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1 person found this review helpful
16.7 hrs on record
I truly love this game. Overwhelming visuals paired with an amazing soundtrack and I not too complex, light-weight yet compelling story (at least for me) with a big fantasy spot (a plus for me).

You are Nara, a fighter pilot doing mundane jobs at an absolutely greatly looking asteroid belt. Humanity is colonizing space and has been doing this for a long time. Long enough that people live in their ships, atleast thats what I got from it.
Then stuff happens, first pirates, then even more militarized and more powerful enemies.

The gameplay is fast paced, you do like 3 mission/activities/discoery in 15 minutes. Those activities are so fast, that you have to be there with your mind. You fight pirates in the middle of a space station, you race through asteroids and even into space stations and much larger ships.
Meanwhile I loved the controls. Sure you cannot roll your ship, and everywhere you have some meaning of "down", which you can rotate your ship to, but you can just stay there an rotate. Or fly backwards for that matter. But this game focuses on the dogfights, and you want to go forward! And fast! You are fast! And you are agile. Your ship follows the mouse without delay, it flys not always in the center and not always in a corner tight enough, but the point is, that it feels natural even after a short time! I was just not even thinking what to do anymore at a pretty early point, I just bashed through alle enemies.

After you got your controls in ordner you get psychic abilities. The first one is a big scan. Fair enough, feels good, and you need it. But then you get a jump, which gets you right behind an enemy. I absolutely abused this ability. I didn't know if I would get more, and I didn't care. This was all I needed. Atleast I thought so. The I got another ability, and another... and each time... every single time the new ability wasn't particularly stronger than the old one, but it changed everything again and again, and everytime I was tempted to only use the newest one. That's rare for me, since I usually figure something out early and stick with it. This was refreshing.

Some of the other reviews say, that the story is weak. I disagree. It wasn't as long, it didn't have any descisions and it didn't really have any surprising turns. But I though it to be well thought out. You always suspect things, but do not know. And many of the characters have a background story, which you can discover.
Of course I get why it is not the deepest story, but it did not get boring for me in 17 hours.

And that's what matters right? Writing a story that is exactly as long as you need it be, without getting boring and without getting too long to figure out every detail. Too many games are way too bloated that way. This takes care of the basics. And it's good at it.

I did not come across any bugs, or stuttering. The game ran well on my mediocre machine and still amazing me with its looks.
Finished in 17 hours on normal, without permadeath mode.
Posted 11 August, 2024.
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22.1 hrs on record
It has its pros, it has it cons, but in my eyes it is a masterpiece.

The Sky is always hungry!

This statement ist heard multiple times during the game and it has a powerful ring to it.

The graphics are well made for a pixel art game, the animations surprisingly detailed and the sound well synced and often adorable. Sadly there is no voiceover. After 20 hours, the controls were just in my blood, some people complained, that it may be stiff, or clunky, but for me it really really worked.

The downside is, that, atleast for me, the 20 hours could also have been 10, but this time I decided to be a completionist. This is one of the few games I finished with 100%, hence the 20 hours. I guess you could finish it in around 10.
It can be a bit sluggish from time to time. To do everything you have to fly to each island, get offboard and shoot everything, then you get quests, which are absolutely fine, and then you go on. Every flight you get to fight in the sky with your airship, which feels great again. But it gets really repetitive.

There is also something like a loot-box system in here. Yet I don't mind it, since you can't get any "blanks". Just the order you get your items is random. As long as you have enough boxes you get everything, and even after that you get money out of it. The weapons however feel a little too many, which leads to too many different ammo types, and you are often missing the one you need. And melee is already strong as it is.

I would love to play something like this again. Finished on normal difficulty in 20 hours.
Posted 21 July, 2024.
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3 people found this review helpful
25.3 hrs on record (23.8 hrs at review time)
Hm, it is an RTS game, sure enough. But why does everything take so long?

I like the Conan Universe, which I sadly do not know nearly enough about. Sadly this game, as special as it is with its economy system, it does not tell enough it.

