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Évaluations récentes de zazquatch

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41.7 h en tout
best game ever made
Évaluation publiée le 18 novembre 2024.
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2 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
57.3 h en tout (27.2 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
In every FPS-game I normally pick like 3 guns from an arsenal of 10.
In this game EVERY. SINGLE. GUN. is sooo much fun!

Oh and not only the guns, every ability is also extremely useful and FUN! Blood everywhere!

The more I progress thru this game, the better it gets!

Even on the hardest difficulty, this game is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ power-fantasy!

Out of every singleplayer-FPS and boomer-hooter I've played throughout the last few years, this is absolutely the best!
Also the neon, bright and colorful cyberpunk-aesthetic is just gorgeus. I hate how most retro/boomer-shooters seem to have a hard-on for oldschool doom aesthetics where the whole palette is just shades of brown and grey.
THIS POPS! I wanna look at cool colors with my OLED! (shame there's no HDR atm)

Évaluation publiée le 2 juin 2024.
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17.7 h en tout (11.1 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Idk why this isn't more popular. Very unique graphics style, DOOM-esque gameplay and a ton of fun!
Évaluation publiée le 20 mai 2024.
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4 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation amusante
0.4 h en tout
- Really weird and clunky controls

- Mission objectives are not really obvious, the markers are VERY small, like a fuzzy shimmer around an object

- No manual reload, boring af "hold your gun upside-down" autoload

- ZERO graphical options

- ZERO control binding options

- Smooth turn only goes like 4 steps, last one is still pretty slow

- The world objects aren't as interactive as you might think, just props to throw around

- You sometimes accidentally grab ledges, ladders, the ground etc. while trying to grip objects or weapons

- Gunplay feels extremely floaty, nothing has real weight, NPC's react to body-shots as if you fire a airsoft-gun
the sounds also don't have any punch, my wall-mounted clock has more punch

- NO INVENTORY SCREEN AT ALL! Yes you have holsters and stuff, but there isn't a central screen or menu. Just have to
remember or guess apparently

- After you finish gun-tutorial/training, you're teleported back to the main-game and some robot delivers you a pistol.
You're expected to kill around 10 enemies, yet aren't given ANY ammo and have to frantically scavenge for bullets

- Lot's of bugs. I had to use a crowbar to break a crate. Had to pause the game shortly, returned and said crowbar just
- Another time, I tried loading a checkpoint and it spawned me floating between skyscrapers so I fell to my death.

Wow, what a dissapointment. Graphics are actually pretty nice, looks modern. The climbing, parkour-elements are well done too. It's just that everything else sucks.

DISCLAIMER: Some of my complaints might actually be me not understanding the game correctly. The game does a poor job properly explaining it's mechanics.

After 12 years of owning a steam-account, this will sadly be my first ever refund.
Évaluation publiée le 17 mai 2024. Dernière modification le 17 mai 2024.
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43.9 h en tout (3.4 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Warzone in VR. Very well executed, graphics could be a Lil better but gunplay is top notch.
Sound design is also a bit weird ond boring. Apex and CoD have really nice hitmarker and kill-sounds, why not here?
Évaluation publiée le 2 mai 2024. Dernière modification le 2 mai 2024.
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1,314.4 h en tout (1,235.9 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Was about to change my review to a positive one after solos. Well that got removed and we will get even more cashgrabs lol
Finally uninstalled this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

If you're a new player: Enjoy the game while you can. The first 500-1000 hours are fun but as you get better at the game you realize how much EA and respawn do not care bout you...

After 5 years of shameless cashgrabs, lackluster events and un-interesting new seasons, I can say I am finally done with this game. Servers suck ass and communication from the team is just not there. Many of my friends have already given completely up dealing with this mess. It was a fun ride, have 2000 hours on my origin account and 1000 here on steam for a combined 3000 hours. Can't even play with my casual mates since they get dunked on in my lobbies.

Ranked got a rework a few seasons ago which made it a lot ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and I haven't played ranked since than and I really enjoyed grinding to dia or trying masters (I am too ♥♥♥♥ for masters tbh :D)
Évaluation publiée le 18 janvier 2024. Dernière modification le 10 juillet 2024.
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24 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation amusante
28.9 h en tout (18.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
If you like Titanfall or Quake, this is a love-letter for you. Once you get the hang of the movement you'll instantly be reminded of Titanfall or Quake in a very good way. The parkouring really sets this apart from other retro-shooters. In all other aspects, this is a very basic shooter, the movement and high speed is all that it has going for itself (Exactly what I was searching for lol)
ALSO: This is a very good aim-trainer. Set enemy damage to max, your damage to 0,50 and adrenaline regen to max. Game rewards you for headshots (One-shots grunts). Go for the head while wallruning, jumping, falling and running. Reall try to move and don't just stand there, it will be way more fun than staring at bots in koovaks or target discs in AimLabs.

