Hi my names david and i am looking for a CS team to play on   California, United States
AkiRa 3 lipca 2017 o 20:06 
Can i join your team....i know my rank is kinda low compared to urs but its my 2nd.acc .....and im good with rifles and awp
RUST GOD 101 9 czerwca 2017 o 21:54 
i see you are looking for a cs team to play on. add me and e can maybe find a spot for you. my team usally plays face it or esea. We have gone to a open tourny but we lost our 3rd match coming in 9th place. We have some people who are thinking of leavbign the team so some spots may come open. msg me so we can get in contact. we are looking for a new awper. Much appreiated. -Andrew
MateoDlite 16 marca 2017 o 5:57 
message me about trading bud willing to work out a deal