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44.7 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Intercept games has been shutdown - the fact that Take 2 Interactive has not disclosed this and continues to sell this as 'early access' is outright fraudulent. Do not under any circumstances buy the game.
Posted 8 July, 2024.
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110.8 hrs on record (105.9 hrs at review time)
I won't pretend to be able to say much more than other reviewers of said; nor say it in fewer words. "Ocean wide but puddle deep." This much holds true for Starfield. In Bethesda's ambition to create over a thousand worlds, they have left most of those worlds uninteresting. That said, I do not feel as harshly as some critics might over this game. There is, at the games heart, that same spark that has been kept alive since Bethesda's earliest titles. It is just buried in an endless expanse of mediocrity.

If you want a space exploration game, with procedural worlds to explore, go play No Man's Sky. If you want to play a Bethesda-style RPG, go play Elder Scrolls or Fallout. Your time in those worlds is far better respected, and their worlds are just as deep and rich, if not deeper and richer.

While I would not recommend this game as a whole, if you are a die-hard fan of Bethesda, I won't say that it is money wasted. But Bethesda can and has done better before.
Posted 1 March, 2024.
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69.6 hrs on record (27.0 hrs at review time)
Cities: Skylines II, at launch, is a bit of a mixed bag. Depending on your hardware, you may experience some significant performance issues, even after making the recommended adjustments to your settings. In my personal play experience, I would experience significant stuttering as I panned close to my city (close enough to see the detailed models). Also, some of the tools, such as the specialized-industry zoning tool would stall for almost a second after some (but not all) changes. Stability was another issue - I experienced two separate crashes in my 27 hours so far. One was a simple critical error message that had me save and then restart. The other was a hard crash of the entire game with no warning, forcing me to fallback on an autosave.

Gameplay wise, I feel this game does a lot better. The road tools are a joy to use - allowing you to quite painlessly make complex junctions. The end result is comperable to anarchy + intersection marking tool mods from the original game, in terms of results. The new industry zoning and economy simulation is, in my opinion, a much welcomed change from the way industries were handled in the previous game, being much less hands-on, while still giving it a bit more flavor than simply another type of zoning. That said, the visuals are a bit bare bones. All the different farms share the same textures, regardless of what they are growing - and the mining industry looks a little bland.

Another change which is very noteworthy is the much improved traffic-AI. I can't tell you how many times I've sighed in frustration as all of the cars on the highway chose to use a single lane in the previous game. Here: no more. In fact, its so good, driver will even make realtime adjustments to their pathing based on traffic conditions. While jams can still happen, they'll mostly be either because of bad road design, or because of a traffic accident (which are a thing now; though their not all that exciting - just occur randomly, and are influenced by road-condition and certain policies). In the traffic overview, you can see not only traffic flow - but traffic volume too, which is really nice. However, there currently isn't anything analogous to the 'routes' view from the previous game, so finding out where everyone is coming from and going to is a lot harder.

In conclusion - is this game buying right now? It depends. If you have the money to spend, and are a die-hard skylines fan - yes. Otherwise - I'd say use your best judgement, and maybe wait a month or two.

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X @ 3.7 GHz
GPU: RTX 2070 8GB
RAM: 24 GB
Monitor: 2560x1440 @ 144Hz
Posted 25 October, 2023.
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6.4 hrs on record
Very good game - Reminds me a bit of Spirit of the North (released 1 month prior to this, so likely no relation) - semi-abstract story-telling, paired with simple, yet stunning visual presentation. You play as a wolf, who accompanies a spirit on a journey, discovering a story told through flashbacks / memories. You posses various animals to get past obstacles, traverse the world, and discover secrets.

There were only a few minor issues I had during my experience (trying to collect items as a parrot in particular was frustrating), but overall, none of the issues were very serious. The game is a very comfortable length (~6 hours if you aren't too concerned about grabbing every collectible, but also aren't B-lining for the 'correct path') - I personally completed it in one lengthy play-session.

I personally got this while it was on sale for 18 USD; at that price, I'd say its a *solid* recommendation. At full price... I would say that it is a bit more situational - do you like atmospheric linear experiences? If so, then still yes.
Posted 9 October, 2021.
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21.5 hrs on record
A very charming JRPG with plenty of polish. Characters, story, and music are all top-notch.
Posted 13 July, 2021.
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4.4 hrs on record
Wow. Just gonna say - this game punches well above its weight in terms of visual/presentation. Everything fits together well, and is used to convey a very compelling non-verbal story.

The puzzle elements are relatively light - with some platforming sprinkled throughout to give it some flavor. There are moments where it does feel a *bit* like a walking-simulator; but it by no means had me bored. The tonal shifts between chapters creates enough of an emotional journey that the somewhat mediocre 'game-y' elements are more than excused for.

