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投稿日: 2022年9月21日 9時57分
更新日: 2022年9月21日 19時02分

Lots of people make the argument that Destiny 2 is an inferior predecessor to Destiny 1. Although I can see their reasoning , I believe that those people are morally incorrect. As a Destiny 1 veteran, Destiny 2 is clearly the better game and a more than worthy sequel to Destiny. You are just blinded by nostalgia, and need to wake up. Destiny 2 has made so many improvements to the franchise that i could not even begin to name them all. For example, Destiny 1 was somehow less balanced than modern day League of Legends. you basically could do no endgame activities without Ghallarhorn, and PvP was and still is a nightmare. Compared to Destiny 2 which has a plethora of usable load outs and METAs.

Another point i would like to talk about is content. Compared to Destiny 2, Destiny has next to no content. after all, its sequel had so much content they had to vault some to save our hard drives. not to mention that most of Destiny 1's "content" consists of doing basic activities on a harder difficulty. Most of these pieces of "content" didn't even go so far as to give a worthwhile reward.

Speaking of rewards, watching a great story play out is one of the most rewarding things in gaming. but in terms of story, Destiny 2 beats Destiny 1 any day of the week. I cant even remember the Destiny 1 story outside of "Oryx put big ship on Saturn." But i can recall almost all events of the Destiny 2 story. not to mention that all of Destiny 1's story points are just "Big bad guy does big bad thing, go stop him." This is lazy writing and doesn't deserve any of the credit it receives.

All I am trying to say is that in so many almost unmistakable ways, Destiny 1 is Inferior to Destiny 2 in every possible way. Even down to basic game play. For example, in Destiny 1 each class gets 3 sub classes, while in Destiny 2, each class gets 4 sub classes (3(6) light, and 1 dark), arguably 6 if you separate the Forsaken sub classes. Not to mention the different weapon types Destiny 1 does not have, such as, sidearms, most swords, linear fusion rifles, trace rifles, grenade launchers, breach launchers, glaives (in The Witch Queen), and many exotics.

Back on the topic of content, Destiny 1 hasn't had a major content update in 4 years. Destiny 2 has been receiving regular updates and downloadable content for years now. I think its safe to say that Bungie cares as little about Destiny 1 as 343 cares about Halo. Destiny 1 even added Eververse, which is a cancer that has plagued the Destiny franchised for far to long. Seeing as Eververse was added in Destiny 1, that is yet another reason why its an inferior title. I would honestly rather play a boring game like Slime Rancher than Destiny 1. Keep in mind I am a Destiny 1 veteran who gave up paying child support to go pro as a small content creator. Some may say I am in a very fortunate position, and honestly, I am just a guy chasing his dreams.

So, in conclusion. Destiny 1 is completely inferior to Destiny 2, and if you disagree, you are morally wrong. I solemnly believe that Destiny 1 is a stain on the legacy of its superior sequel. I will not be accepting any criticism, as I am correct, and if you disagree with me, I think you need to take some time to reflect on yourself and your choices. Thank you for reading, and have a good day (unless you like Destiny 1).
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