a fiókon

AvoidedDoughnut legutóbbi értékelései

1–9/9 bejegyzés mutatása
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25.9 óra a nyilvántartásban (4.5 óra az értékeléskor)
Korai hozzáférési értékelés
Don't sleep on this game, make sure to wishlist and follow it's progress. It's more than worth it.
My honest thoughts going into this game was that I wouldn't understand all the mechanics. WIthin' about an hour of playing, I was able to understand the basics with ease. The game has three difficulties which range from Relaxing (No enemy spawn / No competitor) to Challenging (which is like making five disgruntled families work together to prevent death during the winter or be slain by other means.)

Game is stunning - graphics are amazing, and you have the ability to roam as a character in the world and not only in isometric view.

Sound Track - I forgot my game was open and thought I left Youtube playing. There's plenty of music in this game for it not to be stale. And, I doubt this is all we'll get. Very atmospheric.

Upgrade Paths & Skill Tree (Progression) - It's early access and we have choices. Most games don't provide the ability for players to make decisions that could either make or break you. There's no hand holding, so make sure you read what they all do. It's intuitive, by providing opportunity to make your start go from bad to amazing.

No Multiplayer (..yet.) - The developer has stated numerous times, this game will remain Single Player until the game is more fleshed out. I've already had multiple friends say for the price of the game it would be great to play together on. Sid Meier Civ games don't cut it anymore, and this game has the ability to provide the ich everyone's craving.

Accelerating Game Time - You have four options being Pause, Normal (1x), Fast (4x), Fastest (12x). They work as intended, but exercise caution on 12x game speed. It hasn't crashed the game yet, but it can cause other programs on your PC to temporarily become unresponsive. It wouldn't seem like it, but there's so much going on, that it's punching high and low on your PC. lol

Tutorial needs a Husbandry section - I'm still learning how to properly trade or earn more Oxen and other animals. I'm not sure about what I can trade and for what to make good deals. It seems to fall towards the notion of 'All failures result towards better outcomes later.'

Please have the game force players into making a Storage Shed - LMAO, I had to restart relaxing difficulty a few times because I didn't fully conceptualize where my settlers resources were... QUICK TIP: Pause and look around before deciding your next move. There may be a better choice.
Közzétéve: 2024. április 28. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2024. május 2.
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2 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
120.4 óra a nyilvántartásban (65.5 óra az értékeléskor)
My overall play experience hasn't been fun, but the game still provides my brain with dopamine hits.
Gun nerfs made sense, but now there isn't a weapon that can reliably be used in a "oh ♥♥♥♥" moment. Dev's said "rely on strategems" but they add modifiers to make them take longer, scrambled, or unusable until you complete a side objective.

Game has become a bullet sponge simulator. Enemies rapidly spawn at start, ensuing chaos... which is fine. If it didn't auto spawn major elite enemies (Bile Titans, Hulks, Crushers, etc.) within the first 30 seconds of dropping in.

The game is good, community is good, and the developers are amazing. I look forward to seeing it developed more since this is a minor flaw in a unpolished diamond. I'd say buy it, play it, and be prepared for funny chat with other players. It can get very... patriotic.

EDIT - 3/24/24 -
Game is not fun. Enemy spawn rates are over-tuned, can't stealth anymore due to bug holes or bot drops happening without agro'ing enemies. People getting kicked from public lobbies when using the quick match option. Enemies for no reason will have extreme amounts of health, which further makes the game a bullet sponge simulator. DON'T BUY THE GAME. It's not fun anymore.
Közzétéve: 2024. március 10. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2024. március 24.
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200.3 óra a nyilvántartásban (85.8 óra az értékeléskor)
Korai hozzáférési értékelés
Battle Bit slaps hard...
To keep it short; the game is amazing and I would recommend it to anyone as it's better than CoD and Battlefield. Being made by a three man team, this sets precedence to not only their ingenuity but dedication to prove a game doesn't need to be 100+GB's and next gen graphics to be "good". The game is great and should be given as much attention as possible.

