Cinnamon Dog
United States
Casual gamer, rabid Nine Inch Nails fan, walking Metal Gear encyclopedia. I used to have way more time to game than I do nowadays. If you wanna friend me, just be sure to let me know why you're doing so.

My opinions, views and statements, public and private, in text or voice-over-internet-protocol, do not represent those of my employer. I was told I should say that, and I like working there.
I can't believe I wasted Steam Points on This Info Box...
But I did, so here we are. Some of my favorite albums (limit one per artist):

1. The Fragile (Nine Inch Nails)
2. Freedom is a State of Mind (Corporate Avenger)
3. Steal This Album! (System of a Down)
Витрина избранных иллюстраций
Put on the hazmat suit, it's time to go to the Workshop