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280.6 ore înregistrate (69.7 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Do i need to say how amazing this game is? Like, come on. Pick it up.

Also 69 hours since launch beat game 3 times within this 69 hour period.
Postat 21 aprilie 2024.
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12.2 ore înregistrate (8.8 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
As a defender of the original ‘Super Earth’ (Helldivers 1) I can say that this one blows the first one out of the water. All things from the first one are in this game- expect first was a top down and this is 3rd person. All original stratagems and some new ones. New armors and capes. I just wish they brought the 3 factions instead of just the automatons and bugs. When we getting the illuminate?

If you love killing hordes of enemies, playing with friends, blowing up buildings. You have to play this game. I’m glad to see this one getting more love than the original did. It was a really slept on game at the time and friends of mine played for hours and always enjoyed the challenge!
Postat 19 aprilie 2024.
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I've always wanted to know what it was like to shoot some monster penises. It's more fun then I thought. Also the hentai scenes pretty nice too. Worth every cent
Postat 1 mai 2022.
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40.0 ore înregistrate (34.4 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
My first game in the Monster Hunter series, and i'm in love. I never owned a DS so i never got to play any of the monster hunter's, when i saw this one was coming to PC i was excited to give it a go, forgot about the game and got it on sale a while back. It's honestly so good, gameplay is fun and keeps you on your toes, some monster's are insanely strong, once you kill the monster you can use their skin and parts for upgrading your equipment, and weapon. Fights can last anywhere between 10-30 mins, you're given 50 to track and kill the monster. I've once took 45 mins in a fight (Shierking Legiana) Because not only was i tracking it, but it a regular legiana would be beside it, annoying, but satisfying when i finally took it down. It's also really fun with friends, though i do wish co-op was a little better. If you're friend doesn't have a mission he can't join you on it, also you have to wait for that person to finish the cut scene before you join them which i find odd, and you can't skip the cut scenes. Those are my 2 biggest con's but everything else is perfectly fine. I recommend wholesomely

GET ICEBORNE AS WELL do not pass it up, iceborne is a must, the claw shot is just so damn good.
Postat 10 septembrie 2021.
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1,232.8 ore înregistrate (58.5 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
I remember i bought this a while ago and back then only clocked in less then a hour thinking it was sort of meh, but then when you play more and have friends who play it, you realize it's quite a fun game. There's more to it then meets the eye, there's toxic killers, toxic survivors, 360ing a killer many times and finally go down just to get face camped cause he's very angry with you. Getting hit on while hooked by a frustrated kiler, getting tea bagged on by toxic survivors. none of this probably makes no sense to you, but there is a few ways this game can be played out. I'm now at 58 hours in when i only had 1 hour last year, it's easily my favorite toxic game to play when i feel like having toxicity flow through me. I recommend just because it can be super funny most of the time. Do play with friends, it makes the experience 100x better.
Postat 26 iulie 2021.
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2.2 ore înregistrate (0.3 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Okay, played for 5 hours (on xbox) and i heard some Youtubers are calling it "Bad" It's not bad. its really fun with friends, its what you expect from a Dark Alliance. Camera shake is really annoying, but you can disable that feature. It play's good, and i really think its worth the buy if you wanna play around and beat up some enemies with friends. I suggest buy it, if it aint for you, refund. There are some bugs but they aren't really game breaking. I like the new camera angle compared to how BGDA2 was over the top. it gives it that action feel, parries feel good, and combos feel smooth, i don't see why it's bad imo.
Postat 21 iunie 2021. Editat ultima dată 21 iunie 2021.
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AWO in the beginning had me ehh at first, but towards the ending it has a nice twist to it. I'm not gonna spoil anything but i really wish the game had that "kick" to it through out the story because it just starts off with a basic revenge plot and twist into something that i think made it end really good. Game-play wise, it's just a whole lot of "Tap E" "Hold LMB"

I was really hoping for more, combat and more engaging content but i don't think that's what the dev's were seeking. I've had some bugs here and there, getting stuck, teleport, stuck in a load screen, etc etc. Took me and a friend about 5 hours to beat the full game "Story wise" they throw in a few mini games here and there (kicked my friends ass at the dart throw, and horse-shoe throwing :D)

Overall i'd say it had a very good ending, build up took forever and there were times where i just wanted certain things to be done and over with. I recommend BUT when it's on sale. If i paid 30 dollars for this, i don't think it would of been very much worth it. Would you pay 30 dollars to see a movie? I mean you would tickets and candy etc, but with this you'd spend 30 plus you're candies and soda and poppop.
Postat 11 iunie 2021.
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6.2 ore înregistrate (5.6 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
For not being a triple AAA title i can forgive many things about it, although i have many cons then there is pros.
Let's start.

Is the game fun Yufi?

Yes, yes it is! It's quite fun with friends indeed. Graphically, its pretty. Sounds are pretty crisp. The game does offer replayability. 5 hours in, i haven't even played most of the maps, and even when playing the same map, sheriff usually spawns somewhere else, and vaults aren't always the same. Also, enemy teams will always be different as you aren't always going to fight against a team doing one style, you'll run into different things. (4 johns is the most broken crap ever)

Now, lets go with the cons. Movement is clunky, assassinations on enemies is sometimes broken, you can legit be behind someone spamming E and the assassination won't go off, the combat doesn't feel as fluid as it should be (maybe this is intentional, emphasizing stealthy game play) Found a few bugs that aren't really game breaking, and server issues once in a while. Overall i really like the game and the concept so i'm very forgiving and actually enjoy the game still, but would i recommend it? Eh, you can't go wrong with 30 dollar price tag for the content you get but i don't advise spending the 50 like i did for the game, the cosmetics you get aren't all that pretty, i'll guess i'll have to see how the season pass content is so id advise if you plan on picking the game up, go for just the base game.
Postat 10 mai 2021.
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If i knew this was going to be f2p, i would of saved my 5 dollars for some food! nani desu ka?!
Postat 1 aprilie 2021.
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93.1 ore înregistrate (53.8 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
First off for being a old game that gets updated and new ops added, that's a huge plus. They still have plans for 49 new ops "if everything goes well" and have already over 50+ ops currently in game. Gameplay wise - It's really fun! I haven't unlocked rank yet, and yes i've knocked in 53 hours, so its a grind to get to 50 unless i'm really bad and not know what i'm doing wrong. As for the community goes, everyone i've ran into hasn't been as toxic as people say the community is. Don't get me wrong, you'll still get some of those players but is it really a turn off? I dunno, mute buttons work, don't let a community define the game, muting is always a thing don't pass a fun game up. It's even more fun when you play with 4 of your friends, laughs can surely be had for doing dumb plays or accidentally TKing your teammate.
Postat 27 martie 2021.
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