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Clutch Case

Clutch Case

Counter-Strike 2
Counter-Strike 2
Base Grade Container
Items in this container can be rented.
Container Series #238
Contains one of the following:
PP-Bizon | Night Riot
Five-SeveN | Flame Test
MP9 | Black Sand
P2000 | Urban Hazard
R8 Revolver | Grip
SG 553 | Aloha
XM1014 | Oxide Blaze
Glock-18 | Moonrise
Negev | Lionfish
Nova | Wild Six
MAG-7 | SWAG-7
UMP-45 | Arctic Wolf
AUG | Stymphalian
AWP | Mortis
USP-S | Cortex
M4A4 | Neo-Noir
MP7 | Bloodsport
or the Exceedingly Rare Gloves!
Tags: Container, The Clutch Collection, Normal, Base Grade, Tradable, Marketable