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Análises recentes de Malfeasance

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49.5 hrs em registo (23.7 horas no momento da análise)
TL;DR: I don't recommend the game in its current state for the same reasons as many others.

The biggest issues are of course technical:
- Texture streaming is fundamentally broken.
- Some other textures that do supposedly load properly would have looked good 25 years ago.
- In-engine cutscenes look far better visually, particularly lighting wise, and run about the same as gameplay. I'm convinced that's what the game is SUPPOSED to look like.
- Runs about the same as the beta, frame gen required to reach above 60 for me at least. With only DLSS 4 I was dropping to mid-40s. Really unacceptable. I expect that kind of thing out of BSG, not Capcom.
- Ridiculously CPU bound, changing graphics settings does little to improve performance.

Smaller ones for me:
- Weak ray tracing implementation. Also barely affects performance, but doesn't look much different from regular SSR.
- NPCs suddenly seem to be interacting with each other in a different language despite it being being set to English, switching to English when directly addressed. Gemma also spams a non-English greeting at me whenever I'm in her crafting menus.

Despite weighing so heavy on the hardware, the game simply doesn't look good enough to warrant the poor performance. I could be running World with 4K DLDSR and no DLSS for similar performance and I genuinely believe World looks better.

Besides that, the monster health pools are simply too low. It really doesn't have anything to do with skill or prior knowledge because fights I've never done, and spent a large amount of time healing during, still rolled over. I believe I've only had a single encounter reach 15 minutes. I breezed through low rank, carting only 2-3 times, nothing approaching a difficulty wall like Anjanath. Even early high rank fights with low rank gear aren't hitting 10 minutes.

As for positive takeaways:
- LS is more broken and fun than ever.
- The attention to detail is nice. There was a moment where Alma drank something hot and her glasses fogged up, which I appreciated.
- Armor and weapons look much better than World's. High rank armor isn't different from low rank now (besides color), but that's likely because of the removal of gender restrictions.
- Weapons feel much more impactful and weighty than the beta.
- When everything is loading properly in the open zones, the game CAN look very pretty. Unfortunately it's constantly marred by texture pop-in and noticeable DLSS ghosting.

Seeing as DD2 wasn't fixed, my hope for this game is pretty low. I truly believe something is fundamentally broken somewhere though. Time will tell. Gotta say though if things don't improve to a satisfactory degree by the time the expansion comes out, there are going to be a lot of people abandoning Wilds, myself included.
Publicado a 1 de Março. Última alteração: 1 de Março.
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4.0 hrs em registo (1.4 horas no momento da análise)
Played this game off Steam previously and it really is wonderful. It's the most not-From From game there is right now, and you're doing yourself a disservice by not playing it if you're a fan of From games. Though people frequently like to compare it to Bloodborne, I'd say it's more "Bloodkiro" combat wise in that deflection generally worked best for me. It certainly does have Bloodborne's aesthetic though, that's for sure.

My only middling/negative takes that I can think of at the moment are:
- Less "oomph"/hitstop from attacks than a Souls game, although visceral attacks (especially the handle parries) are extremely satisfying.
- Enemies frequently love to power through your attacks, knocking you out of yours. Some hyper armor on certain moves would have been very welcome.
- Unable to level at checkpoints like later Souls games.
- If you've already played Sekiro, the game will probably be on the easier side. I can count how many bosses gave me a challenge on one hand (although I did miss a particular one on my playthrough). This isn't a brag either, just a matter of fact.

Despite that last point, the bosses that are challenging are very satisfying to fight and overcome, which is why I do wish there had been more of them. I fail to recall any bosses that I was truly frustrated with - no Bed of Chaos types here thankfully. There are also ways to minimize some boss's moves or damage by breaking their weapons which is super cool.

It's clear a ton of love went into LoP, and I'll gladly pick up the incoming DLC whenever it drops. It's a phenomenally well optimized game as well, which is sadly very rare nowadays. There are a ton of different weapon combinations and the way the game utilizes upgrading means you can spend multiple playthroughs just finding and exploiting broken combinations whenever you please. NG+, despite not adding any new mobs as far as I'm aware, does have a unique feature where previously obscured lines of dialogue from certain bosses become fully legible, which is cool.

Seriously good game, 9/10 easy. Well worthy of hanging with the big boys in the industry.
Publicado a 23 de Dezembro de 2024. Última alteração: 23 de Dezembro de 2024.
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41 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
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235.6 hrs em registo (198.3 horas no momento da análise)
I've played this game twice through off Steam, and it slaps. The story isn't anything mind blowing, but it's grindy in a nice Monster Hunter-like way with satisfying, flashy combat and fantastic music.

