winter tutter
Name changing loser   Singapore
Song of the Week 3/2/25
Never forget the war that started on June 30th 1986. o7
Water is NOT wet

:csgob:y :csgob:oor :csgob:ittle :csgob:eat:csgob:all
:b_rank:y :b_rank:oor :b_rank:ittle :b_rank:eat:b_rank:all
:csgob:y :csgob:oor :csgob:i:summer2019logotortoise::summer2019logotortoise::LASER_BEAM:e :csgob:ea:summer2019logotortoise::csgob:a:LASER_BEAM::LASER_BEAM:
:b_rank:y :b_rank:oor :b_rank:i:summer2019logotortoise::summer2019logotortoise::LASER_BEAM:e :b_rank:ea:summer2019logotortoise::b_rank:a:LASER_BEAM::LASER_BEAM:

6/3/19 - 2/11/20
12/31/20 - 1/1/22 - Level 69, nice
10/28/22 - 6/14/23
Destaque de artes
Cheez Doodels
me getting slammed by summit []
me getting slammed by chocoTaco []
me slamming shroud []
me slamming ska []
me falling out of my chair []

Chase: Legendary Eagle, uses aimbot and plays against a GNM; still can't beat me. Go kill yourself.

Balsamic vinegar is made from the fruit of the Balsa tree. Famously known for its use in hobbyist crafts.
The Balsa tree gets its name from the fruits it bears. The name Balsa comes from the Latin word Balsamis, meaning testicles.
Despite being a famously soft wood to work with, Balsa wood is botanically classified as a hardwood. This is because the seed pods of the Balsa plant looks like an erect penis.

Facts: Speak for themselves? or illustrate principles?
CUB : Well it's both. Suppose a group of the people take up 13% of the population but commits 50% of violent crime. Let's label this group B. The facts stand alone as statistics while also illustrating the principle that B's cannot be trusted.
UTA : Is this... targeting black people... ?
CUB : No it's a hypothetical about a nonspecified group. I simply labeled it B at random.
UTA :This is a very specific statistic that happens to be very close to the population/ crime rate of black people.
CUB : Coincidence
CUB : I'm not a statistician so I wouldn't know of any such studies.

1 duo fpp w/ tbL (karakin) 9/13/20
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (karakin) 10/3/20
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (karakin) 12/3/20
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (karakin) 1/3/21
1 trio squad fpp w/ tbL, tbT (sanhok) 3/17/21
1 trio squad fpp w/ tbL, tbT (karakin) 3/19/21
2 duo fpp w/ tbT (sanhok) 3/25/21
1 duo fpp w/ tbT (miramar) 3/30/21
1 duo fpp w/ tbT (erangel) 4/4/21
1 squad fpp w/ tbT, tbL, josh (erangel) 4/6/21
1 duo fpp w/ tbT (erangel) 4/11/21
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (paramo) 5/17/21
1 squad fpp w/ tbL, tbT (sanhok) 6/6/21
2 squad fpp w/ tbL, tbT (miramar) 6/9/21
1 duo fpp w/ tbT (paramo) 6/11/21
1 duo fpp w/ tbT (paramo) 6/23/21
1 duo fpp w/ tbT (miramar) 6/25/21
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (erangel) 1/22/22
2 duo fpp w/ tbL (erangel) 4/21/22
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (taego) 5/13/22
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (miramar) 7/15/22
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (karakin) 7/20/22
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (erangel) 7/25/22
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (miramar) 12/18/22
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (karakin) 3/4/23
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (miramar) 4/2/23
1 squad fpp w/ tbL, rrajra (erangel) 4/7/23
1 squad fpp w/ tbL, icora, cheesedex (paramo) 7/9/23
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (erangel) 8/24/23
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (vikendi) 9/27/23
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (erangel) 10/15/23
2 duo fpp w/ tbL (vikendi, miramar) 10/29/23
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (taego) 11/2/23
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (sanhok) 11/6/23
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (deston) 11/21/23
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (vikendi) 11/27/23
1 solo fpp (rondo) 12/14/23
3 duo fpp w/ tbL (rondo) 12/16/23
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (erangel) 12/20/23
1 solo fpp (rondo) 12/20/23
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (rondo) 1/6/24
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (rondo) 1/12/24
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (miramar) 1/21/24
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (rondo) 1/26/24
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (taego) 1/28/24
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (karakin) 2/2/24
1 solo fpp (miramar) 2/5/24
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (deston) 2/9/24
3 duo fpp w/ tbL (erangel) 3/1/24
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (erangel) 3/2/24
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (rondo) 3/11/24
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (rondo) 3/12/24
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (miramar) 3/15/24
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (miramar) 3/16/24
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (taego) 3/23/24
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (taego) 3/29/24
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (erangel) 3/31/24
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (deston) 4/5/24
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (rondo) 4/5/24
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (miramar) 7/3/24
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (taego) 7/16/24
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (rondo) 7/19/24
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (karakin) 7/20/24
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (erangel) 7/28/24
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (sanhok) 12/31/24
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (sanhok) 1/20/25
1 duo fpp w/ tbL (vikendi) 2/7/25

