Plant Pot Stew
:winter2019happyyul: :Wildfrost_Froggy:
已遊玩 3.9 小時
I originaly bought this game for my mom, expecting her to love it because it's simple, beautiful and calming.

I ended up enjoying it far more then she did.

Why? Well one reason it because it really feels like you're swimming. Another reason, and this is the biggest one by far, are the animals.

There are areas you go into in the game that has a certain set of fish. It's possible to know what every type of fish is by grabbing onto it or by sitting on a statue, which basically brings up an aquariam mode.

The animals you can see can be small large and when you run into a large one you realize just how tiny you are. I couldn't help but go "wow" when I saw a whale.

(Spoiler on what types of fish you can see. If you want a suprise, don't look) Later in the game you can run into prehestoric fish and since my favorite dinosaurs are the underwater ones I couldn't help but squeel when I saw my favorites.

The only complain is during the aquariam mode you can move the focus onto the next fish. But what fish that is... I have no idea. I get sent around the map when I just wanted one specific thing.

All and all I recommend it. It's simple, but very pretty. The story it's self is one of those "take whatever you want from it' and I hope from that you can tell if you'd enjoy this or not. I'd say yes if you're a fan of giant underwater species or really any at all.
總時數 24 小時
最後執行於 1 月 23 日
總時數 0.8 小時
最後執行於 2024 年 7 月 22 日
總時數 0.1 小時
最後執行於 2024 年 7 月 22 日
成就進度   0 / 26