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Recenzii recente de Captain Jinicus

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6 oameni au considerat această recenzie utilă
614.5 ore înregistrate (563.2 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
bugged game, terrible seasonpass 'dlc' that no one will remember (other than being bad) oh and now they have paid mods sorry I mean 'dlc' I mean, they can callit waht they like... there are better (free) mods out there.
Postat 6 septembrie 2017.
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stupid. not season pass matrial.
Postat 6 septembrie 2017.
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7 oameni au considerat această recenzie utilă
3,234.2 ore înregistrate (1,838.3 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
1,866.7 hrs on record
Played every single one of them since day one.

The devs are trash, the game panders to hysterical 13year old scrubs that want everything to be easier.
Devs lack any kind of direction halo? 1800s? 1500s? savage+dino? modern?/ modern with a futuristic twist?, legacy issues with the game remain from day one.

Current policy appears to be <cluster of known issues> = Add a new dino maybe they'll forget.
average after tax and all that they make 20 usd on the game x 4.464643 (copies sold) = 90m usd (they actually got closer to 130m if we were to accurately look at tax etc).

Lets say 90m profit, while it is there job to make profit... legal action (that they settled on cost them 40m usd. - so 50m profit. still. http://kotaku.com/ark-survival-evolved-developers-settle-lawsuit-1771234316

Then you count the fact it's an Early Access game. andddd DLC. because they need the money despite promissing half the content in the main game, then throwing a trump style pay wall up.
That'll be another 18 usd x Y amount of units sold.

Real dirtbags to drop EA DLC to unlock paywalled content.

And apart from this, if you look at the playerbase on steam stats (http://steamcharts.com/app/346110#1y) they fall, until they update Or sell cheap then the game gets a burst of life. the stats are also spread over waht amounts to two seperate games ARK and ARK scorched earth. Then one both of those PVP or PVE Oh and don't forget official server or not official.

The community is relativly small it sits around 50k to 25k within the last 7 days. The game is dying. Over the year it's a downward trend consistantly of players activily playing smaller group of players over 12 options on how to player +1 (13) if you count single player. so say 50k divided by 13, = 3.8k players per type. PVP/PVE/ARK/ARKSE/SP.

not to mention each one of the 13 types has Y amount of servers. To quote a movie...

It's over man it's all over!!!

I rate this game, extinct/10

*slams door* Going with many others to Conan exiles, it's like this but with nudity, you can cut off arms legs and heads and have a an NPC army and slaves.
Postat 30 ianuarie 2017. Editat ultima dată 30 ianuarie 2017.
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175.5 ore înregistrate (120.5 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
What can I say about NMS, well I pre-ordered. I had a 50 hour experience that was, well a little basic and disappointing to tell you the truth. But I did enjoy it overall... I suppose. and I did get 50 hours out of it from day 1 till a week later...

then I put it down for.... FIVE YEARS.

Fast forward to now, playing it like heck the last 2 weeks, 55.8 more hours! And I don't see a slow-down my friend and I are hamming it and doing so much, there is so much to do. The game has massively improved it quite literally every major and minor aspect. I dare say if you compared this and how it dropped originally its like a separate game entirely.

I now love and would encourage all to buy this game. More content on the way!
Postat 28 august 2016. Editat ultima dată 11 septembrie 2021.
A fost această recenzie utilă? Da Nu Amuzantă Premiază
2 oameni au considerat această recenzie utilă
352.5 ore înregistrate (16.5 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Like total war? Like Warhammer? welp who would complain about this. only played it for 6.5 hours so far but really enjoying it!

- Runs really well
- looks really beautiful
- no bugs at all that I can tell
- fast loading times
- erm.. That it wasn't done in the 90s when I spent 1000s on warhammer.
- People giving it negative reviews to troll/No life hating CA
- Blood dlc, warhammer is grim, brutal... and I'd like blood. DLC? SURE I DONT CARE ABOUT RATE stuff, just make it soon and make it cheap you lovely bastards!
- You'll need a single mod to resize your heros... seriously a giant dwarf? lulz.
overview - Yes it's really good, yes people are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ as they always do and, finally yes! You should get it.

- 1600 hours odd in Shogun 2
- 900 hours odd in rome 2
- 300 hours in atilla
- YYYY amount in Rome/expans
- good few 100 in Empire.

Warhammer, is by far the most polished and well put together game they have done. And I would consider myself a 'history loving guy' if they made S2, like they made this, I wouldn't have bothered with Rome2 or Atilla lol.... OR this.

Postat 24 mai 2016.
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1,013.2 ore înregistrate (1,000.2 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
"Don't play our game or fix it yourself". - Ella, CA, 2018.
Postat 9 septembrie 2014. Editat ultima dată 30 decembrie 2020.
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0.0 ore înregistrate
Guns are a terrible addition to the total war historical franchise.
Postat 17 august 2013. Editat ultima dată 12 aprilie 2021.
A fost această recenzie utilă? Da Nu Amuzantă Premiază
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Se afișează 31-37 din 37 intrări