SSL 2v2 400hp w/ tbL
61-0 9/14/18 - 9/15/18
47-0 12/15/19-12/16/19

kennyS Giveaway 2ez
Clark Quotes
clark: this one is giving me busan vibes
me: what the hell do u know about busan
- 2/17/25

i'm cheesin for a dub - march 2024

justin you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ queemo - feb 2024

clark: justin you stupid ♥♥♥♥♥ mine isn't vertical.
justin: have you considered turning your head sideways 90 degrees
clark: oh - 8/5/23 (clark on his fan hub)

Justin: pulsar kept me connected with my friends, I can play liar's dice from 2 states away!
Clark: I couldn't even play liar's dice 2 feet from you. -8/4/23

DAMN, that man is JEWish! (clark on josh) - 7/15/23

damn dexter, already 2 MVPs, had to make up for it. hey dexter can you be my MVP and buy me an awp? - 4/8/22

let's pog! - 1/3/22

me: pepperoni is pretty good
clark: so are italian meat
(there was something about genoa but it has been lost to time)

"I am confident this will not affect me one bit. Only old people and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ die from it." - Clark on COVID-19 3/9/2020

St. Patrick's day is on the 17th of March every year. It's not Christmas.

"Hehe stupid monkey" - 2/1/2020

My phone died, so I was just sitting there with my hands in my pocket and imagining listening to music.

boohoo, i'm pressing F on the world's smallest keyboard

"the other teams are gonna be intimidated as ♥♥♥♥ when we walk in with matching aprons"

I like the way they finger my mouth.

Just square it, then unsquare it.

It really do be like that sometimes.

can i get a per shwah

sauce quatch

The Holocaust was one of the most horrible things ever done to a people

I the beginning Elie was very religious and wanted to learn Kabbalah to be able to converse with God.

Elie’s faith has diminished to almost nothing throughout this story and it doesn’t stop here.

"Seeing all of the bodies being thrown in the fire made him think that there was no God because no God would let that happen."

it's either really close, or a good amount distance far - me, 7/1/22

why are they giving me latin honors? im chinese - aiya, 5/2/22

uhm my brain is the size of an acorn and my courage is the size of a peanut - aiya, 2/21/22

This game used to be great until people like you started cheating and ruining the fun. - Random PUBG dude after dying to a pistol LMAO

they call me confucius cuz i'm always confused - Carbs, 4/27/21

Different culture makes rice differently, just some culture is wrong - Uncle Roger (2020)

I never wanted to be the next Billy Mays, I just wanted to be the first Phil Swift. - Phil Swift, 6/2/20

“Beware of an old man in a profession where men usually die young.
Old warriors did not get old by accident; they got old by being wise, having the right knowledge, and being tough. Never underestimate an old man who has grown up in a rough profession or a rough environment.
These men have been around. They have done things, and experienced things, that you probably have never even thought about. They are tough, their minds are tough, and they have the knowledge, the skill, and the will to finish you off, if you force them to do so. A boy will fight you, but an older man will hurt you.”
-Bohdi Sanders

