Buying Sets only | !rate
► !RATE = Shows the current rates of the bot.
► !STATS = Shows currencies stock of the bot.
► !SELLCHECK = Checks how many sets you can sell.
► !SELLTF [amount of TF keys] - Sell your sets for TF key(s).
► !SELLGEMS [amount of sets] - Sell your sets for gems.
[24/7 BOT] Sell Your Trading Card Sets to me (see !rate)

► !RATE = Shows the current rates of the bot.
► !STATS = Shows currencies stock of the bot.


► !SELLCHECK = Checks how many sets you can sell.
► !SELLTF [amount of TF keys] - Sell your sets for TF key(s).
► !SELLGEMS [amount of sets] - Sell your sets for gems.