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18.4 timer registreret i alt
This is a good, fairly casual sim game. The designer gave you a friendly environment with small references to the IRL video game industry. The graphics and sound are simple but appropriate and don't get annoying. The basics are easy to pickup, and even though the game didn't seem to relate all aspects of play through a tutorial, missing concepts could be picked up along the way. I didn't feel like there was a ton of variation or new things to try after the first 10 hours, and replayability is limited once you get through all the achievements, but after taking a break from it, you could probably get back into it for another run through.

Also bundled at no cost is "Thank You: The Game 3," which is a simple Flash-style game where you travel around a map of about 10 locations and use menu options or other screen click interactions to help people out and are rewarded with cheers when successful. Just a simple, fun show of appreciate from Endless Loop Studios.
Skrevet: 28. juli 2018.
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5.9 timer registreret i alt (4.5 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Genius Calculator doesn't feel like a truly finished product, but is a fun casual puzzle game to pick up on sale. You're presented with 104 challenges with a start value, a target value to reach, and a few functions to make them match. It's up to you to determine which functions are necessary and in which order. There's no help guide, but familiarizing yourself with the functions isn't hard. Anyone can finish this game if they're patient enough. There is no message or indication that you've completed all challenges after finishing #104, but the "next" button ceases to work. The in-game audio mute doesn't work, but the music isn't distracting.
Skrevet: 14. juli 2018.
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32 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
0.0 timer registreret i alt
This was a rather disappointing DLC. Yeah, you get to kill Hitler, but it's only a single player-only mission and no achievement associated with it. If there's any way to use the two added rifles (SVT-40 and Kar 98) in non-DLC missions, I haven't seen it. Very shortlived entertainment and low value, even when getting it on sale.
Skrevet: 19. maj 2018.
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1 person fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
49.3 timer registreret i alt (34.6 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
I was introduced to Sniper Elite V2 after playing Zombie Army Trilogy, also by Rebellion. While the shots in SEV2 are more challenging, I like it even more. The overwatch multiplayer mode is much more satisfying than I would have thought, the traditional co-op is still in place, and the graphics are great. I reduced the frequency of the bullet time animations because it can interrupt the action flow, but every once in a while it's good to know when you hit the sweet spot.
Skrevet: 25. november 2017.
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8.8 timer registreret i alt
The premise is great, but the execution in the development of this game is disappointing. The primary problem is that not all the stages of this game are beatable. I'd recommend looking at the Steam discussions for this game and seeing how many levels have changed with the release of patches, and immovable objects are now placed in the wrong positions to allow the completion of several levels. It places players in the infuriating position of putting time into puzzles which cannot be solved. This is the Kobayashi Maru in it's truest form, as it cannot be 100% beat without hacking the game files.

Additionally, the game will sometimes stop responding when trying to reach the menu, and the achievements for it are also broken. In place of getting one for beating 50 levels, you get the achievement for beating *all* levels, and then you get additional one for beating 100 levels. Yet the one for 150 is still not awarded after beating 150 levels.

If the game hadn't been developed with so many bugs, it would have been alright, but I cannot recommend it.
Skrevet: 24. november 2017.
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3 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
11.1 timer registreret i alt
Anmeldelse for emne med tidlig adgang
Buying ARK as an Early Access title basically resulted in the negative things that concerns me about Early Access.

I picked up ARK as early access in November of 2016, and in the months following, have been greeted by a flawed game which the developers haven't worked to correct the problems of, but choose to ignore. Clipping issues? Dinosaurs spawning inside your sealed house? Absurdly slow performance for graphics that are several years behind the leading edge? These were all things I hoped would resolve in time, but have not seen any improvement. There have been gigabytes of patches during my ownership of this game, but they just add more map area (to say nothing about the DLC released while these issues still exist and game is in Early Access). I can't say I have any an interest in exploring further when your video card is hot enough to cook bacon just to render a walk on the beach. This was experienced on an Intel Core i7 4790K, 16GB RAM, Radeon RX 480 w/ 8GB. The bacon is crispy.

