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21-30/52개 항목을 표시 중
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기록상 996.4시간 (평가 당시 11.1시간)
TL;DR: Even at $60 the game has great value, and with the 2019 summer sale coming up there's no reason to not get this game if you're even remotely interested in trying it. We've got a wait before Iceborne so don't feel pressured to hold off until it's out. Not without small issues, though.

I held off for awhile on the PC version when I picked it up, and it seems like it was a good call, as I believe we're now pretty much caught up with the console updates, at least until Iceborne, and performance seems to be in a good spot.

Speaking of, framerate at 1080p is good so far with an aging i7-2600k and slightly newer GTX 980 in solo runs once I disabled volumetric fog which looks terrible anyway. Aliasing isn't bad enough to put on 2x, and it was chewing my FPS in heavily shadowed parts of Ancient Forest pretty badly. FXAA and TXAA aren't worth the loss in image sharpness IMO.

It's worth noting that with Iceborne on the way, if you are eyeballing the game and don't intend to play it right away you could wait until it's out, as you can get the base game plus the expansion for $60. That said, we PC players are looking at a delayed release - up to 6 months after consoles. That'll potentially push us into Q1 of 2020, so there's a ton of time to methodically go through the base game. There's certainly no shortage of stuff to do in it, that's for sure - the event quest list is absolutely huge at this point, something like 4-5 pages of quests, at least 70% of which are high rank (I don't believe they are all accessible at once unless a festival event is on though, they rotate).

There are also extra challenges in tempered monsters after the main story is complete (and now arch-tempered as well, something I haven't experienced yet), which will take time to get to if you don't do the optional quests beforehand, and cool crossover events that unlock unique weapons and armor featured in other games, like Devil May Cry, Megaman, and Horizon: Zero Dawn to name a few. I'm not sure if they'll be adding any more of those at this point, but there are already quite a few.

While I typically don't play MP, Steam stats regularly show 10's of thousands of players at any given time which is a healthy amount to be playing this long after release, and with the summer sale coming I would fully expect that number to balloon again, and it will be a great time to roll a new hunter to help out the newbies. There are also some monsters that are meant to be defeated in multiplayer only, such as Kulve Taroth, and the aforementioned crossovers like Behemoth from Final Fantasy or a Leshen (and a cameo from Geralt himself) from Witcher 3, although some can be done solo if you're good/lucky enough.

The communities surrounding the game are also typically very friendly and willing to help newer players push through their barriers and the learning curve, which can be pretty steep especially if you're going in expecting ultra tight Souls-like combat (yet another reason I hate review publications comparing MH to Souls). It takes quite a bit of both practice and monster moveset knowledge before you truly master a weapon, and I very strongly recommend new players watch guides by fantastic MH content creators like Arekkz or gaijin hunter, among others, because there's zero shame in getting help with weapon mastery in this game, and even at my playtime I've discovered new things on those guides.

Even at $60 the game is an absolute steal for how much you can do in it, if you ask me, and Iceborne is said to be nearly as large in content scope as the base game, so here's hoping for not only more returning favorites but also more subspecies. Deviants would be nice as well, but I think tempered monsters are the main added challenge for World.

Edit - I've put in about 170 hours down on the PC edition and some annoyances from the PS4 version have brought themselves forth again. They're mostly minor ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, some of which will be addressed in Iceborne, but it's not all sunshine and daisies anymore.

1. Can't change Palico gear anywhere in Astera except for your house. Why they didn't put this option in the item box is a complete mystery to me. They are adding a spot to change it in Iceborne's hub, but that's more than a year after release.

2. Gathering Hub is useless if you aren't running a party, and even then it's still pretty useless. There aren't any places to take care of stuff like harvests, Safari, and IIRC bounties as well, requiring you to leave every time. Not as big of a deal on PC with the vastly shorter load times, but there's still no real sense of community as the GH is the only place you can see other hunters. I'm sure there was a good reason why Astera couldn't act as the hub, and I really hope the new town reverts back to the old style to bring players together rather than relying on SOS for MP, but I'm not sure I'm hopeful.

3. Hitboxes and some really wonky difficulty in spots. Nerg's hitboxes are the first that come to mind, who can hit you full-on with his dive even if you get clipped by a nearby wing. Getting clipped by charging monsters' legs also send you careening away like you've been hit by a bus, and I really wish there was some sort of mitigating feature where you don't take full damage and affects from being clipped.

As far as difficulty goes, I recently fought tempered Kushala a few times and was really surprised at how much damage he does. Running without vitality decos and full health is basically a death sentence if you get stunned, pushed back by his wind and comboed, or roar comboed without earplugs, which he's very capable of doing. I'm assuming it's because Kushala doesn't have very many attacks, but still, it's very easy to get 100-0'd quickly.

