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Análises recentes de SaigaBR

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5.2 hrs em registo
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The game itself was good and I would play again. The major problem with it is that the tutorial doesn't explain most of the stuff for now. Also, it lacks goals in general and everything gets repetitive very fast. The game has potential and the animations are very good, but for now the game seems to lack content. I still recomend it tho.
Publicado a 3 de Junho de 2024.
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2 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
0.9 hrs em registo
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Ok, Let's start with the most important: it is really too soon to call an early access to the game. Now should be the phase to give some alpha keys to specialized testers and schedule gaming sessions to find bugs, test the server and work on optimizations and features. The game is too raw to become public yet.

With that said let's talk about potential: this game has a lot of it. It's a fast paced fps and the maps, even on this unpolished version, look well built and planned. I can easily see a very entertaining TDM or FFA happening on any of them.

My honest suggestion to the developers is to hold the early access a little (because it will bring a really negative impact on your reviews for now) and start a closed alpha. You guys have a skeleton of a game with great potention, but need to work a little more on it before making it public. Be patient and this will work just fine.
Publicado a 15 de Dezembro de 2023.
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2 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
2.2 hrs em registo
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Click to Sail

Estou realmente impressionado com esse jogo.

Se trata de um jogo com batalhas automáticas onde você lidera um navio pirata, podendo arranjar novos membros para sua equipe, itens usáveis como comida e itens passivos, que podem ter efeitos variados, incluindo te dando a chance de ter um pouco mais de autonomia durante as batalhas ou escolher para onde você irá em sua navegação.

- Eventos engraçados e easter eggs
- Apesar de não ter tutorial os controles são intuitivos (literalmente cliques e alguns poucos atalhos se quiser)
- Literalmente não vi o tempo passar enquanto estava melhorando minha equipe

- Infelizmente ainda tem pouco conteúdo (Estamos em early access, então é normal que mais coisas se adicionem no caminho). Realmente senti falta de um navio maior, coom uuma maior capacidade no deck.
- Algumas alterações no UI seriam bem apreciadas. Acho importante saber o que cada unidade faz, se ela é ranged, suporte, etc. e algumas unidades não tem isso em sua descrição. Outro fator que achava importante seria colocar um local em que pudéssemos ver quais buffs que nossa equipe tem vigente.

Eu literalmente estava com uma equipe quase completamente de unidades únicas, com um brasileiro nela (Tcheco) e toda minha equipe foi morta por um coelho. Achei genial. Do jeito que o jogo está no momento eu dou 7,5/10, mas é um ótimo jogo de conforto e por esse preço eu 100% recomendo que comprem e joguem vocês mesmos, pois é melhor que muito jogo mais caro. Para aqueles que gostam de FTL, recomendo em dobro que joguem, pois é uma versão mais simples.
Click to Sail

I'm really impressed with this game.

It's a game with automatic battles where you lead a pirate ship, being able to get new members for your crew, usable items such as food and passive items, which can have different effects, including giving you the chance to have a little more autonomy during battles or choose where you will go in your navigation.

- Funny events and easter eggs
- Despite not having a tutorial, the controls are intuitive (literally clicks and a few shortcuts if you want)
- Literally didn't see the time pass while I was improving my team

- Unfortunately, it still has little content (We are in early access, so it's normal for more things to be added along the way). I really missed a bigger ship with a bigger deck capacity.
- Some UI changes would be much appreciated. I think it's important to know what each unit does, if it's ranged, support, etc. and some units don't have this info in their description. Another factor that I thought was important would be to put a place where we could see what buffs our team has in place.

I literally had a team almost completely of unique units, with a Brazilian in it (Tcheco) and my entire team was killed by a rabbit. I thought it was great. The way the game is at the moment I give it 7.5/10, but it's a great comfort game and for that price I 100% recommend you to buy it and play it by yourself as it's better than a lot of more expensive games. For those who like FTL, I recommend playing it twice as it is a simpler version.
Publicado a 12 de Outubro de 2022.
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1 pessoa achou esta análise útil
1.4 hrs em registo
I had the honor to playtest this game.

RPG-like quests, a nice battle system, where you relay on your rythm and your strategy to achieve the win.

The game came as a proposal to serve like both: a nice rpg-like adventure with a good combat system and as an ecchi fan-service. The game really had a lot of effort put into it and this made it like a very enjoyable game. I highly recommend it!
Publicado a 6 de Dezembro de 2021.
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