...But, it provides free built in ESP.
Players are able to use spectator mode and see enemies and teammates unhindered. If you ever wondered how enemy players know your every move in real time like they have "ESP". You're in luck, because it's built into the game. You can have a birds eye view anytime you want. Just make a squad with friends, lock it (to avoid being reported), and annihilate everyone who enters your kill zone. The camera can go anywhere on the map regardless of distance. This needs to be locked or removed, since those who abuse it are exceeding unfairly.

What you see as a spectator:
1) Player Info - name etc.
2) Player Lines - lines drawn from the players gun showing exactly where they're aiming
3) Player Icons - same dots you see above teammates, but displays above enemies as well

Legit just missing player skeletons to be visible through walls and you'd have the same cheats that plague Escape from Tarkov.
Közzétéve: 2023. július 22. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2023. július 22.
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2 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
317.6 óra a nyilvántartásban (158.5 óra az értékeléskor)
Players with over 1,000 hours of game time can play low BR (battle rating) tanks/planes and dominate since they have maxed out crews. They set the game to the lowest settings, have all their key binds set up (that the game doesn't tell you about), and fist your tiny cupola with ABCDEFG rounds of mass destruction.
Planes that can carry bombs and be equipped with cannons able to rip your tanks apart in seconds. Anything lower than BR 3.0 (tank wise) will be vaporized by an enemy you can only hear.

Hyper veteran warriors who use the sound of your vehicle to sit on corners and never allow you to leave spawn. Sitting hidden crane, crouching tiger style, against buildings for the unsuspecting "new" players (New, Returning, or Concurrent) to give them the dopamine hit they need to feel accomplished once they kill them. They will annihilate you with utmost impunity. If you think surviving the lower Tiers/BR's will make the game better later on, then you have not watched a single high tier/BR battle. You go from shooting people with cannons to using wire guided missiles or laser guided rockets that one shot anything, at any angle, nearly any distance, with the only negative being your ability to properly aim.

-- TL/DR --

I wouldn't recommend this game solely because there's not a skill based matchmaking to ensure the learning curve is more manageable. 1.0 - 1.7 should never see BR 2.0 or higher, and players should only fight those who're similar level. That way if noobs are still getting used to game mechanics, they can't be used and abused by try hards.
Közzétéve: 2022. december 26.
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9 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
90.7 óra a nyilvántartásban (58.6 óra az értékeléskor)
Korai hozzáférési értékelés
This game is a third job time sink, and it can all be lost in less than thirty seconds.

After playing the game for almost 60 hours, making out of the tutorial, using Google Translate on my phone, using the Stay Out/Stalker Online wikki[old.so-wiki.ru] to find any help with Quests and Item acquisition. If you use Google Chrome and set the website to "auto translate" it works half the time and you might get some nuance on what you're supposed to do. Otherwise, it's mostly broken English and unhelpful info.

The translator built in game is just Microsoft Bing translate, you can highlight over the in game chat dialogue and select a tiny box in the top right of the chat window to translate. So, if you're unfortunate enough to play with anyone from the RU cluster there's no way to communicate properly. You can maybe send one word responses and extremely basic grammar to hope the translator makes a difference. Most of the time they expect you the message sender to dumb it down or translate your text for them.

Thus, another issue is that the RU players are playing on the US1 server because their server is dead? Not that you could ask them anyways. I'm fine with a culture and language clash since they also deserve to play this game with ok'ish server population. But, they basically own the US1 server. Why bother playing with people you can't communicate with.

PvP. It's forced, the only places it's not is the tutorial. Get used to it, or quit the game because people who like PvP will camp the "safe" zones (which you know you're in one if you have a house symbol on the top right of your screen.) Aside from the fact I didn't want to participate in it, I do believe it's balanced in a sense. You will get 2-4 shot no matter what. Only the world creatures and boss's are bullet sponges.

Micro-transactions for gun bags, crates, sacks, packs, boxes, cases are almost the only way to a new weapon. The intro of the game gives you a TOZ double barrel shotgun and a Nagant revolver pistol. After that you have to spend millions of rubles, and you have to do quests that give very little amounts of "personal credits". Personal Credits are a secondary vendor currency to gate the ability of players to instantly gain end game weapons. After purchasing a weapon "crate" for a fair price of $1 and some change. I was shown that you have a 12% chance to roll for the category the weapon is in, then you have a 5% chance to actually get the gun. These rates also effect the clothing packs as well. So, good luck.