This is, of course, moved to a nicely made comic in the main menu, but is it enough?

No cutscenes, no dialogs, every mission is the same formula: Build a base, raise some walls, and defend against waves of attackers. The attackers thereby only consisting of... maybe 12 different kinds of units. Not much and since you have a lot of walls, towers and choke points, each unit does not need anything as big strategy. Just tank it with your walls. And shoot it with arrows.

I tried different kinds of units, but only archers, of any kind really made a difference. The melee fighters are basically dead meat and cavalry only matters in larger numbers and on large rhinos. The main reason why you are not encouraged to is the amount of gold you are getting. You really need a big city to sustain it all and that takes time. And the time is not given, since you are only getting ressources every 24 seconds or so.

Well I could go on. But I did get to enjoy some of it since I love RTS and hero based combat. It was fun to explore the build up and find out how things worked.
But since a single mission takes over an hour and you rarely do anything it can be quite boring after a while.

The graphics and music are fine and exciting. I did not encounter any bugs or glitches and the models are nicely designed, fitting for the universe.

Finished the main game and the Belit's Fury DLC in a little over 20 hours on easy mode, since hard is really that. Hard.
Posted 30 May, 2023.
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11 people found this review helpful
7.4 hrs on record
Well, for a long time I'm really torn.

This game has issues, but do they outweigh the inventions and the things that make this game unique?

Well I would like to compel you find out for yourself.

This game is short, but not fast. You plan a city, as promised, this city can fly. You have to manage personell and ressources, income and storage. But this city still can fly. So you also need to account the balance, all the living space on the right and storage on the left will make your city unbalanced, and therefore your people unhappy. (I would be too if everything would turn halfway sideways).
The again you could just lift the space up with a propeller. Buuut... of course that is a steam-powered engine. It stinks! And so you have to put it somewhere in the back, away from the living spaces... But wait, now it is forward tilted.

That concept is great! You need to plan a city that is weighed out, not too heavy overall and fed with absurd amounts of coal to stay aloft. And suddenly those people want to eat and drink too.

Overall you do the usual stuff, but moving around.

That is the part where this game becomes an exploration game, rather than a city-builder. You need to find ruins, settlements and already existing kingdoms. It is a great refreshing new experience... if only... everything would not be so incredibly slow.

I played it on the highest speed setting continously and still went away to grab a bite, came back and not really anything did change. The 8 hours it took me to finish this game could have easily been 6.. if the city would fly faster. You can improve it with engines, of course, but I had a hard time adjusting the ressources in order to get there. So slow it was... and boring too.

Finished in around 8 hours on normal difficulty. I don't see a really worth in replaying it, but I may go to make an achievement run someday.
Posted 9 April, 2023.
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2.8 hrs on record
I was conflicted, but after multiple frustrating attempts on a boss fight I made my call for a neative review.

I do not know much of indian mythology or histroy to tell anything about how accurate the story is in this case, but it feels like an actual tale. Good job in that case.

The main issue I have is with the controls. Since my last controller broke, keyboard and mouse were my only option. Sometimes Raji would dodge as expected, sometimes with a little delay and sometimes in a totally opposite direction. Following the mouse cursor or the moving direction. Not sure when which happens.

It got really frustrating. Next fixed camera angles are giving me a headache, but that might be a personal thing.

The soundtrack is fine and as expected, feels very indian. Since I don't speak any hindi I had to put in the english version. The voice lines on those are terrible, I'm not even sure if it was the voice actors, or the actual lines that had to be spoken. But Raji did at no point ever as someone who would fight demons. Of course looks may be deceiving. I just did not get the feeling...

Stoppen playing after 2,5h first on normal, then switching to easy, with little to no effect on actual gameplay-difficulty.
Posted 18 December, 2022.
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20.8 hrs on record
AN Action-RPG in the Warhammer universe? Well I was skeptical... Then the first tutorial missions went down and were actually quite entertaining.

I really did not have high hopes for this game, since there are so many ARPGs out there, and, of course, W40k games still have this feeling of not hitting right, even so we had Space Marine, Dawn of War and Apocalypse.
And this one is not quite up there, but it tries.