It's a very stark contrast to the other elder dragons at his level, who aren't nearly as hard IMO. Vaal by comparison is a total joke as long as you have Miasma 3, Teostra can be countered pretty well by Fireproof Mantle and high fire defense, but countering Kushala's wind requires his own set and nothing else will stop it except Elderseal procs.

4. and most egregious - RNG is nonsense in this game. The desire sensor is very much in full effect, as a single R8 SnS augment stone continues to elude me.

The rare decos you want might as well not exist. Again the desire sensor struck as I received a Mighty Bow deco, rolled another one while sniping, and have yet to get Guard Up. I don't use bows. Sniping is pretty much mandatory lest you waste hopes, dreams, and not to mention melding fuel on garbage. Thankfully sniping is a cakewalk now.

The game really needs a system in which you can accumulate materials throughout your hunts and invest them in a deco of your choice, even if ultra rare decos like Attack take a ton of mats, kinda like using gold prints for gems. I'm kinda hoping that new building in Iceborne's hub has something to do with this. At least a slight tune to RNG would be nice, especially with rank 4 decos coming.

None of this will stop me continuing to hunt though. There are 14 weapon types in the game so even getting bored of one doesn't mean you can't have more fun with mastering something else, and throwing out or responding to SOS signals is good fun, even if people don't really communicate (would like a better text chat, please, the 41 letter limit is pretty pitiful. Shrink the text right down when people type manually, or put it in a different part of the screen or something).
2019년 5월 13일에 게시되었습니다. 2019년 6월 14일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 3.9시간
I'm not concerned for joystick support, but I'm still thumbing down mainly for some of the new gameplay elements added since Ace Combat 6 and other previous AC games. I think I got through something like 7 missions and I'm already annoyed by the strong weather effects, clouds leaving water on your plane, and the icing feature. I get they were trying to add something new, and the water in the clouds is probably realistic, but all 3 of these simply add annoyance when compared to AC 6, my last AC game before this one, and my preferred AC game.

The story is incredibly obnoxious, even for an AC game. The things that happen early in the game are just so ridiculously contrived I couldn't even ignore it, and listening to the ignoramus "commander" leading you in mid-game missions gets REAL old REAL fast.

The point tree is also something that really doesn't belong in a game like this, especially since it makes it so you can't sell aircraft. I'm sure many of my fellow AC fans will tell you about how they sold off aircraft in the late game once the good planes were available in order to afford them. Can't do that anymore, and I'm willing to bet you won't be able to afford everything in one playthrough as well, which I planned for anyway. I'm also sure the existence of the tree is the reason why weapon lock ranges are so much shorter, but I didn't even look for the lock distance upgrade that I'm sure is there. You're seriously very nearly in gun range by the time standard missiles lock.

I expected this to be a typical AC game with a similar plot to the rest, but good god I did not expect to be so disappointed so early in the game. I honestly don't even know if I'll finish it at this point, and I unfortunately paid $60 for it; wait for a sale, if anything.

Honestly all my time in this game so far has done is made me want to play through AC 6 again.

Edit - forgot to add the fact that you spend much of the time in missions attempting to shoot down highly maneuverable drones. Again. AC 6 at least didn't have the insane amount of them that make up the majority of enemies in AC 7. You can almost bet whenever you think the mission is over, there will be an alert from the mission leader saying that there are drones incoming, and again in AC 6 at least when this happened it was an effective "oh S**T moment rather than an eye roll and look forward to spamming-more-high-G-maneuvers-and-missiles moment.

Honestly after cooling down for a few hours, I may attempt to simply push through and see if we destroy this drone carrying piece of junk to find out if they stop coming and I can dogfight some proper aircraft in the later missions, but I'm not holding out much hope. That snarky bellend narrating mission objectives and info really got on my nerves within an hour, so if the MC isn't able to get out of that situation soon, I may just go mad from annoyance.
2019년 5월 7일에 게시되었습니다. 2019년 5월 7일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 83.3시간 (평가 당시 4.0시간)
[Some spoilers]

[Early game]
To answer the big question: No, this game is NOT Souls. For perspective, I've played through every Soulsborne game at least twice, averaging probably 5 complete runs through each game except Demon's Souls. The adjustment to Sekiro's combat style was/is rough for me. Imagine the most tactical and careful attack and dodge pattern you had in the Souls games - for me it's probably Gael. Attack once or twice max, play defensive until you get an opening, repeat. This is basically Sekiro.

Except then it turns out it's not quite, because you can parry/deflect pretty much everything except grabs in this game. L1 and its corresponding keyboard bind will be your best friend throughout the game, as it's the fastest and most efficient way to break your enemy's posture bar. There are also attacks that cannot be resisted and must instead be either dodged or jumped. These attacks often take 50 to 75% of your HP. Overall, you are punished far more for mistakes than in a Souls game.

