
Последние обзоры Julian the Philosopher

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As one of the first video games I have ever played on the PC (and Steam), this title and the franchise it belongs to will always have a very special place in my eyes. 'Sid Meier's Civilization V' is a turn-based strategy game, in which you (idealistically) start with two units; a warrior and a settler, and as the game progresses, you expand and turn what seemed in the beginning like nothing, into something that will be sure to have you hooked into playing until the very end. As an individual who was completely new to the whole entire "PC Gaming" scene, I was certainly surprised by the lack of "professional skill" that it took to learn, understand, and play "Civ" (as most people usually refer to the game as). This game is sure to be a pleasure to play for individuals that are entirely new to the turned-based strategy genre of gaming or are already (or at least, believing to be) "seasoned veterans" who are more-than-familiar with how titles like this function. Provided that the person in question has the patience to wait for others (whether it be the AI or a fellow player) to take what seems like a "never-ending" (yeah, I know this is a gross-exaggeration) turn, you will always be in the mood to immerse yourself in one of the most enjoyable video game franchises that has ever existed on the face of the Earth (arguably, another gross-exaggeration, but probably not).
Опубликовано 29 августа 2014 г.. Отредактировано 29 августа 2014 г..
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