Joe Jonas: High heels
Nick Jonas: 𝓗𝓲𝓰𝓱 𝓱𝓮𝓮𝓵𝓼
Joe Jonas: Red dress
Nick Jonas: ⱤɆĐ ĐⱤɆ₴₴

Not being able to speak is not the same as not speaking. You seem as if you like to talk. I like to let people talk who like to talk. It makes it easier to find out how full of ♥♥♥♥ they are. - Jackie Chan

If you use lube, it’s not rape. It’s in the constitution. - Zach

"Oxygen. The enemy of us all." - Brad Leone

riparooni get all pruney - Dex

I got mad and forgot the 'a'. - Jack Lambert

maybe it's time for me to get a kindle. tinder aint getting the fire started - Roommate Josh

felicity, i wish i could treat you like i do the dents on my car. heat you up and bang you til you come out - Roommate Josh

I don't see color, I just see ugly! -Joe Jitsukawa

They call me Icora, sometimes Ikea, If they can't read Icarus, If they can't spell then Icona, If they're drunk then Ifea, If they're bd then eecora, if you're justin then KKona, if you're dexter then eeeeeecora

If you've ever wanted to live on the edge, try snorkeling. 2 inches up and you're breathing, 2 inches down and you're drowning. - Nick

That's so... heinous hideous silly contemptuous foolish hapless corrupt preposterous unfortunate trashy ridiculous deplorable atrocious uncool uncouth ...and you choose gay?

swiss cheese is the bees knees - josh

flat earthers are crazy, there's no proof. also don't you love god's work? - White People

Imagine you threw a ball with your arm, but it's a catapault. - Dex

I don't care if you're white, black, brown, blue, green, gay, straight, crooked, transexual, bisexual, or whatever. I hate all of y'all equally. - Brian Navarro

Dannewitz, I forgot the poster man. -Zach

Hey just9n ( ° ͜ʖ͡°) ∩

Chad: Shroud's Protector, Giver of loot he actually wants, Human Meat Shield. Chad the Legend

I'm not trying to save anybody, I'm just trying to think about the future and not be sad. - Elon Musk

Catch you on the flip side old man!

perdu :(


Clark: Have you heard of Murphy's law?
me: yea
Clark: Have you heard of Cole's law?
me: no?
Clark: it's shredded cabbage

me: What does a Japanese cow say?
matt: kobe
me: ♥♥♥♥ that was better than my joke

You put water in the teapot, it becomes the teapot. You put water in the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, it becomes the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Be like water my friend.

To treat illness, you make wellness better.

If no one from the future comes to stop you, how bad of an idea could it possibly be?

Hay is for horses, sometimes for cows, pigs don't eat it, cuz they don't know how.

Guru Pathik: nah son, Im helping the great Zakros lead the Templars to glory! HAIL BRITANIA!

Guru Pathik: nah son, Im helping people and the guild protect Azeroth from the Lich King! FOR THE HORDE!

If you ever feel down, remember that you're a garbage can, not a garbage can't. -Gez

It's the thot that counts. -Matt

Clark's Lies
3:32 PM - Squidly Tentacles: gimme 13 mins
3:32 PM - Phil Swift: r u watching a video
3:32 PM - Squidly Tentacles: ye
3:39 PM - Phil Swift: its been 13

6:14 PM - Phil Swift: yo
6:14 PM - Trash Compactor: you already said that
6:14 PM - Phil Swift: i havent said yo today
6:15 PM - Trash Compactor:
Tuesday, December 5, 2017: 3:28 PM - Phil Swift: Yo
Capturas de tela favoritas
Musho 1 de mar. às 20:01 
Wanna play?
Slick 20 de fev. às 6:40 
no life
Rexraven 19 de fev. às 18:19 
Deagle god
♣LEW_wu 9 de fev. às 3:03 
this kid is cheating - not hard to see
Bandiwyn 25 de jan. às 20:02 
Nice kill!
Zulusho 4/nov./2024 às 17:05 
+rep pro player, clutch master, let's continue the winning streak