
RandalMcdaniel の最近のレビュー

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総プレイ時間:3.1時間 (レビュー投稿時点:2.1時間)
Amazing game, simple, original.. Just plain awesome.

I got it in a bundle offer so it was just a few cents. I personally wouldnt pay more than 3 dollars tho considering you can beat it in 2-3 hours
投稿日 2014年3月9日.
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It is a really great game.. but unfortunately you can't play it. It crashes non-stop.
投稿日 2014年2月23日.
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投稿日 2014年2月23日.
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If you are looking for a realistic fight simulator turn away now. This is as arcadey as it gets. The plane flies on its own and all you have to do is turn your joystick to turn it and fire. Its extremely easy arcade fighter and the pilots say very childish things
投稿日 2014年2月23日.
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13 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
This game really isn't very good. I have a $600 radeon 7970 3gb video card and i thought it would easily be able to run this game at 300+ frames per second. But the water has a quality slider and there is only one setting where it looks halfway decent and that is when it shows whitecaps.. But at this setting my framerate drops to 18fps? In the first greenpeace mission i was literally driving on a boat down a port getting 11 frames per second. I had to set the water to cartoon setting to be able to play at a constant 40+ fps.

If you select "very rough" the waves just look awful and clip through your screen and do all sorts of strange things, you can not run off the ship into the water, you can not climb the ladders to explore the second floor of the ships, you can not sink a ship. (it just says your ship is sinking game over)

Besides the poor performance the graphics are too cartoony for my liking. Sure outside it looks alright but the second you enter first person mode and walk around the ship the colors/surfaces make it look like you are on a childrens playground.

Other than that the controls are absolutely horrible, you have to physically click the steering wheel with your mouse and rotate it.. At first i was fine with it but the problem is that it begins rotating the wrong way once you start turning the wheel. Its almost impossible to turn your boat around.
投稿日 2014年2月23日. 最終更新日 2014年2月23日
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総プレイ時間:626.4時間 (レビュー投稿時点:555.8時間)
Do the developers think we forgot dayz is supposed to have helicopters, boats, planes, bicycles?
投稿日 2014年2月22日. 最終更新日 2020年5月25日
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Literally has crysis3 graphics
投稿日 2014年2月21日.
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総プレイ時間:10.5時間 (レビュー投稿時点:2.8時間)
Its like killing floor with dinosaurs, so many different guns, perks, turrets, vehicles, aircrafts.. Im glad i got this when it was on sale for a buck
投稿日 2014年2月21日.
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総プレイ時間:8.6時間 (レビュー投稿時点:6.5時間)
Best puzzle game i have ever played in my life hands down. Makes other puzzle games like portal look like easy.

Super atmospheric and very surreal feeling when you play it
投稿日 2014年2月20日.
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Wow the herd mentality is strong in this one. Stop the hate! The last patch that came out on valentines day completely fixed the performance issues and also added a fov slider. My fps went from fluctuating 48-56 fps in all maps to a rock solid 90fps (thats the maximum fps cap so the real fps is even even higher) Plus this is the first cod since the first black ops 1 to provide dedicated servers. Yes dedicated servers. No more lag/delayed hit registration or "FINDING NEW HOST" bullcrap.

Cod ghosts in its current state right now is a properly working pc title that runs smooth, has little lag.. And has much better maps than the last 10x10 square box maps of MW3 or B02. Seriously where is all this hate coming from? Ghosts has a whole bunch of unique larger maps that feel original and bring me back to the days of hit maps like overgrown, afghan, creek, terminal. Also cod ghosts is a much more mature cod. Its not arcade-like where helicopters and airstrikes are going off constantly.
投稿日 2014年2月15日.
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