Trafalgar | OPSkins
United States
:greenjelly:Trade banned but i will buy your Items Via Opskins.

:greenjelly:My Profile will NEVER be private.

:greenjelly:I am level 19 on steam

:greenjelly:2 years of service Badge

:greenjelly:I will always do what i can to help traders in need.

:greenjelly:Rules are Rules i will not have putted them up for no reason.

:greenjelly:No Middleman Trades

:greenjelly:Can't Do Direct Trades

:greenjelly:Have a lot of credits in Opskins To Buy Over $100,000 Inventory

OPSkins Sell

:LitFirePlace:I will buy a knife/skins on OPSKIN to trade your knife/skins.

:LitFirePlace:I will not accept the offer by OPSKIN unless you will not send me offer with your knife/skins.

:LitFirePlace:But before you send offer i will send a screenshot that i already have the offer from the OPSKIN.

:LitFirePlace:Im doing this because when i buy the knife they want and after i get it and ready to trade they cancel our deal because they got better offer . . and so waste of time and money

if your profile looks suspicious, i reserve the right to instablock you, for my own protection. Also, if I find out that you scammed or attempted to scam someone, I will help them to report you, and guide them through the reporting process, so we make a nicer community.