There's more I could complain about, but I doubt this will be read in its entirety.

TL;DR ==> If you don't like PvP, don't play the game. If you like the Stalker franchise and want to play this game, don't and keep playing the single player games. If you're fine with PvP and don't mind dropping items on the ground every time you die, then have fun I guess.

I honestly wish the community the best since it's not fair for the game to die out. It's a great concept. But, ultimately it's not something that entices me to want to play. I haven't given up entirely, so if those who have made it end game want to give me their opinion on the matter I'll gladly read them. Maybe I'm not seeing the whole picture as of this moment. Thanks and have a great day.
Közzétéve: 2022. augusztus 28. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2022. szeptember 5.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
9 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
1 személy találta viccesnek ezt az értékelést
271.8 óra a nyilvántartásban (1.8 óra az értékeléskor)
Right off the bat I was super hyped for the game. I had a lot of expectations for it, and unfortunately I was let down. A friend of mine pre-purchased it for me on Christmas. We talked about wanting to play Co-Op and explore the world of Elden Ring. Now we'd rather mod Dark Souls 3 and host a private connection to play together.

Didn't play longer than an hour. Couldn't summon my friend since it's locked behind an item you farm for. Then you have to wade through PvP to play Co-Op. I didn't know when advertisements for the game said Co-Op friendly, it meant Co-Op is optional with sweaty PvP game play.

1) For the time I did play combat was extremely fluid and movement was amazing.

1) PvP can not be turned off. The year is 2022, and game developers still refuse to give players a co-op experience where you don't have to play with sweaty PvP try hards. If I password lock my game, it shouldn't allow other people to join unless they know the password. Let people who want to PvP play together and let those who don't enjoy the world free of annoyances. PvP should be an opt-in or opt-out, and not remove game features otherwise.

2) Co-Op is gated behind a craftable item which I couldn't be bothered to find out where all the ingredients are. I watched a couple videos explaining how to gather the resources.

3) No native widescreen support. Saying that they're "unable to create 21:9 or larger" support is a sham. EAC (Easy Anti Cheat) shouldn't be used if it means you can't develop the game the way you want it. The fact that day one players can be banned for trying to fix this oversight themselves is terrible. If they could apply an ultrawide fix to Dark Souls 3... They can make one for Day 1 release.

This game isn't Dark Souls, it's supposed to be better. This was a game where everyone should be able to play how they like with no set backs. I expected more from 'FromSoftware' and BANDAI, but it seems they were too focused of previous titles to boost sale revenue. Played this style of game play for three title releases and many different knock-offs. I shouldn't have expected much from this.
Közzétéve: 2022. február 24.
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3 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
436.9 óra a nyilvántartásban (365.6 óra az értékeléskor)
The solo player can no longer do anything - A.G.S have made elite zones harder, elite chests do not give the correct loot spread, and the servers are dying and there's still nothing being done.

I refuse to get analytical about A.G.S trying to make the game better, because the quality of life for this game has plummeted since launch. The community I play with on Aztlan - US East have been bent over and decimated thoroughly, due to Patch 1.1+ and by how our faction has been ran. The server has only had a peak of 600'ish congruent players of which 70% are Covenant and Syndicate. Marauders of Aztlan just went through a massive shift where most of the green team abandoned ship whilst ransacking their owned territories of taxed gold. Instead of spending money on Upkeep and Upgrades, they milk the cities, and transfer with hundreds of thousands of gold to Eden - US East. And, A.G.S has done nothing to help us against this griefing.

They say it's for the balance of the game to increase difficulty in "end game zones", but they don't have any clue to how the player base wants to play this game. I could care less that A.G.S doesn't want players to zerg rush Myrkgard, Scorched Mines, etc. We had to do that in order for the runs to be faster. Not to mention playing the game as a server wide community, guess we can't all work together. Sorry everyone, we may be trying to raid corrupted zones and save Aeternum. Otherwise; WE WERE STILL GRINDING GEAR LIKE EVERYONE ELSE! It's bad enough they locked Elite Zone chests behind a twenty-four hour loot wall, but they can't even patch the game once without breaking something and screwing the player base for several days.

