Sexy Kirby
Stinky Ryan   Florida, United States
"God cried when he had to take Steve Erwin to Heaven. He had run out of miracles to save him. Just as the sting ray pierced his heart, God reached down to save him but Steve said 'Not this time mate. My time has come.' And he ascended the Golden Stairs." -Acts 28:7 :steamsad:
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Hello Friends!
Why, are you gay?

This is it…. The one the only, its me, SEXY KIRBY ! Yes, you stopped on my unforsaken Steam page for some reason, so I welcome you. So maybe you ask yourself what brought you here, at what point in your life did everything go downhill to a point, where you wanted to look at a Steam profile of someone named Sexy Kirby? You really should look in a mirror and see if the reflection that looks back at you is even worth it. Because let’s be honest…. We both know its not worth it chief. But don’t worry this isn’t me telling you to commit the game over. This is the one and only Sexy Kirby giving you a chance at redemption, to help you. Yes! I’m talking to you… specially you, yeah not the guy behind you or maybe another guy. So, are you ready to get your life on track? I’m going to take that as a yes. I’m going to subscribe you with a daily dose of Stoicism, lifting weights, and the sexy ass orange cat named Garfield. We can do this bruddahs for our E-girls and for our God Garfield. So, come together we must pray. We must pray! Preach it from the back! PRAY BRUDDAHS! PRAY TO THE E-GIRLS AND GAFIELD! We can get through this miserable science experiment we call life and become the truest versions of our selves. “For a man to conquer himself is the first and noblest of all victories.” (PLATO Athenian Philosopher). Now I Sexy Kirby will step off my soap box and welcome you to my way of life. Together we will do great thing, you and I. We could rule the world maybe, who knows the future is our clay and we can mold it into whatever shape we want. And if that shape just so happens to be phallic, then so be it. I love you all but no ♥♥♥♥ though… Maybe a little ♥♥♥♥ for you… Yeah you know who you are…. But well keep the socks on.

Me just shilling!

Go check out my YouTube channel and Twitch, bruddahs!
ManicIrony on YT:
Punished_Rag on Twitch:


Thank you for existing you gosh darn beautiful bastard and remember follow the ways of the Stoics and Garf, and you should live a relatively happy life.
See you Space Cowboy….
Lamusica 6 okt, 2023 @ 18:50 
sexy kirby :DSTpoop:
Taz 17 dec, 2022 @ 19:34 
Shooder 31 aug, 2022 @ 14:05 
Someone once said he smells like beef.
SgtSpitfire555 20 nov, 2021 @ 19:08 
Dude smells like beef xd
Coodan 16 nov, 2021 @ 19:59 
Mac n Cheese so good i think i saw contractions
Bluelaserbeam 6 sep, 2021 @ 3:05 
It is you The One The Only SEXY KIRBY