill off units in a fair fight.

I also felt really bad after I had to Nuke me one true ally. Greece had been with me from the start, but their capitol was the only one left standing and I wanted a conquest victory. So I went with the nuclear option and slaughtered my way to Sparta. It took me 23 hours to gain victory, and now it feels a bit tainted because what I had to do to achieve it. 5/7, great game.
投稿日 2018年3月10日.
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I never thought I would recommend a visual novel game about a literature club but here I am: If you enjoy different and experimental narratives in games you should play Doki Doki Litterature Club. It's free on Steam and a highly disturbing experience.
It takes your expectations of what a visual novel about manga girsl is and can be and breaks them into little pieces, shuffles the pile around, pours gasoline on it, throws each pieces up in the air and then proceeds to set them all on fire. Can't recomend it enough.
投稿日 2017年12月13日.
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総プレイ時間:45.9時間 (レビュー投稿時点:3.4時間)
Absolutely beautiful game with really "meaty" combat animations! Surprisingly intreresting combat once you get past level 6 or so. At first it felt like it was "just" a stunning game with little depth and standard JRPG turn based combat, but after a while you realize that they have taken the design beyond that and iterated on it. There are plenty of interesting synergies between your characters, and I really like the mana-managment. Another thing that lifts the combat encounters: Enemies are smart enough to be a challenge, and have a variety of attacks to throw at you, especially if you do dungeons on higher difficulties.

I only had one instane where I had to restart the game, I managed to trigger a dialogue at the same time as a combat encounter and could therefore proceed with neither, but the autosave got me back to the same place in less than a minute so no big deal.

Thank you Airship Syndicate, it's great to finaly play the game I backed on kickstarter so long ago. You should be really proud of what you've acomplished!
投稿日 2017年10月4日. 最終更新日 2017年10月4日
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Passpartout is a very interesting concept beautifully executed on. I suck at painting but though I could game the system. Then my artist friend did a painting and it sold for 580. My highest was 155. Great AI, 10/10.
投稿日 2017年6月6日. 最終更新日 2017年6月7日
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The Good: Gone home presents an intriguing introduction, where you are sort of promised by the notes you find that your sister is in a lot of trouble, and she does not wish to be found. The notes are great and having different hand writing here and there is smart. Each character have their own way of writing and speaking, and Sam (your sister) comes of as a real person. The environmental storytelling is also great, especially the sisters room and the secret passages around the house. Secret passageways are awesome.
The Bad: Giving the player the wrong impression about the level of catastrophe and drama, I though it would turn into a horror game at one point but the ending, to the extent I could find, was less than dramatic.
Take Away: Great use of notes and VO, but don’t build up to something you can’t deliver on story-wise. SECRET PASSAGES ARE AWESOME. Adding side-plots through notes worked great in this game, and is something more games should aspire to do. There was so much attention to detail when it comes to the story, and each area game you something new to take in.
投稿日 2017年1月27日.
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34件中 11-20 を表示