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0.0 год. за 2 тижні / 8.7 год. загалом
Додано: 28 листоп. 2024 о 23:37
Оновлено: 28 листоп. 2024 о 23:44

The review for my 45th Perfect Game.


🏆 Overall

Excellent way to spend spare hours with friends!
🎥 Graphics
Cute Dwarven/Medieval themed.

Even includes character customization!
🎮 Gameplay
Fun and Engaging.

Everyone will be busy tending to customers.
📖 Story

Game was not designed to have a story.
👩‍👩‍👧‍👦 Multiplayer
Recommended to play with friends!

Multiplayer features are exactly as you would hope it to be.
😤 Difficulty
Easy but scaling difficulty,

At max rating, customers influx can be overwhelming.
🎲 Grind
Can be slightly repetitive.

It is dependant on your role and task within your friends.
🎵 Music & Sound
Dwarven themed, fitting.

The Legendary Lute should play more soundtracks.
♻️ Replay Value
Done & Dusted.

It was fun while it lasted!
🌟 Achievements
Not a challenge.

Except that I had to search YouTube "The Velasco" achievement.
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