First off: I don't understand some of the reviews here.
Someone said the level layout is confusing?

Yes, levels are very dark and black, the way forward is always marked with some kind of green/bright light like, you know, every other game? They're almost always linear but sometimes you have to do objectives like keycards so the level becomes a bit more open.

No markers, map or journal. You have to pay attention to what you are being told and are expected to figure stuff out on your own. I personally enjoy it more over modern game design. -
Also someone said the levels weren't designed for wallrun? Plenty of movement opportunities,I had no trouble evading enemies as I got better at the movement.

That said, the game is pretty short. There is only 3 Chapters and they only take like 6 hours to complete. Not enough secrets to reward exploring on playthroughs after you finish the game. Only thing to collect is qr codes (lore), more ammo and armor. No early weapons, extra features (think lego star wars) secret bosses or the like.

Enemies are honestly pretty basic too. Lights, heavies, melee rushers, mechs, floating drones, turrets and bosses.
Their AI is super dumb. Sometimes you can get up to a roof or platform and they won't even try to jump to you even though they have the ability to do so. Leads to them standing there and you can pick them off like a shooting-gallery.
Sadly ach phase is pretty similar and they pack no real surprises.

Weapon selection is also satisfying but very basic. Think of quake or unreal tournament. Some of the guns allow "rocket jumps" like the shotgun. Very fun and adds to the movement!
No attachment or skin customizations.

Soundtrack is SUPERB! In all honestly though, I'm a pretty big dnb-head so this is right up my alley! 90% is punchy drum and bass in a 90's fps style.
REVEL - SPIRE This is my favourite track in the game, give it a listen!
The design of the other sounds in the game is run off the mill though. No bad, not good, no issues here.

Game is balanced, none of the levels are impossible no matter the difficulty you choose.
The game heavily rewards headshots or hitting enemy-weakpoints. The pistol one-shots grunts heads and 2-3 shots for heavier enemies even when set to hard difficulty. In comparison it takes like 5 body-shots for a grunt to go down and they won't drop health/ammo-pickups when killed. Some enemies have no weakpoint so you are expected to use the right weapon for the right enemy. SMG and Pistol won't really scratch mechs but minigun, grenade launcher and rocket launcher work very well.

There is also a slow-mo mechanic where you can hold a button (right mouse by default) to slow down time and highlight weakpoints and objectives. There is a bar in the middle and it drains as you use it. Enemies drop refills.
Personally not a huge fan of it and how every singleplayer-FPS nowadays has one somehow. To me it feels like cheating and I never use it.

All in all a good, kinda mediocre game. For 7€ on sale it was a no-brainer. Even for the standard 14€ it's a pretty good deal. Wish there was a level editor or extra levels beside horde mode though :(
Évaluation publiée le 28 décembre 2023.
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23.8 h en tout
Old-School Gameplay, love it.
Évaluation publiée le 23 novembre 2023.
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2 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
113.4 h en tout
The performance is horrible unless you play on something like a 4080 or better.
Side content is minimal, only 4 "big" faction storylines with some interesting scripted sequences.
Rest are one off quests without much meaning.
Characters especially companions, feel flat and one-dimesnional. -I hated them, unlike fallout or skyrim's.
Main story is too focused on New Game+, it feels meaningless. Isn't even that interesting.
Coming from cyberpunk, rdr 2... The animations look like something from a 2015 game.
Loading screens. every. where.

Have to wait if mods can redeem this one. The basis is cool with ship-building, exploring is fun with better looking planets than no mans sky. Shame it isn't utilised enough.
Évaluation publiée le 17 octobre 2023. Dernière modification le 17 octobre 2023.
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2 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
235.7 h en tout (234.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
So I'm finally doing the last set of challenges for the Orion camo. One hour in I suddenly crash, turn the game back on and can't find any lobbies under 150 ping. Turns out I'm shadowbanned. I have a 0.98 KD and 0.85 Winrate lol Thanks Activision for delaying my grind to Orion another week. And to think I paid money for a game I can't play when the publisher decides so.

EDIT: Can play normally again after 5 days. Still won't change my opinion and review.
Évaluation publiée le 8 janvier 2023. Dernière modification le 14 janvier 2023.
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