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1 person found this review helpful
48.3 hrs on record (47.6 hrs at review time)
Header text SPOILERS AHEAD - This will be my relatively small spoiler containing review for anyone who happens to stumble upon it when trying to decide whether or not to play the game.

The game is great. No its ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ fantastic. The story was beautiful and I had a much better relationship with the characters because they actually had voices (so does the main character!). The cut scenes blend beautifully in the world, the music is amazing, no loading screens between zones, the gunplay is great and by god there are so many guns (some of which you only come across much later in the game sadly). I have played only played Anomaly previously so I am still somewhat new to the community, but I absolutely did find nostalgia within this game. Characters from previous games, locations, references, a certain event in Rostok that many of us will remember, etc.

Yes, the game is very buggy. I found myself having to reload saves and restart the game probably close to 30 times during my entire play through (not a lot compared to some other people). One mission in particular you have to save Zalissya from a Monolith attack as an optional side quest. Upon reaching the town no Monolith were spawning in. I discovered them sitting in the main town house aggroing/deaggroing on the guards and it was a mess. I ended up walking away from it and not soon after the town was taken over and I could no sell/repair there.

Many bugs with audio, the AI not being fantastic at all and more often than not they will spawn in front of your face and precede to fill your already wounded body with more bloodied holes. Many of the mutants are tanky to ♥♥♥♥. My first fight with a bloodsucker had me running in circles getting two shots off at a time with my double barrel for a good 3 minutes until the guy stopped sucking.

PERFORMANCE IS HORRIBLE... sometimes... I was very lucky and ran the game at an acceptable 60-80fps depending on where I was and then sometimes it would drop to 25 fps and not move an inch until I restarted. I know others are having issues with performance, aiming, audio, etc and I do just ask to not give up on the game yet.

In my opinion GSC did a great job at the game. I did feel immersed, but of course there are many key components they could improve on. For example: An actual faction standing meter like the old games, adjusting prices of nearly everything as money is pretty hard to come by (the money glitch saved my playthrough and I enjoyed the game much more after that). Yes they absolutely could have let the game cook some more, but they have stated that patches are coming very very soon and many of the issues we have will be addressed.

After 47.5 hours played, dozens of side quests, hundreds of main quests, STALKERS slain, mutants turned into swiss cheese, bolts thrown at anomalies, and minuscule amounts of ammo collected from thousands of bodies, I can safely say that this is one of my favorite games I have ever played. The game is hard and I totaled about 30 deaths playing on normal difficulty. If you aren't interested in a challenging "OH ♥♥♥♥ IM OUT OF AMMO WITH MUTANTS INSIDE MY CHEEKS" moment, then don't get the game.

But for those of you who will dive in and enter The Zone, I wish you luck.
Posted 24 November, 2024.
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549.7 hrs on record (96.5 hrs at review time)
I still cannot get over how much I enjoyed the campaign. It had so many big and small hints of all the previous modern warfares with their own new twists and I loved every single one I recognized.
It took me a while to fully understand how the new camo and attachment system worked, but once I did grasp it, I found that I actually preferred it more over any other previous system.

This game forces you to use different weapons in different ways and forces you to actually try out different game modes to better help you focus on leveling up a specific gun or unlocking a specific camo.

I have to admit, I hated the previous warzone because of all the meta guns and the combination with the black ops and vanguard made me so confused. This call of duty has actually made it possible to make any gun into a new meta with their take on weapon tuning which allows you to favor different aspects of your gun over one another and I absolutely love that. With every gun I have used, as soon as I unlock weapon tuning, I spend a good amount of time making sure it is just what I want before jumping in to finish off my camo unlocks. This is the most amount of time I have put into a COD game just a few weeks after its launch and I don't regret a moment of it.

I am beyond excited for Warzone 2.0 and DMZ to release tomorrow afternoon. I know it will be a blast with the new tier level system which actually requires you to go into the map and focus on one zone at a time. No more grinding boring ♥♥♥♥ until you get to level 100. There will be so many new experiences especially with future updates. While I did love MW 2019, MW2 2022 has completely taken my homemade cake and I will stand by that decision forever.

I will admit though. The grind is real. If you want the classic holosight on your gun, you might have to grind a gun you absolutely hate in order to get it. If you want the pink dragon camo on your bizon? Have fun grinding some arbitrary weapon! I have to admit it is hilarious, but once you unlock that pink dragon skin, you can even put it on your Javelin.

The movement has been slowed down yes, but there are still the same amount of people sliding under your ankles and dolphin diving around corners as much as the last call of duty. I have screamed and wanted to place my fist through my screen, but who hasn't? It's call of duty.

I could go on and on about how much more in touch this new MW is. There is so much more to do and it actually keeps you on your toes unlike the previous MW editions.

Thank you COD team for the amazing game and thank you to the community who have made it an incredible experience.
Posted 15 November, 2022.
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3 people found this review helpful
169.1 hrs on record (59.6 hrs at review time)
This game is very subjective in my opinion. Most of the reviews you see on youtube are from IGN and just remember a few months ago they were giving this game a 9/10 and that includes bugs and look at them now. They have decided to get every little complaint that have and toss it around like wildfire.

I have spent every hour that I could in the past week playing this game and I have played enough to complete this nearly three times over.

I can say with a good heart that this game has been one of the best that I have played this year. I rarely have the time to play RPG games, but honestly this has been amazing.

YES there are bugs. I am not here to discuss the same topics that millions of others are talking about. I have seen cars dissapear, NPCS clipping through ♥♥♥♥, guns appearing as invisible, no sounds playing while other characters are diving.

The game is a mess I will admit that. Navigating through the menu and inventory gives me anxiety attacks because there IS SO MUCH TO LOOK AT.

I know this game has been in development for nearly a decade. When the first trailer came out I was barely even 11 years old.

CDPR lied about the state of the console versions and I am disappointed in their honesty. It upsets me that in order to actually enjoy this game you need to spend $1500 on a gaming rig and even then you are only getting 40-60 FPS with frame drops here and there.

This game has a lot of work that needs to be done with it, however at the end of the day I enjoyed my experience with it and will recommend it to those that know they have the capabilities to play it.
If you don't have the ability to run it, then please wait. $60 can buy a lot more than an incomplete game. Spend it on a nice watch or another xmas present for a close person or animal to you. As the saying goes, the more the merrier.

I hope everyone has a happy holiday season. I will continue to play Cyberpunk and make edits as I need to. I will let my faith remain with CDPR in that they know what needs to happen to fix this game.

Stay asleep Samurai, the city can wait to be burned.
Posted 19 December, 2020.
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