I have done a little bit of PvP and it's utter crap. The moment you get 30+ people in a zone fighting over PvP Faction missions, you may as well kiss your butt goodbye. The game will freeze, have massive stuttering issues, and all you get is maybe 6 seconds of life until you face death. Outpost Rush is worthless because soon they'll make the losing team earn little to nothing in a later patch (tba). Yet, everyone had to sit through a hour or longer queue. It would be better to implement a merit system based on player performance to reward those who play well and as a team. Don't give people who AFK or leech the team anything.

The change to provide luck to those who flag for PvP is a joke. They silent nerfed base luck so you have to be flagged to get old patch values. I would love to see proof that they didn't, because I don't get the same drops I used too even after fighting the same mob for hours. R.I.P Gear score farming btw - elites get more health + higher damage / we received worse loot drop chances. Yea, because that seems fair.

Armour system in the game trash. The overall percentage you get towards having lighter or heavier gear does not statistically match what's advertised in game. The 20% healing and damage buff from Light Armour is only 14-16% in reality. Which, to the mathematically astute individuals could be considered a decent advantage. You're wrong. Light Armour wearers get shafted with enemies that get to crit you more often, do higher amounts of damage more often, while you the player don't receive an adequate movement bonus, or have a good way to disengage from opponents. You get two rolls, that enemies can just lunge once to catch up and hit you through. Enemies can leap 20 feet into the air and give you a homing Batista Bomb that nukes your health pool. Mobs that are missing half their body, where they're just a torso and arms can keep up with a fully running player, and once again leap into the air and ICBM you no matter how many times you try to dodge. Heavy Armour you get two small steps, rinse and repeat above issues. Medium Armour you get 4 side steps, and once again rinse and repeat of the above issues.

TL;DR - DO NOT BUY THIS GAME. Your starting experience is completely screwed up. No matter what server you join, there won't be enough people to work with you on content your level. Even if you did, good luck doing Well Guardian. Follow the patch notes and watch the game slowly become even further crippled while you still have your $40.

P.S - I'm willing to rewrite this entire review and make is a recommendation at a later date. I just want people to enjoy playing this game and at this time, there's no way in hell I can say this experience is worth $40.

Dear A.G.S - Stop gating your player base, give the solo players back the ability to play, give us back non-buffed elites or reduce the damage they deal, and start working with your player base to help decide what we believe is more important for you to fix. Give us monthly votes on subjects or topics we would want changed. Help us, help you.
Közzétéve: 2021. november 21.
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2 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
10.0 óra a nyilvántartásban (8.4 óra az értékeléskor)
Korai hozzáférési értékelés
I bought this game for local play co-op, and I was sadly dissapointed. I understand that this is Alpha build X.XX atm I'm writing this, but this current build is absolute crap. I want to meet up with my friend and he is at 2K N & 1K W, and I'm at 2K S & 1K E. That's too far of a distance to merit the journey to play co-op.

If I wanted to play solo, I would have boughten Minecraft. It provides the same experience this game brings to the table.

If I wanted to run needlessly, for hours on end, trying to find my battle buddy, I would play DayZ Mod/DayZ Standalone.

I'm not satisfied with the development that this game has gone through, so far, and I want to see some serious revisions ASAP. The games been out since December 13, 2013. It's now June 6, 2018, and no major changes have happened.

P.S - Dear developer(s), I feel this game has a strong grasp on what it wants to be. The time and effort given so far has been worth it. I can't say I enjoyed the 7-15 minutes I played, but I know you guys are trying your best to make the game fun and enjoyable. Please fix co-op, and I will not only retract these points I made, but I will take the time to write a positive review. Give us the game we deserve.
Közzétéve: 2018. június 6.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
2 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
482.9 óra a nyilvántartásban (352.0 óra az értékeléskor)
Vanilla Gameplay

When I picked up this game I was glued to my chair. I couldn't get away for a moment thinking that I must continue the story, and help the Commonwealth. There was so much to do and a world I could sculpt to my liking. The character creation was superb, yet still held flaws that are not worth mentioning due to how minute they are. The setting in the beginning of the game prior to leaving the vault perfectly set the scene that screamed unlawful apocalyptic wasteland.