My only complaint is that the late game can get a bit frustrating due to strikingly similar reasons as Monster Hunter: World in that RNG plays a huge factor. Sigils are effectively the same as decorations in World, and you need specific sigils to get the most out of your characters. It's also mandatory to get a unique weapon from the endgame in order to continue into post-endgame update content, which is about a 10-15% estimated drop rate per kill, and early kills can take awhile if playing solo.

Crafting and upgrading weapons you won't use on characters is also necessary to unlock those weapons' passives and a pretty significant power spike, and it's annoying because the mat cost is ultimately very high when it comes to doing it for 4 party members.

Finally, the RNG rolling for overmastery (essentially just another layer of bonus passives once a character is max level) is crap. There are too many useless stats that don't help you in the end, and it's hard to get a set of decently middling or high rolls while also landing the 4 stats you'll want. This can be save scummed though, which I shamelessly recommend you partake in.

The good news is that the weapon drop grind is finite: if a weapon does drop, it's removed from the pool of potential drops going forward. Later updates to the game also added a sigil fusion feature which makes it somewhat easier to acquire desirable sigils by using ones you'd get rid of normally in order to fish for more, making that a bit less of a grind.

If you're a sweaty tryhard, you can hire only the crew you intend to use throughout the entire game, which significantly alleviates the RNG nature of the endgame weapon grind, as well as minimizes the mat requirement for crafting and upgrading weapons since the mats will be going to only those characters anyway. This is entirely unnecessary though.

These RNG elements aren't a deal breaker, and I highly recommend the game to anyone who enjoys similar third person action games. I'm a big fan of the Granblue universe after having played Relink, and despite the story being just "fine" I still love the characters and their interactions. Some of the later, harder fights are also incredibly good, worth playing through the game for alone.

Finally, my advice for hiring new crew: just use the vouchers when you get them if you've been eyeing someone to hire. Scaling is a non-issue now: there's no reason to wait to hire anymore like there was in base game. Don't even worry about whether they're "meta" or whatever, just have fun.

Edit to add: Forgot to recommend playing the story chapters on hard difficulty if you have any amount of skill at video games. The only challenge is the omen stone mobs, which are at some points simply too tanky to kill in time for your current power/level without attempting them multiple times to gain link/burst, but you're not missing anything important with those.

Edit 2: Having now played a significant portion of the game, I would also like to add that multiplayer is extremely well done. You can just set up a lobby and directly invite your friends through Steam, then post whatever quests they need done and they'll receive their first-time clear rewards as if they were playing solo.

My third playthrough has only reinforced my wish that Cygames develops a sequel with a few tweaks, more enemy variety, and of course more characters since Granblue has so many cool ones.

Edit 3: Endgame update.

I'm now fairly close to finishing all the quests in the game and just want to add a few more thoughts.

The game badly needs an option to disable (or truncate) damage numbers as well as teammate spell effects. This wasn't really a problem until Lucilius where his model is relatively tiny compared to the (albeit satisfying) number vomit you deal with at that point in the game and it becomes very hard to see what he's doing, which is often lethal. Thankfully there are mods to deal with the numbers at least.

The amount of silver centrum required at endgame is a bummer. It should be guaranteed from late game proud quests in my opinion, and there really should have been a revenant medallion trade for them, even if it was 50 or whatever. Because of this, I very strongly recommend NOT following the old recommended upgrade path of stinger weapon > fully ascended ascension weapon > terminus weapon and simply going straight from stinger to terminus (excepting the DLC characters, obviously). I've done it every playthrough with no problem.

Finally, drop rates on some sigils are a joke. One that's very popular for builds is something like <1% from one boss, and you need 3. So far I have 1 at whatever playtime this edit is, 150 hours or something (now one quest from finishing and still only have 1).

As with my main review, none of this is turning me off the game, it just means I have to be picky about what I want to do with my resources in the immediate future and future playthroughs. I'm still having a blast testing new characters and seeing the new post-base game content.
Publicado a 22 de Dezembro de 2024. Última alteração: 25 de Janeiro.
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271.0 hrs em registo (270.7 horas no momento da análise)
Please be careful when buying paid currency in this game!

Game is decent, especially for a F2P game. I honestly would have recommended it, if it weren't for the amount of bugs I've been encountering adding up, which is slowly being exacerbated by each new patch that comes out. It unfortunately reminds me heavily of Destiny 2 in that sense.

