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投稿日: 2022年9月27日 13時53分

I've liked Destiny since the first game. Destiny 2 had some issues and many decisions that a lot of people have issues with. It is what it is, but the state of the game currently is better than it's ever been. I enjoy it solo, or with a group. It has many game modes and lots of challenges. Content for people who like PvP, PvE (Casual or hard or even extra hard) and lots of good coop content. If you already made up your mind to hate Destiny 2, because they "took your money and deleted all your content" then there is no changing your mind. I get it, it happened to me too. That didn't stop them from making improvements and continuing down a path to make it more fun! It now has a free to play version. Try it out and make your own choice!

Graphics are good, it's an old game, but still holds up well.

Stability is super important. There are way more buggy games out there. They do their best to fix them in a timely fashion. You'll live!

Gameplay is fantastic to me. I love the gunplay and how the guns feel different. The stats make the guns more interesting and allow for 100s of weapon variations. The game feels good when you play, even though there are some wonky but generally consistent physics. Combat flows well, skill is the most important thing, though level does take a toll on your combat pretty heavily.

PvP is pretty solid most of the time. Sometimes guns break it and they need to be rebalanced, but what game doesn't have it's issues.

PvE is pretty seemless. There is easy midless content, as well as all the way up to super difficult challenges. There is a lot to do in this game and tons of things to see with the expansions. You can collect weapons and armor, craft gear and grind for better rolls (or not).

Coop is great. You can join you friends in alot of content, but sometimes you do have to put some work in to unlock some of the higher level content.

Overall, the game is solid and I think everyone should at least give it a try!
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