The main issue I have is the "meat grinder" objective of everything. Of course, it is war, peopple die... in the hundreds or thousands. But a single hand, not even astartes, is wiping out thousands of special forces, mutants, demons, astartes and even greater demons. It just does not feel right.
Right in the beginning of the game you find a slain "Angel of Death" and the voice lines say something like "What even could kill one of the best warriors?". Yet you proceed to massaker them in the dozens. Often more than one at a time. I know this is fantasy-land, but this feels unrealistic.

The conversations are completely voiced and the voice actors did a decent job. Sometimes there are some Names mispronounced, but I see, that they were trying to seed in different accents. All in all well done.

The thing that kept me at this game was a quite intriqueing story about the "Martyr" a forgotting ship in the nowhere of space. You leave this ship in order to find it again, you will visit planets and do some smaller side missions, but everything leads back to this ship.

I did not bother to much with the generic missions, even so there are sometimes some paradoxes. As in an NPC congratulates you on a job well done. And you haven't met him yet. Then, a couple of missions later, you free him from captivity. Nothing to big of a deal, but it is recognizable.

I also did not bother much with the equipment system. I found a weapon that fit me and never used anything else, aside from other weapons of the same type. That was a little different with the rest of the equipment, where I just looked at the bottom where it says "This one is <number> better than what you have". Made it pretty easy.

At last the difficulty is something to look out for.
There is "Normal" which is so underscaled I did not even bother contemplating any tactics or tricks in order to kill that giant monster. And there is even a much easier one called "Story". I can't really see whats that for. Otherwise we can crank it up to "Eye of terror" with "Extereme" being somewhere in the middle.
I did not try those modes, since I was interested in the story, but if you love to grind that one should be more for you.

On the good side it has an amazing soundtrack, well designed characters with this specific "sass" you would not expect from a Rogue Trader Captain or even an adeptus mechanicus. I love those interactions! The space marine on your ship was actually quite boring in comparison, and the locations, especially on the star map, are beautiful. You really get the Warhammer 40k feeling from those, even so the textures are a little washed down.

All in all, recommendable for fans of the 40k universe who like ARPG, Story, with all sidequsts finished in 23 hours on "Normal" as an assassin.
Posted 11 November, 2022.
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6.2 hrs on record (5.0 hrs at review time)
Another one of the Dark Anthology-games. And I am all here for it!

Played through in one sitting I as usual could just not keep everyone alive. Sadly it has always to be one who dies.
The horror aspect of the game did not bother me as much as I thought it would. One or two jumpscares hit me slightly, but most were maybe not foreseeable but did come with a good portion of "it has to come soon". That part especially made me feel interested, since it was the reason I was actively trying to understand what was going on.
So many times a horror game just wants to scare you, but seldom tries to explain everything on the go. This is different this time, where in the end it all makes sense and you know what to expect next, but without getting actually spoiled.

Obviously this game lives and dies with its actors who did a great job of recording their faces and their voices in different accents and behaviour.

All in all I already enjoyed the "Man of Medan" but I really dug into this one. Will play again to save and to kill everyone. Finished the story in about 5,5 hours.
Posted 9 November, 2022.
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17.1 hrs on record
So... just to get this... You are the Steam Bots.. who use heat and water to run... because you are the old inhabitants of earth... Then come the other old inhabitants... The Diesel Bots.... who are actually just jerks with pretty fancy looking ships and bots and a big secret... and then there are electronics bots...

So... basically... Humans are forgotten, earth is dead and there are way too many bots.

First I had some trouble adjusting to the up and down. Instead of the left and right. But later it gave some interesting possibilities for cover and flanking.

The overall difficulty is adjustable. I played it on "experienced" which is the middle option. Sometimes I cranked it up to earn more experience, since I had to replay one mission 20+ times to level up my Bots appropiately, seems like a bit of a balancing issue. Once you are level 10 all is good and you just move through.

From the tech perspective the graphics are fine and timeless. The jokes are fine, maybe not for everyone and the overall universe is something new.

