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Скорошни рецензии на LionYeti

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58.1 изиграни часа (54.7 часа по време на рецензията)
War of the chosen makes this one of the best strategy games I've ever played. The metanarrative that your soldiers make for themseleves make you care so much about each one of them. The propaganda posters are a brilliant touch for this.
Публикувана 28 юни 2020.
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1.4 изиграни часа
This game was very close to making me cry. Its an incredible journey into what creation is and what tole it takes on a person. Its a 90 minute game but its more powerful then games that have taken dozens or hundreds of hours. Recommend it wholeheartedly
Публикувана 2 октомври 2015.
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4.7 изиграни часа (0.3 часа по време на рецензията)
Fez is incredibly unique, this is one of a handful of games like antichamber where it's clear this was one persons vison. Far more then a simple puzzle game its an incredible journey. Only negatives are the puzzles are sometimes far too unclear and the game is in desperate need of a fast travel system beyond the portals. Definitly check it out.
Публикувана 2 декември 2013.
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