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lifelover 6 Aug, 2021 @ 7:15am 
Item #: SCP-106

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures:


No physical interaction with SCP-106 is allowed at any time. All physical interaction must be approved by no less than a two-thirds vote from O5-Command. Any such interaction must be undertaken in AR-II maximum security sites, after a general non-essential staff evacuation. All staff (Research, Security, Class D, etc.) are to remain at least sixty meters away from the containment cell at all times, except in the event of breach events.
Wilson | Snooze Gang 22 Jul, 2021 @ 1:54pm 
Hey I'm glad to find a fellow supporter of MAGA on this left-wing liberal site, keep rocking brother!

#MAGA #LockHerUp #BuildTheWall
lifelover 23 Apr, 2021 @ 1:45pm 
مرحبا يا معراك المصير
مرحبا يا عوادي الزمن
شعبنا العريق مزق الكفن
وهبت الجموع تقارع المحن
مرحبا مرحبا يا معارك المصير
يا أيها الجياع يا أيها العراة
تقدموا لسحق أعداء الحياة
يا قلعة الصمود, الصمود والفداء
الى الامام يا مواكب العطاء
يا أيها المعذبون يا أيها المشردون
وحدوا صفوف المجد
وارفدوا مسيرة البعث العظيم
طلائع الرفاق شقت كاللهب
وفجرت في ارضنا منابع الضياء
الى العلى الى العلى يا راية العرب
خالدة على المدى رسالة العرب
يا امتي تقدمي
وفجري مراجل الغضب
من المحيط للخليج دولة العرب
lifelover 23 Apr, 2021 @ 1:36pm 
Cool individual but is a secret paramilitia officer for Saddam Hussein and joined several operations against American units in Basrah
lifelover 21 Apr, 2021 @ 3:44pm 
Rise, O voices of Correntia,
God may we Thy bounty share.
Give us strength to face all danger,
And where challenge is, to dare.
Guide us, Lord, to wise decision,
Ever of Thy grace aware,
Oh, let our hearts beat bravely always
For this land within Thy care.
lifelover 19 Apr, 2021 @ 1:49pm 
Questa è la storia di Correntia
Una terra bella e allo stesso tempo grande
L'undici novembre
Uno Stato Indipendente
Questo era molto contro i desideri
Di alcuni governi
I cui leader hanno cercato di abbatterci
E farci pentire tutti

Ma siamo tutti Correntiani e combatteremo nel bene e nel male
Manterremo la nostra terra una terra libera dal nemico in arrivo
Li terremo a nord del Viktoria, finché il fiume non si prosciugherà
E questa potente terra prospererà, perché i Correntiani non muoiono mai