Vatican City State (Holy See)
was once a nice guy but bad boys get the girls so here I am
Přehlídka nejvzácnějších achievementů
Oblíbená hra
Odehrané hodiny
500 XP
Přehlídka recenzí
Odehráno 11,3 hodin
yeah no ♥♥♥♥ this game is nice its greek
✪ GODBUTTERS69 před 12 hodinami 
Buddy, you have no idea who you are messing with. I have made a ridiculous amount of money in crypto/NFTs and I have the best lawyers. If you don’t remove my NFT as your profile picture you’re going to regret it. When you steal someone’s property you get punished. Watch out.
Carti 28. led. v 5.54 
stop sacking my dic bro xd. You can sorrow it cuz thats ur fav flavor
Carti 25. led. v 6.10 
1983 Was Better 12. led. v 4.56 
Do that thing where you killurself
Edith Pouthee 21. pro. 2024 v 5.58 
Good lad top notch 100% would touch again.
|OG| MiLf^HuNT3R GeT10UpYa 14. pro. 2024 v 2.18 
- hacks and trolls griefs all game angry at the world cos his a ♥♥♥ and his dad doesnt except it.