Movement in this game is also very different as you have a grappling hook and can get around quickly in an open fight. There are also some skills that allow for modified movement during heated fights.

Visuals and sound are tremendous as always. I have an old i7-2600K @ 4Ghz and a GTX 980 and so far I haven't noticed any frame drops or stuttering.

As of this review I've downed all the mini bosses in the first areas and first boss as well, and only in the last 45 minutes or so of play did I feel like I was getting things down. You really have to break the mindset of parry > attack from the Souls games, as enemies don't stagger after a single parry anymore, so you must learn to chain parry and wait for an opening instead.

All in all I'm looking forward to continuing to progress in Sekiro and so far recommend it. Also the loss of customization of character or gear isn't a big deal, to me anyway, as there's plenty else to focus on instead.

[15+ hour edit]: Much of the same experience in the last 11 hours or so. I've taken down a couple more bosses and a bunch more mini bosses. I guess my biggest complaint so far is how juxtaposed non-boss enemies are compared to mini bosses, and even regular bosses compared to some of the mini bosses. One minute you're on your way speedily through an area, next you're bogged down with 10 deaths due to a spear general who hits for 90% of your health on some attacks (with 3 health upgrades, no less). Thankfully there are multiple progression points so if get stuck being stuck by Mister Spear-To-Your-Evening-Plans you can continue elsewhere, at least where I'm at.

There are some super frustrating moments and fights, but as Yahtzee said in one of his game reviews, to paraphrase, there's always that attempt on a fight in which you enter a "cosmic state of hyper-awareness" and destroy the boss, and those moments are always worth pursuing.

Performance continues to be flawless on max settings. Granted, I am only running on 1080p for now, so it's expected (DoF and motion blur off).

[25 hour update]: Things are moving along much more smoothly now. Combat has clicked and in the last 10 hours I managed to down the rest of the visible achievement bosses and am now in what I'm assuming is either late mid or early end game.

[~32ish hour update]: I've now finished the game and Immortal Severance ending. It's a shame, because I actually wasn't too terribly far off of getting the Dragon's Homecoming one instead, I just missed a few crucial steps before continuing forward with Kuro's mission.

The game really wasn't as difficult as I expected it to be. It seemed to me to be a case of hard to learn, easy to master, as by the early end of the game I was trucking pretty much everything with little trouble. The final boss of the majority of the endings went down in about 5 attempts. I think Demon of Hatred was the worst for deaths for me, besides the first Seven Ashina Spears mini boss. Demon probably took 7 attempts but every attempt felt like 2 due to how much health and posture he has, as well as requiring 3 deathblows.

Overall, I think I'd give Sekiro a very solid 8.5. I don't like it quite as much as Bloodborne as there really isn't too terribly much in the way of replayability for casual players this time around, but it's a strong addition to FromSoft's stable and a nice departure from their traditional Soulsborne games. Their approach to combat can and hopefully will yield any number of top end satisfying games.

Here's hoping for some DLC in the coming months.
2019년 3월 22일에 게시되었습니다. 2019년 4월 2일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 44.0시간 (평가 당시 21.9시간)
This is one of those rare titles that draws you in and sucks away 3 hours while it feels like 30 minutes have passed. The sense of wonder and discovery is second to none, and said discovery is very organic.

The visuals are top notch and the performance for the most part is also really good. There are a healthy number of options for adjusting graphics settings as well, including motion blur toggling, color pallets, and (gasp) even FOV as well.

My main gripes with it are the poor draw distance and stutters when moving rapidly, but it's totally understandable given the nature of the game and the sheer number of things loading in at any given time. RNG can apparently also be an ass, where you need to scan fragments of technology in order to unlock it, and some of them that should be found in early or mid game but are really hard to find.

That said, I managed to create a Cyclops before even making an extended crush depth mod for the Seamoth, and boy oh boy is it freakin' amazing. Now with 900m crush depth on my 'moth, I can load her up into the Cyclops, load up some food and water, set a course, head out, park, drop the 'moth and do some ultra deep diving. I feel like an actual sub captain and it's amazing. It helps even more that you are able to name and repaint your vessels, something I didn't expect at all.

Honestly a 9.5/10, and I'm now really looking forward to Below Zero, even if it ends up being more of the same, because there isn't anything else like this available.
2019년 2월 10일에 게시되었습니다. 2019년 2월 10일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 72.0시간 (평가 당시 71.6시간)
Best Fallout game, hands down, mostly due to the brilliant writing. Obsidian should absolutely get another shot with the updated engine, but sadly probably won't because Bethesda.

