Brandon   New Zealand
Username: halfbreed
Nationality: Japanese, New Zealander; Hybrid

• Proud Mac User
• TF2 Player
A Team Fortress Poem~

RED vs. BLU, playing CTF_well
BLU had the upper hand, and RED was in hell.
BLU had more players, more communication, more skill,
To RED, the battle was 110% uphill.

They thought they would fail:
To their enemies, they bowed and hailed.
But one tried something new, he was a pioneer --
One tried to stop them: a lone engineer!

Teleporters, dispensers, and sentries galore!
He stopped every last BLU, got points like none seen before!
He laughed and cackled as he kept gaining dominations
Not even ubered soldiers broke his concentration!

Shooting his shotgun, swinging his spanner
He charged to the front lines, lured by fame and glamour.
But a cry went out, that chilled all the RED gentry
"Oh, guys, help! SPY SAPPIN' MAH SENTRY!"

He charged back to base but he was doomed to fail
The spy got the intel, tracking him down was to no avail
The spy slipped back to base, capped the last point
And as BLU cleaned up, RED cursed their engie, Maladroit.
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_Hermanni 22 Jan, 2012 @ 10:56am 
Hi ! Add me please =)
jooozek 7 Nov, 2010 @ 3:23pm 
Hi, im gonna be up at 11:00-14:00 GMT+1