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UnPHOgettable 7 авг. 2015 г. в 0:44 
where are you at Secret fangays? 4Head EleGiggle
UnPHOgettable 13 июн. 2015 г. в 0:39 
MY ♥♥♥♥'S ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ BLOOD, MY ♥♥♥♥'S ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ BLOOD!!!

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UnPHOgettable 12 июн. 2015 г. в 4:06 
Arteezy sat in a dark room. The words "Dire Victory" filled up the screen. Not even Arteezy's shadow fiend could win this game. 3/8/7 378 GPM. Tears filled Arteezy's eyes as he carassed his hand of midas. The sound of hard core gangster rap and crying filled the room. The door creaks open and EE-sama enters the room. "You lost Artour." "You do know what happens when you lose." Arteezy removed his clothes, wearing only one of EE's anime wigs. EE removed his clothes, "You lost 23 MM. Thats how many hours your punishment will be." Arteezy spent the next 23 hours being furiously ♥♥♥♥♥♥ by his mentor. After the punishment the semen covered Arteezy arised. "Thank you master, I can't wait to return the favor when you lose." Envy smiled. "So will I Artour."
UnPHOgettable 12 июн. 2015 г. в 4:03 
It is TI5 grand finals, Secret vs C9. After 4 intense games, it is tied up at 2-2. All these chinese teams have been knocked out due to the meta change. Jacky had bleached his hair for this TI in preparation for what is to come. Jacky closed his eyes and said, "It is time Bone-chan". He then opens his eyes with the fury of a
UnPHOgettable 12 июн. 2015 г. в 4:03 
thousand suns, he picked on Leshrac, Beastmaster, Phoenix, Crystal maiden and Kotl. He has prepared this strategy since the legendary "6.84 patch day of doom". He all-chats: "Artour, you have yet to see my final form." Artour replies: "LMAO wHo cARES HAHA Xd" EE farmed up Bloodstone, Loda's Orb, Octarine Core in 20 minutes on Leshrac and have taken their middle barracks. Jacky knows it, Artour knows it, the world knows it. It is time. It is time for the greatest spirit bomb that Dota2 has ever seen. C9 begins to push through middle line with 10 full couriers of enchanted mango. They are ready to finish the game. Jacky stands up in his booth as he blinks into the Secret base with
UnPHOgettable 12 июн. 2015 г. в 4:03 
his ultimate and Diabolic Edict turn on. ". FEED ME MANGOES, FEED ME MANGOES, FEED ME MANGOES, FEED ME MANGOES, yells Jacky. Phoenix casts Supernova, Kotl is channeling his wave of heal, CM channeling freezing field, BM roars onto Arteezy's OD. Secret cannot handle this death ball that Jacky has become. Artour's eyes are now glowing in fear. "We cannot... we cannot go near him... His power level is just... We ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ lost". Artour instantly purchases a second Midas and has given up. Puppey yelled at Artour to sell his midas and knocked some sense into him. Secret has decided to go for the couriers and support kills instead. So smart... So Smart... The throne is now down to 200 hp, only Bone7 and EE is alive and both of them are on low on HP. Looking like a lifeless and dried up flower, Johan breathlessly says, "We are out of mangoes have drained all our energy..." "Just a little bit more...", Jacky whispers.