Reaper   Yeovil, Somerset, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
you may call me Reaper or if you prefer molecule mind

Occupation - getting drink and/or playing video games, im "just a run of the mill" gamer working is for fools and horses.
location - a semi molten ball flying thru space the locals aren't what you would call bright.
DNA - Superior obviously.
Lifesigns - KIA.

What pray tell may i say that im lazy sarcastic and dim witted? well yes i am and you can often times found me ether drink or flirting with the ladys some times both but for the most part i will go out of my away to help people but i am just as concerned for helping ones self o and im bad to the bone.

things i like and often think about well females for one thing but for another gothic and well architecture in general, engineering is a great subject that and the other sciences like physiology and Physics philosophy is somthing i've really gotten into especially morality, i also love talking about space that and alcohol an weaponry i am male after all and shooting at people is so very entertaining although not so fun when the self-centred bar stewards shoot back, music! of course i like music trance, heavy metal, classical love lots of different types.

thing's I would like to achieve
1 Enough alcohol to last a lifetime
2 To be a master of strategy
3 To be a game designer
4 To be adept at engineering
5 To be adept at Physics
6 To be adept at laziness
list of achievements so far
guess which one

they are classed as heros in war, but as criminals in peace

hell has no fury like a woman scorned

So long as there are men, there will be wars.
War, war never changes.

apathy is death

Nothing is true, everything is permitted

Woe to all that love yet cannot mount above their pity! Thus spake the devil once unto me: "Even God hath His hell: it is His love unto men". And of late heard I the word spoken: God is dead: God hath died of His pity for men. Be warned against pity: thence cometh yet a heavy cloud over men.

War is God's way of teaching Americans geography

Weapons are like money; no one knows the meaning of enough.

are guns the end of chivalry and mercy?

if you can meet triumph and disaster and treat then just the same then you will be a man

What is life, the answer is easy its girls
alcohol and fun

I am not racist I have contempt for everyone

For life is quite absurd and death's the final word you must always face the curtain with a bow
forget about your sin give the audience a grin enjoy it, it's your last chance anyhow
always look on the bright side of death a-just before you draw your terminal breath
life's a piece of ♥♥♥♥ when you look at it life's a laugh and death's a joke, it's true

Ain't No Rest For The Wicked

Apparently so, but suppose you throw a coin enough times... suppose one day, it lands on its edge

pigeons seem to be able to detect the Earth’s magnetic fields. This magnetic sensitivity along with the ability to tell there direction by the sun seems to help pigeons find their way home

There are more than 30,000 species of spiders, Webs get dirty and torn so alot of spiders tend make a new web every day. They don't waste the old one though they roll it up into a ball and eat it
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