Current examples include audio settings not sticking unless you select another tab before leaving the menus, monsters hitting you through walls or attacking you from underground, animals changing colors at a distance, what I suspect is a memory leak which is far worse on DX11, and textures either not loading or loading incredibly slowly despite being on an SSD.

The big breaking point for me was using a 1-time free character editing token that otherwise costs something like $9, only to have my character come out having changes that I did not make to her face. I've uploaded screenshots of the preset I chose, which had minimal cosmetic changes (eye color, makeup, etc) and what I saw when I finalized the changes.

Conveniently, there's not one but TWO Reddit threads that are now over a month old that show the exact same problem, one with the exact same result as me. Inconveniently, it seems neither never received responses regarding their tickets, nor were either reimbursed for their tokens.

I contacted their Discord's support bot and was of course met with your typical automated apology and hollow assurance that if it's a bug they'll fix it and to be patient. I'll edit if I get an actual human response, but I'm not holding my breath.

I was already unimpressed with the studio's handling of the bug with their paid store in which players were given extra paid currency only to have them revoke it and ban you if you stayed in the negative - this is just the icing on the turd cake for me. Silver lining is at least I can hopefully prevent others from consuming their tokens and regretting it, should they stumble on this review. I feel in particular people paying to change their character only to have something like this happen are straight up being scammed.
Publicado a 10 de Setembro de 2024. Última alteração: 10 de Setembro de 2024.
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0.0 hrs em registo
So far it's more Elden Ring, which is a great thing. All of the new areas I've seen so far have been incredibly beautiful, and there's a plethora of new stuff to check out. My only complaints are:

1. The camera is downright awful on several of the bosses I've fought. I don't know why nothing was said about this in testing, but there's one boss in particular that was truly terrible because of it. I couldn't even determine what movements, if any, it was doing once it was near me. The camera needs to be pulled away at least twice as far in these instances.

2. The separate power system. I feel like this is where a lot of the negative reviews are coming from (but not for the same reason, I don't think). Because of the fact that you have to collect new items to power up your attack and defense, and due to how hard everything hits, it's difficult to know if you belong in a new area you found or whether you need to explore more. The DLC areas have gradually gotten more accessible though now that I've stacked the buff up to 10 (a single remembrance boss down).

3. Minor complaint: a LOT of the loot is just upgrade mats. This is fine for me since I haven't got the last 2 bell bearings for smithing stones, but for those that have them it's probably a bit of a waste.

Other than that, I look forward to continuing to explore.

Those of you leaving negative reviews complaining about being destroyed: I really don't know what you expected. It's a From game, and a From DLC at that. From DLCs have never been easy, and have almost always had the hardest bosses in their respective games. Elden Ring itself had Malenia, for god's sake.

What's that phrase you guys love to use? "Git gud" I believe?
Publicado a 22 de Junho de 2024.
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91.6 hrs em registo
Sadly, Capcom has decided to revert to Crapcom after a solid run of success and praise from the PC gaming community by adding multiple layers of DRM to their games in the name of killing modding. In turn this has unfortunately pretty much killed any hype I had for Dragon's Dogma 2 and MH Wilds.

Regardless of whether or not mods actually continue to function after the fact or not, the intention behind the attempt still remains. Capcom and other Eastern developers continue to fail to understand what drives the PC gaming community, and would condemn everyone equally for the actions of a few. Truly a shame.
Publicado a 21 de Janeiro de 2024.
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35.0 hrs em registo (11.1 horas no momento da análise)
Even if this game had a cost (perhaps not $60, maybe $30-40) I'd recommend it. For a F2P game, you can't really go wrong. There are, at time of writing, definitely issues with some bugs as well as map and loadout balance, but my friend group and I have been having a blast. Ignore the naysayers saying everything is broken and just form an opinion by yourself - there are definitely counters to things people are complaining about.

My primary complaints revolve around some of the maps where cash out points are very hard or impossible to reach after enough of the environment is destroyed, and with the short timer it becomes extremely hard to contest whoever started the cash out if you don't have multiple methods available to bring the cash box down to ground level (RPGs, mostly). To that point, being able to swap character archetypes while in a match would be a welcome change.

My second main complaint is the sheer amount of time it takes for automatic health regen to kick in, often requiring you to AFK in a corner if you don't run mediums with healing. The team wipe respawn timer resetting to 20 seconds if you're caught trying to let your health tick up feels incredibly punishing, likely by design, but it feels bad when it happens.

Other than that, it's been a really solid experience and I'm interested in seeing how the game expands in the future.
Publicado a 12 de Dezembro de 2023.
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6.3 hrs em registo (6.1 horas no momento da análise)
6 hours in as of writing and I can recommend the game so far.

