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Скорошни рецензии на Black Panther

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628.8 изиграни часа
Huge game so much to do so many choices in what to do, I have at this time 628,8 hours of playtime in this game (a lot for me):
You want to explore then there is a huge world to explore.
You just want to fight and level up, then there are lots of quests and such where one can do this.
You like to harvest resources, the world is full of them to mine, farm, harvest, fish and such.
You like crafting, there is plenty of things you can craft and build, there is even quests for this.
You like to be a merchant and/or create a big business you can do this, buying up buildings or selling them if you do not need them anymore, and you can make them into different kind of workshops, factories and such. You can create trade routes for buying and selling goods between cities and villages.
You like collecting collectibles and such you can do that to.
There are a LOT of different classes to choose between, each with their own fighting styles.
You like to play solo no problem at all, I myself have hundreds of hours of just solo playing.
You like to play with friends and/or in groups no problem you can do that to.
You can buy and sell your own home and have several homes as well as decorate them as you will, with trophies, crafted furniture and stuff, or furniture and stuff you have bought or found.
There is so much freedom, that Me as a generalist who love to do everything, spent hundreds of hours just in the early areas.
This is probably the most engaging and best MMO I have played, and I am almost afraid to start up again, because I would not have time for anything else if I do.
When it comes to harvesting if you do grow tired of harvesting them yourself, you can hire other NPCs to do it for you, buy buying farms or sending them out to harvesting nodes and such, and you do not have to be part of big guilds to do these things everything can be done solo, because every player can own any building so you do not have to fight other players over this.
There is PvP in the game as well, but I do not know that much about that as I am not that interested in PvP so always opted out of that.
It have been some time since I played it, and it have only gotten so much better.
And the characthers in the game are beutiful, unlike many companies in the west who focuses on uglification of characters and worlds, this one is focusing on beuty, beutiful characters and a beutiful world. Romanticism still exists in Asia :).
This game is so much more than what one can see in the trailers and pictures. And it have become even more beutiful after they upgraded their engine and graphics.
This game is huge in so many ways, you can play hundreds of hours and still have just scratched the surface of what you can do here :D.
Публикувана 2 февруари.
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54.1 изиграни часа
Anyone looking for a new system shock game and loves those games, are more or less guaranteed to love this one, a modern spiritual successor.
The setting and gameplay is very similar in many ways, but with modern graphics and technology, well just look at the videos and see for yourself.

Weapons are scarce in the beginning, but over time one will accumulate quite a few, weapons can be modded, you have slotted inventory where you try and fit in your stuff, you can upgrade skills, gain powers by injecting an alien substance into you. Survivors are very scarce, but there are logs lying around and on computers that tell you quite a bit about what happened, and about yourself.

Instead of an AI gone berserk, there is a kind of alien force invading the space station you are on, and among them and the first ones you encounter are mimics that can change into any item like f.ex. a coffee cup and attack you when you come near, more advanced mimics can mimic more advanced stuff like turrets. As you progress you will also encounter more different aliens and more dangerous aliens.

You start with almost nothing, and build and upgrades your character and wapons over time, so by end game one can become quite powerful, especially if one choose to inject oneself with the alien powers.

I have played through System Shock 1 & 2, played the remake of the first System Shock not to long before this one, and was surprised how much alike they were in spirit.
Публикувана 30 ноември 2024.
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301.4 изиграни часа
Owlcat games is fast becoming my favorite RPG Developer and Publisher, Love all the Pathfinder Games as well as Rogue Trader. Looks like they have not just understood but gone beyond the concept of a home base and building and improving it.

In Kingmaker you got yourself new fledling kingdom you built up, adding cities, making decisions, sending out other less experienced adventurers on missions on top of those you and your party personally did, had ministers taking care of things happening in your nation and so on.

