Tydorius   Indiana, United States
I play games to help with stress, anxiety, and depression. Typically I lean towards strategy (real time or turn based) or open world games. Until I get carpal tunnel surgery I'm going to be avoiding FPS type games.

I'm usually online in the evenings (-5 UTC), but I'm rarely anything but invisible.

I tend to avoid people. But if you want to see how terrible I am at Planetary Annihilation, send me a message and I'll see if I can't embarrass myself for you.
На линия
Life is pain.
I'm here for escapism. Life is pain, and then you die. So I spend my time trying to pretend I'm elsewhere because I'm cheerful like that.
Kriptini 29 апр. 2013 в 2:56 

Just beat my first Monster Zoo in Dungeons of Dredmor. Flesh-shaping + Necronomiconomics is amazing.