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14.4 jam dalam 2 minggu terakhir / Tercatat 536.5 jam (Telah dimainkan 178.6 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Diposting: 4 Mei 2024 @ 7:01am
Diperbarui: 11 Mei 2024 @ 12:12am


EDIT: 2024.05.11.
As with today, we haven't got our fellow divers back. And SONY is AWFULLY quiet. I keep my negative review until the LAST country who were in this fight are back. We dive together. Or DIE alone.


As it stands the game is in good condition. And despite it requires the constant updates it is enjoyable to play. The issue of this negative review is NOT the game's condition, but the scummiest move by Sony to force the steam users and PC players to connect their game to THEIR services PSN. Many countries are excluded from this service which renders them basically banned, while the company - SONY - sneakily rewrote their terms of coniditions to fit their current demands.

This review WILL STAY negative until Sony backs down. ENTIRELY!
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