In Wrath of the Righteous, you become the leader of a crusade against invading demons (a war that have been going on for a long time), and you have your party, but also a home base where things are happening and decisions made, and you have your armies that you control from that base and send out to fight demon armies, explore and do things on the world map. What kind of troops you get also depends on you decisions.
I myself love to play as a Trickster Path type the dialogue and things that happens are just hilarious :D, just the comments from party members and others are worth it ("Reality istelf seems to just bend to his will")

There are several Mythic path as they call it, all with their own special abilities and effect on the story and world:
Demon (Raging beast that wants to rule the Abyss (Chaotic Evil)).
Devil (Cunning and Evil manipulator (Lawful Evil)).
Angel (A general of Celestial Armies (Lawful Good)).
Trickster (A Loki-type character who loves to have fun and play games, joke around, make practical jokes and such on even the mightiest of creatures, you can even trick the rules that govern the world to gain unimaginable powers, connection to the fey (old fey where often considered tricksters), (Chaotic).
Aeon (Cosmic Judge of Balance (Lawful Neutral)).
Swarm-That-Walks (An all devouring monster made of a swarm, the path of ultimate evil (Evil).
Azata (Rebel and fighter for freedom and good (Good).
Lich (Immortal undead master of necromancy who can replace ones companions with undead minions (Evil).
Gold Dragon (Dragon Powers, seeking to redeem the faltered, guide the lost, path of mercy (Good)).
Legend (Non Mythic, no mythic creature, otherwordly being ora deity's choosen, just you and your own path, the path for those who refuse to chose any mythic path).
P.S. Alignment is only to show where they primarily is at it is not the exact alignment you need to be able to choose the path and use the powers of it.

In Rogue Trader you get your own ship that pretty much works as your home base, the ship can be imroved on and used for space battles, as well as making decisions and such, you also have your own part of space that is yours, and you can explore space and other planets and such, as well as get resources from them that can be used among other things to improve your worlds.

I am always looking forward to Owlcat games and just as Bioware and Obsidian were in the old days, RPG games from this one is instant buy for me, same goes for Larian Studios both have proven themselves to be innovative, great at making games, and seems to have a certain understanding of what makes these kind of games great.

The next game Shadow of the Road made by Another Angle but published by Owlcat also looks pretty great, a CRPG with turn based combat happening in an alternative 19th century Japan :D
Публикувана 26 август 2024. Последно редактирана 27 август 2024.
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46.7 изиграни часа (24.5 часа по време на рецензията)
As I understand it it is kind of a prologoue to Bloodlines 2, but do not expect any real combat here.
It is mostly political, rethoric, stealth, and a few action scenes. But in my opinion a good game, I am enjoying it so far and am about halfway through at this point.
Публикувана 9 юни 2023.
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185.6 изиграни часа (56.0 часа по време на рецензията)
Reminds me a lot about Forza, just with planes, boats and such as well.
Really fun to play, after a bit of tuning and removing of the assisst systems the cars become much more responsive.
The assist one can turn off right away, to tune everything on the car one have to wait until one reaches the first Icon level (there aree 9900 Icon levels), one can get there relatively quickly so isn't much of a hassle.
Works quite well without having to tune the veichles as well and just go with the default, the only thing I strongly recommend is to turn off the assists, as they make controlling the car feel unnatural and for me anyway harder. Everycar can be indvidually tuned, but the assists that is found in the same place as the tuning and is the top category of it is goes for each type of veichle, so if you turn it off for one Street Race car you turn it off for all those, same with hyper cars,hover crafts, race planes, power boats, and so on. There is a line seperating the assists from the normal tuning, the normal tuning is done individually for each different veichle and is not done for all veichles of that category, different veichles also respond different to the same tunings, so that is a good thing. Or one can just go with the default tuning, that one is pretty ok to.

In the first Crew game you where working undercover, pretty much like many of the Need for Speed games, in this one you are a driver making a career, much more like the Forza Horizon Games.

There are tons of different activities to do, everything from classical racing, to Demolition Derby, Monster Trucks, Slalom with different kind of veichles, Air racing and acrobatics, Escapes, Photo Shots, Skills, Events, Exploring, Collecting, Stories, Upgrading with better parts, customizing the looks of both the veichles and your character, as well as designing ones own custimzed looks like in Forza, and customize the chassises on cars, the Street cars are the most customizable ones (There are several different categories of Veichles) and more. Both PvP, Solo play activities, and Group (Crews), coop play PvE or PvP, depending on what one prefers.

