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578.6 hrs on record (510.1 hrs at review time)
Man oh man... I used to play this a lot... Note my hours (and thats just on steam - DN wasn't always available on the steam client). Definitely still has some of the best and most fluid, fast paced action oriented combat you'll find in ANY MMO, however the community has died down and this one is on its last leg. Now don't get me wrong, its still very fun to play and they've recently switched publishers from NEXON back to the original game developers, tbh I haven't touched it in a while and it kind of died on me. I had a great guild, great friend (whom I still talk to to this day) and a great time in PvP - to be honest I now find myself searching for a newer game to hold my interest like this one did and I still haven't quite found that. So it holds an irreplacable spot in my heart and its definitely a great game! I encourage people to try it casually, though its not really as hardcore as it used to be. I could go into technicalities all day but that'll take a book. Been playing since beta days and now its time to quit. Good luck all!
Posted 3 January, 2017.
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