I haven't spent much time in MMO's, so I can't critique aspects of that too sharply, but I was disappointed in the fact that dying results in you respawning anywhere, and if you fail to get back to your body quickly enough, all of materials you've worked to acquire are lost. Logging out doesn't keep you safe from this, so if you're killed even when you're out of Steam, there's a good chance that you'll lose anything unless you were killed in your bed. As said above, housing won't protect you if the dinosaurs spawn inside it.
Skrevet: 8. juli 2017.
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7.7 timer registreret i alt
How involved I felt playing Firewatch was a bit of a surprise. I gotta say it kept a tiny piece of my heart when I finished it. Wishing there was more and that the story didn't end where it did, but having to let go. You can certainly play through it without feeling any emotion, but that doesn't feel like the point with a game like Firewatch.

The sound and music are appropriately done. The graphics are an interesting study of how to do more with less. They're not cutting edge, but I didn't feel like I was missing anything by it not being on the same level as Skyrim.

I spent around 7 hours playing through it fairly thoroughly, but still not uncovering every single aspect of the game. I would say it's a good value on sale for $10 or less, but someone could justify spending more if they needed a good story-driven game and didn't want to wait a few months.
Skrevet: 25. juni 2017.
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8 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
117.9 timer registreret i alt (64.8 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
It's like Resident Evil, but with Nazis and you don't need to stand still to shoot.

  • Excellent co-op
  • Solid attention to detail in the maps.
  • A well-executed vision of zombies in WWII Germany.
  • Looks pretty good and runs smoothly even on PC's a few years old.

  • Most levels are excessively long. I'm very thorough when playing, so would spend a few hours getting through each level, and longer if I ran into a hard spot.
  • While checkpoints are helpful, they are only good until you exit the game; there is no way when exiting the game to save progress within a level.
  • You don't have "lives" and there is no chance to get back up if you get knocked down in solo mode. The end result is a lot of backtracking if you get killed.
  • Trying to kill without a scope is tedious, so you spend most of your time zoomed in. In this case, until you're attacked, you rarely receive and visual or audio cues ahead of time that an enemy is nearby.

It might sound like I've got more problems with ZAT than praises, but I do recommend it. I just think it's more helpful to be aware of things you could find irritating.
Skrevet: 22. april 2017. Sidst redigeret: 22. april 2017.
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208.9 timer registreret i alt (171.8 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
This is an excellent game which I've enjoyed playing both solo and co-op. The loads of different maps, each of which may require a different strategy for optimal results, provides great replay value. Unlocking additional weapons, traps, trinkets, etc. offers the chance to spice things up. When you've played though all the maps, you can revisit them at the same difficulty or more challenging settings in co-op mode, and some of the maps are definitely easier with a friend.

The graphics run smoothly on almost any computer. The only thing that could be considered annoying is the occasional odd camera angle which leads to disorientation.

The sound effects never seem to get tedious. The quips from the heros are entertaining, as are the verbal responses from the orcs. I never minded the music either.

Especially at Nightmare difficulty setting, the maps can be a real challenge, but most players should be able to complete almost all the maps on at least the easiest difficulty setting over time. The endless mode provides additional challenges if the campaign has been completed.

Just a side note about weird requirements for those who are focused on achievements. The Stay Classy achievement requires you to purchase Orcs Must Die 1 and complete its levels. The Six Degrees achievement requires you to play through a stage with another player who has already earned the achievement. Both achievements are kind of lame and you should be aware of them if you're serious about achievements.
Skrevet: 23. november 2016. Sidst redigeret: 22. november 2018.
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12 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
1 person fandt denne anmeldelse sjov
0.0 timer registreret i alt
If you're a fanatic of the Knights of Pen & Paper series, then this may be worth purchasing Otherwise, it doesn't really add anything astounding, just a few map areas and quests, and some monsters which I believe are necessary for the base game's achievement "Virtual Reality." It was a little bit of a let down, providing several hours of entertainment, if you find the simplified quest system of "kill X enemies" or "retrieve X quantity of this item" entertaining. If you like the base game Knights of Pen & Paper 2 and want more of the same without any innovation, this DLC is for you.
Skrevet: 26. oktober 2016.
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Viser 31-40 af 41 forekomster