There were some minor glitches I encountered (some collectable staves got duplicated, and some decorative chimes got borked by the physics engine), but nothing too bad - I've seen much worse in AAA games.
The only glitch that actually bothered me was still quite minor [though *super* minor spoiler warning]: In a later-game scene, the protagonist walks super slowly (as was the clear intent); but the footstep sound-effect was playing at normal speed - giving 2 'steps' for every step the character actually took. It was pretty distracting in a rather emotionally significant scene.

In summery, I think this game is fantastic - but I acknowledge it's not a perfect game (none such games even exist). I'd love to see more from Infused Studio (ie. Tayler & Jacob). It's truly impressive what they have been able to put together here.

Overall: 9/10
Posted 12 February, 2021.
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6.1 hrs on record (5.9 hrs at review time)
If you haven't already heard; this game is amazing. You guide a cute lil' mouse through puzzles, platforms, and combat, to rescue her uncle. Everything is toy-scale, and you manipulate puzzle elements while piloting the protagonist. Game is somewhat short, but well worth it (I gathered every collectible in ~4hrs). We need more vr games of this quality. 10/10
Posted 8 January, 2021.
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258.6 hrs on record (2.1 hrs at review time)
Right out the box, I am going to say that this collection is a must-buy for anyone who enjoys an FPS.
- 10/10 IGN*

Personal Story
My first experience with the Halo franchise was playing Halo: Reach with friends at an all-night-er LAN party. It was a blast back then, and at the time, I didn't mind squinting at my 1/4 screen of a 720p image. I went on to the purchase and play Halo 4, and got a good few hundred hours of play from it. I later bought Halo: Reach so I could play through it's campaign, and wasn't disappointed. This was all ages ago though, and when I recently got nostalgic for the series, I was slightly saddened to see how poorly Xbox-360 graphics had aged.

Beyond just a mere aesthetic issue, when I coerced my younger sister to give the game a try by doing split-screen co-op, the terrible visual quality led her to hate the experience. This was only further exasperated by the fact that she disliked first-person aiming using joysticks, as her gaming experience was mostly derived from PC titles, such as Overwatch.

I had placed the Masterchief Collection on my wishlist as soon as it was put up on Steam, but I hadn't really felt compelled to make the purchase. I finally gave in, figuring I could at least let my sister borrow my library and play the game in a more comfortable setting. Even better than what I had thought was achievable, I found it was possible to use the LAN co-op to play with family, without needing multiple copies of the game, and without the annoyance of mandatory splitscreen. I was finally able to get my sister to give it a second try, and this time, she enjoyed it. If this collection hadn't been made and released for PC, I don't think I could have ever gotten her to appreciate this beloved franchise.

The Actual Product
It's Halo, and it's on PC. The fact that you can run everything in proper HD is fantastic, and I've not run into any major performance issues. And as minor of a thing as it may seem, being able to aim with a mouse in Halo radically changes the experience, and almost makes it feel like a new game. That being said, some of the default bindings are a bit awkward, and you may need to rebind a few of the controls (For example, F for grenade, Q for melee... like... what?)

Also, though a minor gripe (since you can launch multiple instances of the game and play using LAN), is the lack of splitscreen (at least, to my knowledge). Though I had labeled splitscreen an annoyance earlier, it's only annoying when it is the only option. I still am nostalgic for split-screen co-op, and with an increasing number of PCs being setup as media-centers, it would be an excellent feature to have.

For Anyone Who Hasn't Played Halo
This series is genre-defining. It's combat is fluid, and the story-telling, though no final-fantasy, is still fantastic for it's genre. I'd describe it as most-similar to the Doom franchise, with it's design encouraging players to constantly be on the move. If you have ever enjoyed any FPS, or just a shooter in general, I would *heavily* recommend you give this game a try. If $40 for 6 games (admittedly, only 3 at the time of writing this, but all six *will* almost certainly be released and are automatically included in the collection) isn't enticing enough, or you just aren't certain whether or not you'd enjoy the Halo series, try asking a friend if they'd let you play. If you don't mind using a controller, you're more than likely to find a friend who has one of these games on disc for the xbox or xbox 360.

*Actual IGN score is 9.5 right now, but memes are memes.
Posted 18 May, 2020.
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28.1 hrs on record (12.4 hrs at review time)
It's Doom. Play it.

Quip aside, this game's amazing. It's gameplay encourages the player to dive straight into the enemies, fists and shotguns ripping and tearing the demons to shreds. Music is top notch metal. Graphics, despite being nearly 4 years old, still look breathtaking. Only issues are that it can still chew a graphic card to pieces if you are choosing ultra settings. That, and the fact that the game's 70GB in size. I only have a 500GB SSD, and the load times are pretty terrible on HDD. Still worth it for this iconic FPS.
Posted 12 May, 2020.
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16.3 hrs on record
Generally a good game. Along the same veins as a game like Magika. It's a tad on the short side, and ends with a bit of a cliff-hanger, but still gonna recommend it.
Posted 26 February, 2020.
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