Recommendable for people who like a small turn-based strategy gem, with not too much learning or maintenance behind it.

Finished in 17 hours on experienced. (No DLC).
Posted 16 October, 2022.
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8.5 hrs on record
I really tried to like this game, but there are too many things wrong for me to be even able to finish it.

Styx is apparently a master of stealth and assassination, you slip around the guards, you run around a corner and you hide in everything, sometimes even in a flowerpot (or whatever that thing is).
The levels are made enormous, a lot of room to scout around, to look what is hidden.

And here start the problems with it. First of all I usually finish the main mission in a normal amount of time. But then the backtracking, the looking around for my way to the level-exit and overall the slow movement through the map is biting at my patience the entire time.
Of course you have to wait for an opportunity, or for a way to open, but that should be made interesting and not... Let me put it that way. I'm sitting under a table right in front of the door I want to go through. In front of this door is a fully armored knight, which is an undefeatable enemy. He only turns around for 2 seconds in order to look at some food (not eat it, because you could kill him with poison!), once he turns I plan to sneak ahead, but nooo... once I move every single chair in the entire room feels like creating a life of its own and falls over, with all eyes on me. So wait some more you say? Turns out... even a fallen chair makes a lot of noise if breathed at...

You have the rare ability to use "amber". Which is a fancy word for mana, in order to use spells like invisibility, vision and creating a clone. That's fine, but you really have to be holding back on you amber, since there is only so much you can have, and potions are rare.
That leaves you with the everlasting question "Is this the right moment?".

The real reason why I am now abandoning this game is because I got so frustrated for dying over and over again from everything. A guard found me -> One Shot. I climb down some hooks in the wall and then grap a brazier -> One Shot from burning. An undefeatable knight found me -> One Shot. I fell down an infinite hole -> ... you know it!
The levels are so big and beautiul, that the quest markers are utterly useless. You know where to go. But getting there is always in a completely different direction, which led me to the point, that the quest marker was actually misleading me and I had to ignore it.
The NPCs are just normal "I walk in a circle"-Stupid NPCs, which is fine for this game. It just feels really unbalanced once you have to win 3 QTEs to kill one of them, while being oneshotted by throwing knifes and being unable to run away.
The story is... well it IS. That is all I can really say... You infiltrate a human settlement. The humans capture you and you explain the story... well fine... but what is this city? What about that tree? And why? Nothing really ever gets answered (maybe that is still coming, but I left it after around 8 hours with no answers at all.)

The graphics are a little outdated, which is fine. It is an older game and the animations are actually really enjoyable. It is really impressive to see your goblin kill a human with his foot in the humans mouth to silence him. Clever!

At last... abandoned after 8 hours of dying repeatedly and running around clueless on "Easy". And not a single female in sight over all this time.
Posted 9 September, 2022.
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8 people found this review helpful
9.8 hrs on record
Well it tries to be, but it's not quite a DOOM.

You jump, dash, wallwalk and hook your way around the enemies shooting almost blindly around you.

To be fair it does many things right. There is actually a lot of speed in the combat, your guns are versatile and need to be constantly maintained, your body itself has to be modified. A lot to do. There is a variety of sidequests to help with your income. Those are all generic missions on the maps of the main missions.

Overall the story is very ... flat?! ... There is a guy you don't like. He has an offer. It gives money... then some small turns... tada, that's it. But I did not expect much of storytelling with this. My expectations were exactly what I got. I wanted to shoot and kill things. I did... maybe a little bit too much... A little bit too ... often the same?

There are about ... maybe 15?! enemy types? The "normal" ones are fine. One shot, one kill. Feels nice.
The other ones are much more annoying... with their energyshields and their jumping around. But well... atleast it challenges you a bit. The bosses is where it's at! Those are super tanky, but the music rocks in, the arenas are well made.

All in all, graphics not too bad, the music is sometimes good, sometimes you don't recognize it and the gameplay is fast. Finished on normal in 9 hours, by doing only the main missions.
Posted 6 September, 2022.
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