Pro tip: Grab the anti-crash mod right away. Also, try a low-intelligence run.
2018년 6월 22일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 26.2시간 (평가 당시 17.2시간)
As said by many other reviewers, I do not recommend the PC port of GTA 4. It runs, but with an i7-2600K OC and GTX 980, the low FPS and hitching in Alderney is almost unplayable. Not that the FPS is good anywhere else, but it was at least mostly stable in the other areas of the map. PSA to whomever wishes to take the plunge: obviously you'll want the dll fix for GFWL, but also make sure to set the launcher compatibility mode to XP SP3. It fixed random crashing due to pistol shots, for me anyway, and may lend to overall stability.

There's a trick where you can dial 911 in-game to get your stalled out damaged car started again, but I think it should just close the game instead, to save the annoyance.
2018년 6월 14일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 177.7시간 (평가 당시 176.2시간)
While this was undoubtedly one of the worst PC ports on record, with DSFix it's just fine. I actually recommend you avoid the Remaster, as I personally think it's massively overpriced for not really offering anything in the way of gameplay improvements. I mean it still has 4-way rolling for crying out loud... Thankfully the reviews largely seem to agree on that sentiment.

Apparently, on the PvP side of things, they did add dedicated servers after almost 7 years through the main Souls games, but they didn't do anything to change the way things like roll and chain backstabbing work, and I'm also pretty sure they removed dead angling as well, so again, I'm not sure what the point is. Some might argue that the game is actually improved with that though, and I admittedly didn't PvP enough to really appreciate it either way.

This version has always ran fine for me at 60 FPS with DSFix, and I'd definitely still call it a beautiful game, even now. The atmosphere is easily the best thing about Dark Souls, rivaling that of STALKER and Witcher 3 as a favorite of mine for that reason. Obviously it's one of the most essential gaming experiences of this generation, and a true classic, despite the gaming press's unfortunate tendency to massively overhype the difficulty of this game and overuse it as a comparison to other games.
2018년 6월 9일에 게시되었습니다. 2018년 6월 9일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 19.6시간 (평가 당시 13.5시간)
앞서 해보기 평가
This game is a great buy at $20 (at time of writing), with a ton of new content having been added in since I last played. There are tons of items, enemies and a couple new NPCs to help get your character power up. The game is still tough though, no doubt about that. I really like the improved upgrade and item system as it is now, where you get +health guaranteed, and +damage to a specific color of item, and some items later in the game have two colors, so you can get benefits from upgrading all 3 stats. They've also added "colorless" items that have vastly more power than your usual item, typically dropped from bosses or elites, and those scale with all upgrade colors.

My only complaint as of now is Forgotten Sepulcher. I never really enjoyed mechanics in which you have a limited time to get from point to point. Metroid Prime 2 comes to mind right away, where you have to stay in the lit zones or take small tick damage. Dead Cells adds another layer to this by making the tick damage ramp up exponentially over time, so if you are stuck in a long section without even a temporary lightsource, you get to chug potions/die.

That level aside, Dead Cells is a fun, fast-paced rogue-like that 2D fans will surely enjoy. The combat is satisfying and permanent upgrades/unlocks give you incentive to keep playing. If they chose to release the game now, I'd be happy with it as-is.
2018년 6월 9일에 게시되었습니다. 2018년 6월 9일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 7.4시간
I strongly caution anyone who wants to give EFLC a shot to reconsider, or at least make sure you research what you're getting into. I personally cannot get Lost and the Damned to load a new game. I've done it before, but it was either on XP or with a different hardware configuration, because with Win 7 it crashes on startup without XP compat mode selected, and on new game even with it checked, Liveless dll and all. So, back to GTA IV base I go I guess.

Even having a running base GTA IV game isn't all that great, as it's one of the worst PC ports I've ever experienced, up there with Dark Souls, and apparently was hardly fixed. Before I put it in XP compatibility mode to try it out, it was crashing to desktop after completely random pistol shots, both my own and foes, and has persistent low FPS (GTX 980, 4.2Ghz i7-2600K @ 1080p lol), flickering lights at night due to an unfixed bug (cars, street lamps, etc), and in-game scenes are zoomed in (incorrect aspect ratio?) and sometimes get stuck on the black title screen, audio only, unskippable and generally forcing a tab-out and process closure.

At this point with the potential struggle to even get them to work, this game and GTA IV should be free, along with an apology IMO.
2018년 6월 8일에 게시되었습니다. 2018년 6월 9일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 0.5시간
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Played for about 30 minutes in the tutorial, got to the part where you learn about placing sandbags, wasn't able to progress past that point.

A quick Google search later indicates that there have been similar issues for at least 3 months prior. I understand Early Access, but the developers have said that they intend for their next update to be 1.0, so why isn't the very first thing you do in the game (after settings) working correctly?

Got my money back for now. Maybe I'll pick it up on sale and figure it out on my own instead sometime.
2018년 4월 10일에 게시되었습니다.
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