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20 από 28 (71%) επιτεύγματα αποκτήθηκαν:
Προσωπικά επιτεύγματα

Basic Controls

Move a Sheep with [Mouse Left] and Pan the Camera with [Mouse Right].
Ξεκλειδώθηκε στις 21 Αυγ 2024, 15:00

Feed Your Sheepies

Feed your Sheepies by dragging and dropping Wheat on top of them.
Ξεκλειδώθηκε στις 21 Αυγ 2024, 15:00

Milking Sheepies

Buy & Use 2 Empty Bottles from the Market. Open Market with [Spacebar] or the button on the top right corner.
Ξεκλειδώθηκε στις 21 Αυγ 2024, 15:01

Harvesting Wheat

Put Wheat Seeds on your Soil then Water it 3 times to get some Wheat.
Ξεκλειδώθηκε στις 21 Αυγ 2024, 15:02

Selling Butter

Sell 2 Pack of Butter to Sell Area on top of your farm. You can also sell items with [Ctrl] + [Mouse Left].
Ξεκλειδώθηκε στις 21 Αυγ 2024, 15:03

Have 5 Wheat

Have at least 5 Wheat. Buy Wheat Seeds, plant, and grow them.
Ξεκλειδώθηκε στις 21 Αυγ 2024, 15:04

Using Fertilizers

Get Fertilizer with an Empty Sack from a full Composter. Apply it to your Soil then plant seeds and harvest more!
Ξεκλειδώθηκε στις 21 Αυγ 2024, 15:11

Care with Baby

Give Baby Sheepy Medicine and Raw Milk. You can buy Medicine from the Market.
Ξεκλειδώθηκε στις 21 Αυγ 2024, 15:12

Tough Times

You're going through tough times. Save 100 gold coins somehow.
Ξεκλειδώθηκε στις 21 Αυγ 2024, 15:21

Additional Bucket

Buy an additional Empty Bucket from the Market and have 2 Water Buckets to make your life easier.
Ξεκλειδώθηκε στις 21 Αυγ 2024, 15:29

Wool Sacks

Put your Wool into an Empty Sack, and sell 2 of them.
Ξεκλειδώθηκε στις 21 Αυγ 2024, 15:37

Campfire Cooking

Buy a Campfire and cook 3 Carrots on it.
Ξεκλειδώθηκε στις 21 Αυγ 2024, 15:48

Butchering Sheepies

Buy Cleaver then Butcher one of your Sheepies. Butchering the oldest Sheepies makes more sense.
Ξεκλειδώθηκε στις 21 Αυγ 2024, 15:56

Beautiful Mill

Make a profit from your assets and save 200 gold coins. Then buy that beautiful Mill to make some Flour.
Ξεκλειδώθηκε στις 22 Αυγ 2024, 12:35

Drip Irrigation

Buy Drip Irrigation and implement it on your Soil. Then put water in it to automate the watering process.
Ξεκλειδώθηκε στις 22 Αυγ 2024, 12:58

Amateur Baker

Cook Dough in Stone Oven to make Bread. And Sell 5 Bread in total.
Ξεκλειδώθηκε στις 22 Αυγ 2024, 13:22

Making of Cheese

Cut out Abomasum from the Stomach, and get its Rennet into an Empty Bowl. Then mix it with Pasteurized milk.
Ξεκλειδώθηκε στις 22 Αυγ 2024, 13:27

Making Leathers

Have both Tanning Barrel and Stretching Rack. Then make and sell 3 leather.
Ξεκλειδώθηκε στις 22 Αυγ 2024, 13:50

Wheat Silo

Have a Wheat Silo that contains at least 25 Wheat. Then you can fill your Troughs easily from the silo.
Ξεκλειδώθηκε στις 22 Αυγ 2024, 14:00

More Sheepies

Have at least 6 Happy Sheepies.
Ξεκλειδώθηκε στις 22 Αυγ 2024, 14:21

Say Cheeseburgers

Make 5 Cheese with Pasteurized Milk and Rennet. Then put them in Hamburgers to sell 5 Cheeseburgers.

Have 10 Wool Fabric

Buy a Fabric Loom to make Wool Fabric from Wool Yarn and have at least 10 Wool Fabric.

Ayran Business

Buy Yogurt Culture and mix it with Pasteurized Milk. Then pour Water into the Yogurt and sell 5 Ayrans.

Delicious Meals

Sell at least 15 Lamb Casseroles in total by cooking Raw Casserole in the Stone Oven for a long time.

Happy Sheepies

Have at least 10 Happy Sheepies.

Making of Shoes

Have a Shoemaker's Bench. Then make and sell 10 leather shoes.

Wool Fabric Supplier

Sell at least 100 Wool Fabrics in total.


Have at least 10000 gold coins while growing your Business.