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Recent reviews by pink "the apeshit killer"

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158.7 hrs on record (28.2 hrs at review time)
Posted 30 December, 2024.
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46.8 hrs on record (22.2 hrs at review time)
Awesome game, worst part is finding/getting into a lobby. Play over mic for the best experience
Posted 28 September, 2020.
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41.8 hrs on record (22.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Absolute uncontrolled chaos. Playing with friends is easier than 1 and increases insanity multiplier. And they're still working on it? Could not recommend enough 11/10
Posted 1 November, 2019.
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193.6 hrs on record (139.3 hrs at review time)
Posted 22 February, 2019.
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495.9 hrs on record (426.6 hrs at review time)
This is the worst game I've ever put this many hours into. Playing this game with friends is fun but the same can be said about basically anything. The development of this game is an absolute cluster-♥♥♥♥ as well, since everything the devs have done since creating the game has either been to increase profit, or to try and combat Fortnite's obviously superior development team.

"Oh fortnite has battle passes? Ok team lets do the same thing, only the cosmetics are temporary and it costs more"

"Why do people like fortnite? Must be the smaller map. Lets make a 4k x 4k map of our own"

"What was that? People like Fortnite because its fun and there is care put into it? ♥♥♥♥."

Fortnite is so much more succesful because-- get this ****THEY CARE ABOUT THE GAME****.

It's so obvious if you look at the games from a surface standpoint. Fortnite is free, it runs well on all consoles, PC, and mobile. And you have the choice to buy a Battle Pass or Vbucks for cosmetics, if you want. If you buy pubg youre already $30 in the hole, then they refuse to fix their game? With that much money you could but like 3 Battle Passes in FN and even earn more battle passes through PLAYING THE GAME. Even after all the profit PUBG so obviously make, they wont:

- Add proper map selection
- Optimize
- Fix the console performance
- Let you earn crates for free
- Fix the connection issues
- Stop the flow of hackers (very clearly from china (I'm not racist))


I would have liked this game if it were F2P. But $30 is steeeeep for a piece of ♥♥♥♥ game like this
Posted 15 July, 2018.
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116.1 hrs on record (21.7 hrs at review time)
Welp you ruined your game because you wanted more money from micro transactions. I'm boycotting Rockstar and all of their products, and suggest you do the same until they realise they can't ♥♥♥♥ us over for money anymore. ♥♥♥♥ you Take-Two and ♥♥♥♥ you Rockstar, get ♥♥♥♥♥♥.

Posted 17 June, 2017.
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153.1 hrs on record (73.2 hrs at review time)
Really fun game, some people may convince you its a pay to win kind of game, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. The game offers in game tokens to buy characters, and you can earn enough to buy a new character in about 5 days of playing. Big roster of characters and they all have their strengths. Every character is viable and the game has a high skill celing. Theres no reason to not get it. Its free.
Posted 25 May, 2017.
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2,024.4 hrs on record (1,288.3 hrs at review time)
I haven't put a lot of time in, but seems ok
Posted 20 April, 2017.
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375.5 hrs on record (9.5 hrs at review time)
This game is fantastic. Good story building, difficult as always and rewarding as all hell. But it has no support for non 16:9 aspect ratios, annoying pop in at even the highest settings, and crashing, it's definitely not perfect. Try using "Dark Souls Unsqueezed" to fix the aspect ratio if you haven't already.

no 16:10, but the game is a solid 5/7
Posted 28 December, 2016.
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173.6 hrs on record (14.8 hrs at review time)
This game is great, an really tought too. But I would recommend a "see-how-far-you-get" mode. Where the mission isn't to take down the Rebel Flagship, but to last as long as you can against heaps of other spaceships trying to do the same. You might even be able to incorperate an online element if you did that. That would be wicked.
Posted 20 December, 2015.
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