If I were to sum up my gameplay experience from the 6-8 playthrough's I have done I would very much recommend the game to my peers. Due to what feels like infinite dialogue choice combinations you can play your character like a smart ass merc to a soft voiced diplomat.
The crafting of weapons were good ad bad. There were weapons that i wished I could upgrade more, and weapons that I felt didn't need as much. None the less it was a blast making funky combinations and ensuing in the carnage. The armour crafting system seems decent/mediocre at best. Only maybe two - three upgrades are worth my time putting on the armour, and if you help a certain faction enough you can get an upgrade that essentially makes a suite (tuxedo/dress) equivalent to power armour granted you allocated your S.P.E.A.C.I.A.L points correctly.

Speaking of the S.P.E.A.C.I.A.L system it has a lot to offer towards versatility of your character/play style. I missed some perks from Fallout 3/New Vegas, but the perks that are available throughout leveling can set you up to be a glorified badass. One aspect that displeased me was that now after 5 installments of Fallout they wont allow a reset of spent perk points. Which I know it could be abused, but if players were stripped of points when the reset perk points then I feel it could be possible.

The explorability of the map is boring if you are like me where you must see everything. My first playthrough I saw roughly 40% of what the Commonwealth had to offer. the second playthrough I explored to my hearts content. Avoided the story missions and side quests I strip searched the Commonwealth for all it had to offer, and I can safely say to any one that there is definitely more than meets the eye at first glance.
Companions are a very nice sight to see. I can grab one and get to know them as they experience me at my good and bad moments. They can interact with the environment, fight with you somewhat intelligently, and develop into someone I can relate to. My favorite companion so far is Nick Valentine. (I was always a sucker for the "La Noir" styled characters.)

The enemies of the Commonwealth almost outnumber you 3:1. Constantly fighting out of situations that seem to have impossible odds, or being a part of a grand assault you always have a sense of urgency being a part of it.

If I was to rank the dlc's they have released it would be Far Harbor at #1, Nuka World at #2, and Automatron at #3.

Far Harbor dlc had the content necessary for it to be called a dlc. I thoroughly enjoyed helping the people of Far Harbor with all the side quests, and also ending the islands war between the natives. Can/Would replay just because it's fun to play.

Nuka World took me about 2 1/2 hours to beat. I was disappointed at the lack of flexibility the mod offered towards the conclusion endings. The gameplay from the start had me at the edge of my seat thinking about how they would introduce new characters, adding new areas to explore, and the new toys that is at our disposal. In the end it was a false hope in a sense. I enjoyed the weapons, armour, and quests the dlc offered. I just don't like how "forced" you are with your decisions in the dlc.

Automatron shouldn't even be considered a dlc. It was way to fast paced and offered no type of suspense throughout the "quest line". You literally do maybe 4 tasks and then you are at the bosses "lair". It was a half assed attempt to revive a genre character from Fallout 3, and needs a complete overhaul to be worth something. (I want story development over being able to build a robot that has little to no personality if it's not a companion.)

Lastly I would like to explain why I didn't include any of the workshops or the VaultTech dlc. These are worse than Automatron in the aspect of being content that should have been already in the game. It took three "dlc's" to make the settlement crafting systems operable, friendly to use, and giving players more to build in their settlements. Yet I didn't pick up this game for settlement crafting, and was disappointed when you couldn't build where ever you wanted.

In it's entirety Fallout 4 would get a 8/10 vanilla, and a 9.5/10 because of Far Harbor and Nuka World. Thank you for reading and I hope you all enjoy your Fallout 4 experience as I did or more.
Közzétéve: 2016. október 15. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2020. április 16.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
1–9/9 bejegyzés mutatása