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Останні рецензії користувача Rush1D

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1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
1,617.0 год. загалом
It WAS a slightly better game a couple years ago. Ngl i never fully liked the game, there was always something that i was disagreeing with (talking about never fixed bugs, unnecessary changes), but it was still more playable than now.
Events are ruined now, most of them is behind a paywall, cant even get skins that you like for crafting metals anymore, u have to gamble for them with event lootboxes. Not talking about the overpriced in-game store. All i can see is GREED.
Im glad that i played this game back then, at least for the memories and for the friends the game gave me.
This game had a really good potential... well... RIP
I could write more, but not gonna waste time on it. If someone played this game in the past years, they know how big of a mess this game became.
Додано 6 січня. Востаннє відредаговано 6 січня.
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