Tech side: very little stuttering (only a few traversal stutters), no crashes, a HUGE amount of settings to tweak (which you can set before the game starts!), and 60+ FPS with a mix of ~high settings and DLSS quality, with some dips during heavy combat. My aging 9700K and 2070S system can even pull off raytraced reflections on high, although generally sub-60 when they pop up, and very high if I were cool with low 40s (1440p). Sacrificing quality DLSS for performance or targeted framerates could probably fix that, but even without raytracing the game is quite beautiful. It'll definitely be a nice benchmark to return to when you build that next future-proof system and want something to crank all the settings on. Nixxes gets credit again for a high quality port, as far as I'm concerned.

I did also notice definite loading times during the initial portal hopping sequence though, and this is with a DX12 card and compatible NVMe drive. Not really sure what that's about, but it's not game breaking.

Gameplay wise it's good 'ol R&C, just how I liked it. Honestly it would be incredible to someday get remakes/remasters for Going Commando and Up Your Arsenal in the vein of the first game's reimagining, with releases on Steam for the first trio at least.

Edit - Temporarily dropping this review down to not recommended due to the broken direct storage implementation that's causing massive FPS drops in 8-10 gig VRAM cards and high-very high textures. I'm confident Nixxes will fix it, and I will adjust my review accordingly if they do.
Publicado a 27 de Julho de 2023. Última alteração: 30 de Julho de 2023.
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2.2 hrs em registo (1.6 horas no momento da análise)
Unfortunately can't recommend due to performance issues. Visually the game doesn't look a ton better than Remnant 1, but runs a fraction as good. DLSS wasn't meant to be a shortcut for skipping optimization altogether, and I'm afraid that this will set a bad precedent for the long term.

They've apparently said they will address it in the "coming weeks" but I also hate that about game development these days: release now, fix later (if ever), always the same cycle. I'll just wait and pick up the ultimate edition in the future if meaningful performance increases are seen.

To be very clear, my system is currently an i7-9700K and a RTX 2070S, and the only baseline ~60 FPS state is to have DLSS set to performance and most settings on medium. Non-DLSS very high settings at 1080p(!) are sub-30 FPS on similar cards. This is simply unacceptable.

The framerates I get in this game with DLSS quality and high settings are the same framerates I can get with high settings, DLSS quality AND very high raytraced reflections in the newly released R&C port. Remnant 2 doesn't even have RT and is somehow equally demanding? Miss me with that.
Publicado a 26 de Julho de 2023. Última alteração: 26 de Julho de 2023.
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221.6 hrs em registo (210.2 horas no momento da análise)
This is how you do power growth in video games. You might start out fairly weak and fighting for your life vs cyclops and chimeras, but before long you'll be packing some levels and gradually acquiring better gear and suddenly those will no longer be a problem. DDDA isn't free of problems, but the passion shines through clear as day, the core combat is superb, and DD2 is a guaranteed buy from me.

Having more or less seen the vast majority of the game (only thing left is to finish hard mode story), here's how I recommend handling the game for newcomers, which is most of the reason why I always struggled to get into it:

Firstly, you can either min-max your build by focusing 3 different paths (full strength, full magick, hybrid) based on the final vocations you want to play, or not worry about it too much and play what you want because endgame gear is very strong (there is also a save editor where you can reassign your stats, if you really want).

Secondly, go through NG normal mode. You can pretty safely explore the majority of the map from the get go, but there are some harder enemies lurking that you can avoid early if you don't want to tango. Be sure to repeatedly hit up the quest boards, even the ones from the start of the game (these will update every so often with new stuff), and look for NPCs in the world that give quests as some are missable. Don't sweat it too much if you do miss anything.

After NG, start NG+ and run through that. You'll have a decent idea of what to do now, and you'll gain more port crystals, so this will go much quicker. Sometime before ending the game again, clear Bitterblack Isle at least twice through (most recommend level ~80+ to start).

Lastly, once you're done with at least 2 BBI clears, enter hard mode NG++. From here you can go back to BBI early and finish up your leveling very quickly since hard mode gives double XP. Hard mode isn't very hard if you're a decent level. However if you are struggling to clear BBI the second time through in normal mode, then I'd recommend sticking around for a bit until you're comfortable with the majority of it (except for a certain scythe-wielding maniac, don't worry about it too much).

Once you're capped then you're free to farm BBI, enjoy the vocations, style on everything, and watch Infinite Cringe videos in anticipation for DD2.
Publicado a 13 de Maio de 2023. Última alteração: 19 de Maio de 2023.
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