Really loving it and is really hard to put away, although one can buy Crew Credits (Special in-game money aside from the usuall Bucks that is the normal in-game money) there is not really much need as it is not that hard to earn cash. And most things can be bought with normal cash or won through activities and events, there are somethings that can only be bought with Crew credits, but as far as I have seen those are just cosmetic stuff.

The control setup for planes and boats are pretty easy to use as well, not very complicated :).
one can also choose between several different cameras, 2 3rd person cameras, a hood, camera, a bumper camera, and a cocpit camera for all types off veichles, on cars one can also customize how the inside of the cars look. And different cars will look different offcourse depending on what car it is and their make.

There are also both modern and classical veichles.

If you like the Forza Horizon games, then you are probalbly going to enjoy this one as well.
And if you did not think Forza had enough to do, then this one have even more activities to do :D.
Публикувана 26 април 2022.
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189.5 изиграни часа (37.0 часа по време на рецензията)
A Need for Speed killer.
Публикувана 24 ноември 2021.
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326.1 изиграни часа (326.0 часа по време на рецензията)
Probably one of the best CRPGs I have ever played, reminded me a bit of the old Birthright game where you had your own kingdom and armies as well as adventurers that you adventured with when you were not controlling your armies or taking care of your nation.

Here you start out as a group of adventurers, then you end up controlling your own newly created kingdom. So you build villages, build improvments in your villages and in your capital, there is some special buildings you get access to that depends on your choices in the game when adventuring and your.
There is also different positions that you can assign to different people, and what will happen in different situations can depend on who you have choosen for that post, these people can be part of your adventuring band or people you have met and invited to your capital out in the game world. You can also send these people out on missions on the world map.

This is the kind of game that I have hungered for since the days of Birthright, and the second game seems to be even better, love it, love this game company. Other games also have a base where you can do stuff, but they are often limited in what you can do and a bit dissapointing when one knows what can be done.

Baldurs Gate II also had a homebase where you could do a few things, but nothing like this, her you get a whole kingdom with a capital city and villages that you decide where to place and what to build in them and how to build them, same with the capital offcourse.

The story is interesting and intriguing, the combat works great, so the game have good mechanics and is a pleasure to play.
I do not want to reveal to much, but no matter what kind of character one play it seems that one will have good and fun choices.

Know I am just waiting for the second game in this series, which seems even better than this one.
Публикувана 28 юли 2021.
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0.3 изиграни часа
No Cockpit or Hood camera, for me that means the game have been arcived in the forget about me folder, never to be played again together with NfS Rivals (same problem). You get a better driving experience from driving in most 1st and 3rd person shooters.
Публикувана 10 март 2021.
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225.8 изиграни часа (26.0 часа по време на рецензията)
My new Need for Speed game, since Need for Speed haven't been able to give the experience I want for severeal years/iterations (though the newest one (Heat) might).
Something is wrong when the driving experience is better in Farcry than in Need for Speed, for me anyway either cockpit camera or at the very least hood camera is a must, bumper cam is just weird, and if one to play 3 person, I don't buy games like Need for Speed.

The Crew seems to have taken all the good parts of games like Need for Speed Wanted and actually made a really good Arcade Racer, even though it is an online game, it plays as good as one should expect of a single player game. I love it and will probably spend quite some time in it whenever I have a NfS hunger.
Before this I was a die hard NfS fan, but after 2 or 3 games with no cockpit or hood cam., I more or less gave up on them and started looking elsewhere, and found something :).
Публикувана 1 ноември 2020.
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12.4 изиграни часа (11.8 часа по време на рецензията)
Nice tactical game, combat similar to XCOM, The Ark is the Base, where you can upgrade weapons and such.
No base building, no area map or minimap only world map.
Публикувана 18 май 2019.
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