Brian Stormborn
Brian Franklin   Maryland, United States
Join StormBorn. From our home Planet XZX45 we search out new worlds to colonize on. In the Capital we have a large militarized fleet of war ships that protects our resources and HQ from pirates and bandits. I am proud to say that the city acts as a military front and a mining base should any allies need a fleet or ore. We also are into arms dealing. We sell robots, exo suites, weapons, ships, and war ships, capital size war ships. This faction dose not wage war but we aim to peacefully advance the cause of man kind through the discovery of new worlds.
Currently Offline
SnowCrash 1 May, 2021 @ 8:03pm 
sorry bro ive moved on to valheim i deely appraciate the invite tho and flatterd you want my build style to represent your clan
Brian Stormborn 12 Mar, 2021 @ 1:36pm 
Every day we grow stronger
Brian Stormborn 19 Feb, 2021 @ 6:22am 
If you wanna join the RGE
Brian Stormborn 24 Feb, 2018 @ 6:52am 
I’m so close to getting my gaming computer everyone. Soon you will see what I’ve recruited you all for. A new empire in space engineers
Brian Stormborn 9 Oct, 2017 @ 7:36am 
If you’ve texted me about doing a project for building and asked me for a list of modes that can be used can you hit me again. I lost your name.